SCINDAPSUS – epipremnum (Photo) planting and care at home


Modern botanical name of the plant – epipremnum (Epipremnum), old titles – Pothos and Rafidophora.

According to the new classification, many of them now belong to the genus Epipremnum.. However, there are practically no differences between these species, experts distinguish them by the location of the rudiments of aerial roots on the stem. And among amateur flower growers, both names have become synonymous.

My grandmother always kept a lot of flowers at home.. Sure, decades ago, these were unpretentious houseplants such as pelargoniums, asparagus, centenarians and ficus. And among them was one exotic liana, which I just adored since childhood, -scindapsus, or epipremnum.

Of course, these names were unknown to anyone then, and in everyday life a beautiful "southerner" with leathery green leaves in the form of large teardrop-shaped hearts was called strange: "husband-gon". In the common people, it is also called "devil's ivy".

When we moved to a new apartment (grandmother was no longer alive), mother did not want to take the "husband" with her, referring to "bad omen", associated with its name: according to beliefs, "devil's ivy" drives the husband or groom out of the family, and also destroys the hearth. But we, florists, we know: it cleans the air well, absorbing harmful substances, inevitable in an urban environment (xylene and various formaldehydes).

Epipremnum plant, aka Scindapsus? Muzhegon or heartthrob – let's figure it out | Indoor creeper


Once at a friend's I saw a fellow of our "husband", braiding the wall in her kitchen. The plant was very beautiful., with shiny green leaves, embellished with golden flecks and cream strokes. It turned out to be not just a species of golden scindapsus, but his variety is the Golden Queen. Sure, I asked my friend for a piece of beauty. Since then, for a decade and a half, it has been growing with me., turning into a luxurious liana.

I studied all his habits and preferences, because at first, out of ignorance, she nearly killed her pet several times.



I got so attached to my first scindapsus, that at the moment I have "registered" several varietal plants, which not only please with picturesqueness and unpretentiousness, but also play a major role in the landscaping and design of the apartment.

Liana grows very fast, if everything suits her, so scindapsus – our faithful assistant in quickly decorating any nondescript corner of an apartment or office. At home, the plant does not bloom. Its decorative effect lies in the beauty of the leaves..

Scindapsus has not only a fibrous underground root system, but there are also aerial roots, which help the liana climb high on tree trunks in nature and spread along the ground. In indoor conditions, it is a climbing plant., however, it can be grown not only by stretching along the wall, which is familiar to creepers, but also in ampelous form, descending from a tall cabinet, shelves or refrigerators, and also the formation of a small bush, regularly trimming long lashes. I recommend leaving small, neat twigs in the pot., enough space everywhere, and you can put them on a wire half-ring-support, on a plastic or bamboo "ladder". I saw a scindapsus in a flower shop, picturesquely climbing a powerful dracaena.



Scindapsus belongs to the aroid family. (Araceae), that is, its natural habitat is the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Therefore, in our apartments, he prefers a similar climate.: high humidity, warmly, bright, but no direct sun light. Best of all, in the warm season, the liana develops at a temperature of 20-25 °. In winter you have to watch, so that the room is not colder than 12 °. Liana would be nice to place at a distance of about 2 m from the sunny window. But you need to take into account, that variegated varieties need brighter lighting, than green-leaved forms, otherwise, the colorful pattern on the foliage may fade and even disappear.

If the pot is placed in a completely dark place, then this will lead to a strong extension of the stem, shallowing and even flying around foliage, what happened to me once. But if you lose a few leaves, you should not be very upset. If you create favorable conditions for the plant, then a new shoot will grow from the embryonic air root next to the fallen leaf.



A pot for such a large plant is required depending on the size of the vine and the development of its root system.. I once made a big mistake with my first guest.: planted in a deep and wide flowerpot, yes even with moisture-intensive soil, and began to water diligently (a plant from the tropics!). And almost lost, but he himself made me understand my illiteracy, dropping leaves and ugly exposing whips. Now I use medium size pots, where I place several copies at once. Replant as needed, But not often, only when the roots start to peek out of the drainage holes. And once a year I change the top layer of soil in flowerpots and add fresh nutrient. For fertilizer I use universal means, suitable for most ornamental foliage plants, and from time to time I treat my pets with coffee grounds and tea leaves, burying them in the ground. Creepers immediately respond to treats and, in general, to care by building up lashes., large bright leaves.

The plant is quite resistant to pests., so sometimes I just spray the whips with boiled warm water, to prevent the appearance, eg, spider mite. I water with filtered and settled water at room temperature, waiting for the soil to dry, but of course, not completely dry. Although the plant forgives, if not pour, going on vacation even 3 weeks. With a strong waterlogging of the soil, the scindapsus will not immediately rot, but first weep droplets on the tips of the leaves. Liana several meters long is unrealistic to remove from the wall without damage, to shower, therefore, in this case, I manage with a spray bottle and rare rubbing of the leaves with wet cotton swabs.

Scindapsus is easily propagated by cuttings., Why is it enough to cut small pieces of the stem (better with air roots) and put them in water. When true roots appear, cuttings can be planted in the ground..


I now grow varieties of two types of epipremnum: golden and painted. Epipremnum golden (Epipremnum aureus, Scindapsus aureus) represented by four varieties: Neon (Neon) with bright lemon, in any weather "sunny" leaves, Golden Quinn (Golden Queen) with a golden pattern on a green leaf, Marble Quinn (Marble Queen) with marbled yellow, white and beige sheet. And also N-Joy's pet (N-Joy) with magnificent coloring of light green leaves with white and beige wide strokes.



Scindapsus aureus is obsolete today, but still used synonymous names – pothos golden (Pothos aureus) and golden rafidophora (Raphidophora from urea).



My undoubted pride and love – cultivar Argyreus elipremnum painted, or pictosis (Epipremnum pictus). Also, this species is found under the names of painted scindapsus (Scindapsus pictus), pothos painted (Pothos pictus). Its heart-shaped teardrop-shaped leaves appear velvety or velor.. They are dark green with white and silver spots.. Silver leaf edging. He came to me by accident: a very small rooted cutting died in the store as a re-sorting. And I was not mistaken in saving him.



Like this, despite the unsightly nickname "husband", scindapsus firmly settled in my house without any negative manifestations. I think, that he acquired his offensive name in connection with the ancient Greek legend, narrating about the hostile relationship between the gods Zeus and Hera, because the goddess Hera could not stand this plant. But this is their own business..




Tell, you are welcome, about houseplant epipremnum. And I have, and many of my friends have it. Does he have any nuances of growing? Marina Kholodova, r. Moscow

Epipremnum – a plant with a complex name, but surprisingly easy to care for, it will be liked first of all by those, who wants to have a flower, well take care of him – not.

This liana will be the highlight of any interior., will grow well in an apartment, private house, and if necessary, then the office will effectively decorate.

For home gardening, plants are better than you can imagine, considering his extreme unpretentiousness.

The length of the vine in its natural habitat often reaches forty meters., well, at home it often grows no more than five meters.

Tolerates epipremnum water deficiency, tolerates a lack of light and at the same time elegantly cleans the air in the room, improving the general condition of people.

The ideal care for this wonderful plant is to maintain diffused light., as well as choosing a medium-sized pot and ordinary store soil for flowers.

As for the temperature, then epipremnum lives in comfortable conditions for you and me, when the temperature at night drops to 21 degrees, and in the afternoon rises to 22-23 degrees.

If it grows poorly, then you can add nitroammophoska, for what literally 5 g of fertilizer must be dissolved in 5 l of water and pour over 100 ml for every liter of potting soil.

In winter, December to early March, the plant requires only moderate watering, once a month (abundantly) or once a week (slightly). Well, in March it is advisable to water once a week, keeping the soil well, and move it to the east or west window (in winter it is better to keep on the south window).

If you notice dried leaves, then delete them, so as not to spoil the decorative appearance of the plant.


Scindapsus { or Epipremnum } Argyreus – variegated liana | Overview of the silver variety of Scindapsus


Scindapsus. Как сциндапсус ответил на мой уход за ним!?

© Author: AND. MALAKHOVA Moscow

2 thoughts on “SCINDAPSUS – epipremnum (Photo) planting and care at home”

  1. Режим для сциндапсуса
    У купленного сциндапсуса потемнели кончики листьев и на пластинках появились «вмятины» (in the photo). Опрыскал «Фитовермом», потом начал регулярно брызгать зеленым мылом. Хотя вредителей на растении не вижу. Что с ним?

    1. Такие бурые пятна, похожие на механические повреждения, могут быть от нерегулярного полива: когда немного пересушивают грунт, а потом заливают. Клетки листовой пластинки при таком режиме лопаются, клеточный сок из них вытекает, и образуются пятна. Они не опасны, но декоративность сциндапсуса снижают. Постарайтесь поливать растение умеренно и обязательно регулярно!

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