Aglaonema (Photo) planting and care at home


Aglaonema - PHOTO

Aglalonema – home care

Before meeting aglaonema, there was a feeling, that the plant is short and compact, completely uncomfortable and does not need shaping.

The variety of bizarre patterns and colors on the leaves attracted, however, I was not going to "bring" the aglaonema closer to me (I love beautiful blooming). But… meeting with friends, exchange of flowers. Imperceptibly cuttings of three varieties settled in the collection and took root, "Walking" as the bushes grow and grow from small to larger flowerpots.


The aglaonems won their place not the most shaded. They put up with distance from the light source, but at the same time the barrels are extended.

Cutting "on a stump" once or twice and rooting the cut tops to the mother plant, found them a brighter place. In winter, aglaonems share the south window with others aroid. In the summer I take them out to the loggia and put them in the shade of other plants in the back of the rack.

Aglalonema - home care

Aglaonema – PHOTO


At the end of August last year, she planted 3 specimen of Aglaonem in one large pot. Some stems later lengthened slightly, but I didn’t shorten them.

Gave time for adaptation. Then, from autumn to spring, this "flowerbed" occupied the light window sill of the southern loggia

- in the cool, a meter from outside windows, under the shadow of tabernemontana and coffee. By the summer, I moved the composition to a room on the south window at the very door of the loggia.


Aglaonema - PHOTO

Aglalonema – home care

I water aglaonems as the soil dries up.

In winter in the loggia + 14 city., and substrate (universal primer with the addition of sand, cut moss, charcoal and handfuls of leafy earth) does not release moisture so quickly. In summer, I moisten the soil more often and abundantly.. Occasionally I feed the beauties with a weak solution of universal fertilizer.

It seems, they agreed". Have grown to look like one. Greens, silver and red brushstrokes of the leaves resonate wonderfully with each other.

© Author: Elena KHOMICH. Balashikha Photo by the author



Aglaonema from seed

Aglaonema from seed

My aglaonemes in 2021 year actively bloomed. While I was thinking, what to do with them, fruits have begun to set. left to see, what will happen next, and before the crops "inspected".


A couple of years ago, I told the readers of the magazine about "aglayushki" - three varieties in one large flowerpot. Nice and compact. They chose the southern loggia. Stand a meter away from outside windows, blinds shade them from the direct sun. The window is open all the warm season.

And whether the breeze "worked", did the bees fly?, but part of the cradle flowers tied fruit. At the inflorescence (dense cylindrical cob covered with a bract) the upper most part is the male zone, and a small lower one is female. All this is clearly seen from the fruits-berries that appeared at the bottom of the cob after pollination and the drying top.. Large, elongated fruitlets change color from green to bright orange and red as they mature..

Aglaonema from seed

Aglaonema from seed


I waited for the ripening of six fruits on three inflorescences and then cut everything off. The end of December is not the best time for sowing, but for the first time I held aglaonema seeds in my hands, did not know the expiration dates and expiration dates, so I decided not to postpone the procedure.

Araceae juice can cause skin irritation, therefore, she worked in rubber gloves and, with the help of bags, peeled off the skin with the juicy pulp of the fruit. Then she washed the released seed-stones in water.. Dried on a napkin.

in a pot (0, 5 l) laid a thin layer of moss on the bottom - and it will collect excess moisture, and the substrate will not let sleep, Yes, and it is safer to water until sprouts appear through the pan. The container is half filled with universal soil. I spread the seeds on it and covered it with soil a couple of centimeters on top. Covered with a plex plate. Put in a warm place.

The first sprout sprouted only after 1, 5 months. By April, all six seeds had sprouted..


Young aglaonems are unpretentious. Stand next to mature bushes.

I water as needed, adding small doses of organic fertilizer once a month to the water in the summer.

In November, the seedlings were transferred to a larger pot, without disturbing the roots and without planting separately.

Green mass develops slowly. Today, plants have two small leaves.. The first - with light spots on a darker, than the parent instances, record. The second one is much lighter.. What will they look like as adults?, It's not clear yet. I think, by the summer and with an increase in the volume of the pot, something will become clear. I'm not looking forward to the unusual., but even if one will differ from the parent varieties, I'll leave it in the collection.

© Author: Elena KHOMICH. r. Balashikha Photo by the author


This spectacular plant is becoming more and more popular with flower growers.. It is unpretentious and easy to care for., especially green-silver varieties.

Aglaonema needs diffused light, slight shading allowed. In bright direct sun, the plant is uncomfortable.

I water the beauty abundantly after a good drying. It is necessary to exclude stagnant moisture.

It is desirable to increase the humidity, but under normal conditions, the plant feels good.

I feed the bushes 2 once a month with complex fertilizer (you can add prolonged type granules to the soil, eg, The Eighth),

My aglaonemas grow in pots by the volume of the roots (do not need flowerpots for growth). The soil is loose, crumbly, air, adding perlite, coarse vermiculite, coconut, coal, zeolite, moss.

The photo shows my agglaonema

The photo shows my agglaonema


Aglaonema can be propagated by dividing the bush during transplantation, dropping a grown baby.

stem cuttings, obtained by cutting, perfectly forms roots in water, ground, mhe. All you need is high humidity - a greenhouse.

© Author: Natalia KOSMINA, Altai region. Photo by the author


Aglaonema. Care, transfer, reproduction. Tips from the company your garden


2 thoughts on “Aglaonema (Photo) planting and care at home”

  1. Ekaterina TULINOVA, r. St. Petersburg.

    Аглаонема в зимнем саду

    Отросток растения (якобы циссуса амазонского) мне подарили на работе. Там его и укоренила для зимнего сада. Позже выяснилось, что выращиваю аглаонему кудрявую. Она любит опрыскивание, не выносит сухого воздуха (дома я купала бы ее периодически под теплым душем). Стоит вдалеке от большого окна, получая рассеянное освещение. Поливаю красавицу по мере просыхания грунта. Подкармливаю сухим удобрением для комнатных растений, рассыпая раз в месяц по влажному субстрату (according to instructions). Размножить аглаонему можно делением куста или черенками.

      Это декоративно-лиственное медленнорастущее неприхотливое растение хорошо подходит для гостиной, рабочего кабинета, кухни, офиса. Оно прекрасно сочетается с зелеными видами. Чтобы сохранился рисунок на листьях, не ставьте цветок в тени. Не спешите пересаживать куст, достаточно переваливать его раз в 3 of the year in spring, когда корни оплетут весь земляной ком. Оптимальный почвенный субстрат: sod land, leafy, peat, sand (1:1:1:2). Для поддержания высокой влажности воздуха, кроме опрыскивания листьев, можно поставить горшок с растением в емкость с влажным торфом. Оберегайте питомца от сквозняков, дыма, застоя воды.
      COUNTS, что аглаонемы хорошо подходят для людей замкнутых, занятых умственным трудом, и тех, кто большую часть своей жизни проводит за письменным столом, компьютером. Активизируют оба полушария головного мозга, помогают при нарушениях его кровообращения.

      Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Cand. biol. Science

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