Correct supplementary lighting of indoor plants – which are shade-tolerant and which are light-loving


Supplementing plants in winter

Supplementing plants in winter

The period has come, when the number of sunny days decreased and daylight hours decreased markedly. But the development of our green pets directly depends on its length and light intensity.. By changing the time of the photoperiod (daylight hours), flowers can be maintained in a state of vegetative growth. How to properly organize supplementary lighting of indoor plants, experts will tell.

Useful Tips

  1. To stimulate the flowering of chrysanthemums, kalanchoe, slum berger, punches, begonias Elatior, eternal, many orchids, it is necessary to reduce the length of daylight hours (no more 9-12 hours).
  2. Supplementing the views of long daylight hours (eg, gibiskus), you can artificially prolong their flowering.
  3. If the ornamental plant does not stretch and does not lose the color of the foliage, means, light is enough for him.
  4. The distance from the lamp to the crown of the crown should be as small as possible, but not less 15 cm. When it is doubled, the amount of light decreases by 4 times.
  5. Use a reflector, this increases the illumination of the collection.
  6. Follow, so that the flowers do not overheat from the lamps.
  7. Good, if artificial lighting is not a complete replacement, but only a supplement to sunlight.

Tatiana KUSHNIKOVA. plant protection specialist, r. Novosibirsk


Syngonium, epipremnum, scindapsus, philodendron, anthurium, ferns, aspidistra, aglaonema, dwarf ficus and others.

Can do without backlighting.


Most of the succulents, almost all bulbous, gas, haworthia, aloe, milkweed, pachypodium, hippeastrum, strelitzia, rosemary, feijoa, laurel noble, citrus fruits, etc..

Requires mandatory backlighting in low light conditions.


Tree ficuses, avocado, eucalyptus, balsam, Saintpaulia, begonia, kalanchoe, callisia, dracena, Schlumberger, cyclamen, most aroids, etc..

Tolerate a temporary lack of light. Backlight is desirable, but not required. They will not die without her, but the crown may lose compactness.

How I highlight plants in winter and an easy way to attach the backlight


Artificial light must fall on the plants from above. In this case, they will not waste strength and energy to change the position of the leaves.. To keep growing and blooming, necessary 12-14 hours of continuous lighting. Light intensity, at which a balance is achieved between photosynthesis and respiration for different plants, not the same. for example, light-loving need 5000-10000 lx, shade-tolerant - 700-2000 lx. Create groups of plants with approximately equal illumination.


Plants Recommended illumination, lx (luxury)
Aralievs (dizygote, fatshedera, fascia, ivy, police officers), aroid (aglaonema, allocation, dieffenbachia, мон­стера, philodendron, spathiphyllum), koleus, plectranthus, ferns, cissus, tetrastigma 2500-2700
Agave (agave, bokarney, cordyline, dracena), acanthus (afelandra, crossandra, fittonia, hypoesthesia, pahistahis), Gesneriaceae (hypocort, epic, streptocarpus, Saintpaulia), ficus, figs, dorstenia, akalifa, code, milk, yatrofa, эхмея, cryptanthus 2600-3000
Camellia, palm (hamedorea, hoveya, karyota), brovallia, brunfelsia, calceolaria, родохитон, cicas, snake, clerodendrum, lantana, saxifrage, tolmia 3000-3900
Amaryllis, clivia, hemanthus, hippeastrum, banana, heliconia, strelitzia, Garnet, хоя, ceropegia, stapelia, eonium, kalanchoe, pelargonium, gerbera, chrysanthemum, brachychiton, azalea, heather 4000-6000
Angular (adenium, allama, catharanthus, oleander, pachypodium), olive, jasmine, osmanthus, bugenvillea, rose flower, цитрусо­вые, мурая, passionflower, cacti (excluding epiphytic) 6000-7800
How to supplement indoor plants. Lamp 5 harvests


When plants are illuminated around the clock, the process of cell growth is inhibited by stretching.

A negative effect can manifest itself as the destruction of chlorophyll, yellowing leaves.

Some lamps increase the ambient temperature, exclude natural daily fluctuations, which also inhibits growth and development.

Unfavorable changes in external factors lead plants to a state of stress, for some species, such a factor is round-the-clock illumination.

© Author: Anatoly MIKHALTSOV. biologist, r. Omsk


24-hour plant illumination is undesirable, in most cases even harmful.

for example, in adult specimens, the cyclic alternation of light and darkness is disrupted, what inhibits the process of transition from vegetative to reproductive state - flowering and fruiting.

Choose the optimal length of daylight hours based on the needs of a particular plant, roughly: for tropical species - about 12 hours, for subtropical - 9-14 hours(depending on the season and stage of development).


Illumination intensity drops sharply as you move away from the light source. If there are many plants and they are of different heights, low ones will be shaded and their growth will slow down. What to do?

  1. Trim the taller tops. This will promote the growth of side shoots.. If you want to keep it, bend with an arch and secure with rope. As soon as the buds hatch in the axils of the lateral branches, remove the rope, lest the stem breaks, reaching for the light.
  1. Place low plants on stands.

© Author: Lilia MALTSEVA, agrochemist, r. Novy Oskol


Nuances of lighting plants at home

Creating a mini-vegetable garden on the window in winter, not to do without additional lighting. It is also important to observe the temperature regime.. Only onions and watercress grow well without a lamp.. But with supplementary lighting, vitamins accumulate in greens more.

  1. Light is one of the main conditions for the life and development of plants, after all without it photosynthesis is impossible, when organic matter is formed from water and carbon dioxide. As soon as loops appear on the surface of the soil, urgently rearrange boxes with crops or cups under the lamp (it must be installed at a height 10 cm from plants). Raise the lamp gradually as needed..
  2. The first 3-5 days seedlings need to be illuminated around the clock. Seedlings at an early stage of development do not yet have roots., which means, she cannot take food from the earth, but still has to get it from outside. It is at the expense of light that young sprouts will feed at the beginning of their journey., will form chunky. Roots are formed in a few days, and then the night light is not required. On average, the seedlings are illuminated to 14-16 hours.
  3. After the emergence of seedlings, you need to reduce the night temperature.. Plants breathe at any time of the day, and a large supply of food is consumed in the process. Let's assume, that your seedlings do not have enough light, which means, that with poor photosynthesis, nutrients are not formed enough. At night, when breathing, they are quickly consumed., and nothing is left for growth (here's a frail seedling).

When the night temperature drops, we create conditions, in which the plant breathes less intensively, which means, and spends less food.

© Author: Marina RYKAPINA, TV presenter, r. Samara


pleases, that there are more opportunities to provide indoor plants with artificial lighting. But the more difficult it is sometimes to choose the best option for lamps. We have prepared for you a "guide" to the most common.

Conventional incandescent light bulbs with tungsten filament Low light output, because more 90% all the energy consumed goes to heat, drying plant leaves. uneconomical. When hit by drops of water burst. May come in handy, eg, in a showcase with tropical plants for heating and lighting, but need a thermostat
Fluorescent low power, therefore, they are mounted in several pieces and be sure to install reflectors. Tolerates dirt and water droplets when spraying plants. Affordable. Little heat dissipation. energy saving. Use cold spectrum lamps, as from a warm plant they stretch
Phytolamps LED (LED) Better for photosynthesis (selected light waves), than previous, however, their lilac-pink glow is unnatural to human eyes.. Therefore, in residential premises, these special lamps are equipped with an external mirror reflector.
Arc mercury luminescent physiological (DRLF) They shine brightly and powerfully. Use in residential areas is prohibited due to eye exposure.. Suspended in greenhouses in the industrial cultivation of seedlings, in winter gardens, greenhouses
Arc sodium mirror (DNAZ) Favorable spectrum for photosynthesis, stable luminous flux. Equipped with a built-in mirror reflector, allowing all the light to be directed to the plants. Orange-yellow glow does not irritate the eyes, what is important when using lamps in living rooms. The disadvantages include the high price and bulky control device.



In autumn there comes a time of short daylight hours. Plants don't have enough light, what can cause them to stretch?, become weakened, metabolism is disturbed, increased risk of disease. therefore, to help green pets survive the autumn-winter period, I adhere to some recommendations.

I put plants closer to the windows (better for window sills), if they were away in spring and summer: on the shelves, tables, semi.

Many flowers (ficuses, succulents, tradescantia, pelargonium, etc.) can be moved from north to south, where the sun is not so warm, like in the summer. But then you need to carefully select the types.

Plants, located on the floor near the windows, I place it on different stands, to be higher and closer to the light.


It is better to illuminate plants with lamps.

If the collection is large, and many flowers have to be placed on shelves, away from windows (as, eg, I have), then special phytolamps are needed here. I use it with white and pink light, from 12 to 24 W. The power should be greater, the farther the plants are from a natural light source. I turn on the backlight: away from windows - from morning to evening (by 12-14 hours), on the windowsills - only in the evening, from 18 to 22 hours.

For a small collection, instead of expensive phytolamps, ordinary lamps are suitable (desktop, linear), to help support pets. for example, when I lived in an apartment, I had arrowroot growing near my aquarium. The lighting was only from a fish LED, plus moisture from water. As a result, the bush not only grew magnificently, but also bloomed often.

© Author: Татьяна СВЕТЛАНОВА, r. Rostov-on-Don


With the arrival of autumn, daylight hours have shortened.

As a result, our plants began to suffer from lack of lighting.. Watching them carefully, can be seen, that growth has slowed, the tilt toward the window has increased, Some people have longer internodes, someone grew a leaf smaller than the previous one, and also thinner and paler. That's what it is signs of lack of light. Tatiana DELVARI will tell you how to help green pets survive this difficult period, Candidate of Economic Sciences, a chemist, collector, experienced florist from St. Petersburg.


Plants look like this in low light conditions, as if they lack “building material”. And he, if you remember the school biology course, produced through the process of photosynthesis, which requires carbon dioxide, water and light. And if the same amount of the first two components remains, then the latter became much less in the fall. This is the result - saving on leaves, stem and search for light sources. How much does plants need for productive photosynthesis??

The problem is, that they and we perceive light differently: for us the room is light, for flowers - dark. People have enough 200-300 luxury in residential areas, and plants at such indicators will experience a severe lack of light. For them the minimum is 10 times more (2000-3000 luxury). In addition, most indoor crops come from the tropics, where daylight lasts 12 hours. That is, there may also be a shortage in terms of lighting time.


To understand, how much light does your particular plant receive?, need to measure, how many “luxuries” will reach it?. To do this, install the Lux Light application on your smartphone, “Luxmeter” or “Light Meter” and use it to measure the illumination near the plant (in the photo). If you live in the middle zone, you'll be surprised, what small values ​​will be in the corner of the room or a meter from the window. And on a cloudy winter day, the readings on the windowsill will also be below the minimum 2000-3000 Lk. Means, your plants lack light. Fortunately, there is a solution - you can use lamps or phytolamps.


Many people still associate the phytolamp with bright pink, "potassium permanganate" color. I'll tell you right away, that this is outdated technology. Modern devices, just the opposite, shine white and are called “full spectrum lamps”. Furthermore, for plants, “potassium permanganate” has no advantages over “white”.

But they have a clear disadvantage for humans in the form of irritating light. Nowadays many phytolamps from different manufacturers are sold. Choose any, which ones do you like in appearance?, fastening method, prices. the main thing, look carefully, so that it says “full spectrum” or “white light”.

And if the phytolamp shines white, how is it different from regular lamps?? In fact, There is still a difference in the spectra. Universal, which is suitable for increasing vegetative mass and flowering, light is currently considered to be a cold temperature (slightly bluish) with the addition of red LEDs. It is pleasing to the eye and suits all plants in all growth stages. In addition, phytodevices differ in power, as well as the shape and mounting capabilities.

However, phytolamps have a significant disadvantage - cost.. Even with the same power they are more expensive than regular ones, in favor of which many gardeners with large collections make their choice. As an alternative, LED lamps with a cool glow are suitable 40-60 W.


At what distance should the lamp be from the plant?? If approximately: how much is its power (Watt) - so many centimeters above the crown. That is, a lamp 18 W is placed approximately at a height 18 cm. More precise values ​​can be found, taking into account the light-loving nature of plants (cm. table) and measure the illumination with a smartphone lux meter.

Plant type in relation to light Examples of plants Cold light lamp, luxury
Shade tolerant Some begonias, green aglaonemas, aspidistra, дра­цены, ivy, peperomias 1500-3000
Low light Violets, tropical begonias, colored aglaonemas, папо­ротники, ficuses, north, shefflers 3000-6000
Medium illumination Aroid, such as anthuriums, alocasia, scindaptus and epipremnums, Calathei, phalaenopsis, codiaums, variegated ficus, variegated hoya, fuchsias 6000-11200
Photophilous Succulents, variegated philodendrons, monstery, cattle 11200-26100
Very photophilous Tropicaltrees, such as cocoa, citrus, avocado 26100-44800



To solve, how long does it take to illuminate the plant?, look at the length of daylight hours, sunrise and sunset times. And after sunset, turn on the lamps for as many hours, so that in total with the length of daylight hours there is 12 h. You can simply provide additional lighting for this time, without calculating anything, if it is constantly cloudy in your region (like here in St. Petersburg in autumn and winter), very little sun.

Most of my plants are on shelves in 2-3 m from the window and are completely exposed to artificial lighting. Year-round and daily 12 lamps shine on them for hours. The effect is visible, eg, by the lush growth of tropical alocasia (in the photo).


So that every day you don’t have to think about the need to control the operation of lamps, I use a timer on the socket. It needs to be configured once, and every day it will automatically turn the lamps on and off. Very comfortably!

How much do I spend on lighting?? We calculate according to the formula: cost of electricity per month = number of lamps x power (W) x additional lighting hours x number of days in a month x cost 1 kWh/1000. With my lighting mode, the sub-zone tariff of St. Petersburg: 1 phytolamp power 30 Watts per month costs 70 rub. A lot or a little, everyone decides for themselves. For me the opportunity to give the plants light, under which they definitely grow well, outweighs the costs.

Photo by the author


Lighting my indoor plants in winter with LED and fluorescent lights

6 thoughts on “Correct supplementary lighting of indoor plants – which are shade-tolerant and which are light-loving”

  1. Zoya BELOUSOVA, r. Karaganda

    In winter I add light to the plants, even if they stand on a sunny windowsill. I use LEDs in a multi-track table lamp and phytolamps with a bracket. I take into account the radiation spectrum, the frequency and amount of light depending on the plant and the season. Large and light-loving flowers hibernate under a powerful lamp on 75 W long 1 m, seedlings and cuttings - on 38 W with blue-red glow. Pelargoniums in the loggia are comfortable under LED lighting. I light up adult plants in the morning and evening by 2-3 o'clock. During the day they grow in natural light - south side and sunny loggia. Cuttings and seedlings stand in the room, where does the backlight work 12-14 hours.

    All lamps are installed on top and should not be heated. The distance from them to plants is from 10 see to 45 cm, optimal - 20-25 cm. Best emission spectra: blue (for seedlings) and red (for flowering and ripening fruits). With a lack of light, the leaves become small, turn yellow, dry up - noticed on those pelargoniums, which remain in the corners and the lighting from the lamps does not reach them. However, brown spots appear on the plates from its excess., flowers fall. I put specimens with a high crown away from the lamp. I raise it over the seedlings and cuttings as the pets grow older.

  2. Hemanthus white-flowered – I will add
    The best place for it is the western or eastern window sill.. In the southern summer, the plant should be shaded, protecting from direct sunlight and overheating; watering - abundant. You can take hemanthus out into the open air in partial shade. (balcony, garden), but you need to protect from precipitation and drafts.

    During the growth period until the beginning of flowering (blooms continuously from summer to autumn) the plant is fed every 2-3 weeks of complex fertilization. Hemanthus bulbs bloom at the age of 3 years.

  3. Many want, so that they bloom beautifully in winter, eg, saintpaulias or phalaenopsis, but at the same time, illumination is neglected. But pets are sorely lacking light. Hang at least one agro lamp above the windowsill and admire the strong flowering rosettes.
    If the plants are in a state of relative rest in a cool loggia or on a windowsill, they don't need extra light.. For them I turn on the lamp at the end of January, to maintain health and appearance.

    More often we focus on choosing a lamp by power.. But now there is no problem to select the right one according to various tables. I first of all pay attention to the spectrum graph. In one lamp you can see the predominance of blue, which is responsible for the development of the root system (seedlings or cuttings are compact, do not stretch). But for mature plants, so that they bloom or give a harvest, need more red. That's why I use two lamps at different stages of development.

  4. Irina STRUCKOVA, Cand. biol. Science, r. Nizhny Novgorod


    Winter on the streets, and everyone misses the sun, especially our plants. Some we sent to rest, others stretch and dry. If for us the lack of light is the cause of the seasonal blues, flowers need the sun for food. That’s why pets love it under lamps and lamps.
    Our green pets need red and blue light.. Moreover, the optimal intensity of illumination for them always seems too bright to the human eye. (like in an operating room). Based on these features, you need to select light sources. The most common are incandescent lamps. They are not very suitable for plants., since there are few blue colors in the spectrum of their radiation, have low light output, get very hot.
    If you still use such lamps for supplementary illumination, do a test - put your hand to the leaves of the plant. You must feel the warmth, but not fever!
    To provide our pets with the right amount of light, fluorescent devices are more suitable: they have higher light output, low thermal radiation and long service life. However, there is a drawback - the almost complete absence of red rays in the spectrum.

    Therefore, it is good to use these two types of lamps at once.. It was under such combined lighting that one New Year’s Eve my fragrant tobacco blossomed, sown for seedlings back in July. The smell of the New Year tree surprisingly mixed with the enchanting aroma of summer garden flowers..

  5. Larisa ILINA, r. Vitebsk

    I turn on the lamps above the flowers in the evenings until mid-March. Long ones are hung on the racks, in the form of tubes: above the shelves length 120 cm and width 40 cm - one luminescent per 40 W. For those who are particularly demanding of light (citrus, ficus benjamina, gibiskus, myrtle) - two LEDs per 19 W. Height above crowns - 10-20 cm. Although these lamps do not get very hot, I control with my hand (especially the plinths), so that the leaves do not get burned.

  6. Обычно пропагандирую хорошее освещение для растений как первостепенный источник успешного ухода. Вместе с тем нужно адекватно оценивать его количество. И сегодня хочу показать наглядный пример избытка света.
    На фото две алоказии Жаклин (Alocasia Jacklin) одного возраста. В какой-то момент я переставила одну из них (она под номером 2) под более мощную лампу Минифермер 30 W, 7500-8500 luxury, а вторую оставила под Uniel 18 W, 3500-4500 luxury. В результате изначально одинаковые растения стали сильно отличаться по внешнему виду.
    Признаки «пересвета»:
    сильно наклоненный черешок (как бы пытается сбежать от источника освещения);
    светлый лист (поменьше хлорофилла, чтобы уменьшить количество потребляемых световых частиц);
    более темный черешок (на него попадает больше света, means, нужно выработать больше светозащитных антоцианов).
    Что ж, возвращаю растение назад под Uniel. Зато наглядный эксперимент получился.

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