Houseplants and indoor flowers shed their leaves – causes


Autumn came, we returned the plants to the house, who spent their summers in the garden or on the balcony. maybe, someone managed to acquire new products. How amazing, if green friends continue to delight with beauty together! However, it happens, that in October they suddenly begin to shed their leaves. What is the reason? How to deal with it? Let's deal with biologist Natalia SEMENOVA.


Group Plants The reason for November What to do
NOVEMBER Fig, common pomegranate, lagerstremia indian, гинкго двулопастный, mulberry black, hibiscus syrian, palm-shaped maple Norm Place in a cool place, can you dark
HALF-STEEL Bugenville Temperature is lower +10 city. Do not chill below +5 city., at temperatures above +10 city, need a bright light
Rose miniature Temperature is lower +5 city. Cool wintering, with full leaf fall, you can keep in the dark
Ficus sacred and grungy Drought Normalize watering regime, под­светка
Mrs. Thomson's Clerodendrum Lack of light, dry air Temperature - +15 city., moderate watering, bright light
EVERGREEN Hibiscus chinese, ficus benjamin and rubber Lack of light, spider mite, hypothermia Backlight, regular warm shower, temperature -+16-18 city.
Ficus small-fruited and dull Lack of light, improper watering Backlight, watering normalization
Citrus crops Lack of light, heat, improper watering Backlight, temperature -+10-16 city., watering normalization
Common myrtle Lack of light, heat, improper watering Backlight, regular shower, темпера­тура — +10-14 city.
Motley codiaum Sudden changes in temperature, drafts, lack of light, improper watering Backlight, remove from heating devices, increase air humidity, regular warm shower, темпе­ратура — +18 city., no drafts and no cooling of the earthy clod
Azalea (indoor varieties) Overdrying or overwetting of the soil, warm winter content, watering with cold water, ice coating, dry air Content from October to December - +6-10 city.; January February - +10- 15 city.; in the spring during flowering - + 17-20 city.; moderate watering with soft water at room temperature



Plants resting in the coolness do not feed. For those overwintering in a warm place with good lighting, they continue to apply fertilizers in a half dose.. With a lack of light, they do not feed.




Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves, which requires sunlight of sufficient intensity, temperature not lower +5 city., water and carbon dioxide. Under unfavorable conditions, the plant is forced to abandon the leaves, so as not to waste energy and nutrient reserves on them.

Почему опадают листья у комнатных растений?


Do not pick green leaves from deciduous plants. They are transferred to a dark place only after the complete natural shedding of foliage..

Semi-deciduous (semi-evergreen) species shed their leaves under unfavorable conditions, eg, drought, decrease in temperature. Such specimens easily recover after the onset of a favorable environment..

In evergreens, the replacement of old leaves is gradual throughout the year.. In unfavorable conditions, this process can be accelerated.. Strong leaf fall is a signal for quick measures to improve the situation and prevent death.

It is impossible to transplant specimens shedding leaves - this is unnecessary and unnecessary stress for them.. Do not feed the plants during leaf fall - the reason here is not starvation and not a small amount of soil.


Suffer badly on windowsills from the cold sansevieria, code, gibiskus, adenium, aglaonema, philodendron, anthurium, ficus. On the leaves of violets, column, Eschi Nantus, cool air can leave large light spots.


Place the pots on low stands. Block the window sill with plants from the cold air from the opening sash of the window with a transverse screen made of glass or double polycarbonate about 1 -1,5 m. Standing on the floor, especially near the balcony, it is advisable to raise large specimens at least a little.


Low air humidity and warmth contribute to the rapid reproduction of spider mites. Frequent spraying and humidifiers will help fight the pest..

If there is no insulated balcony for wintering citrus fruits, rosemary, myrtle, camellias, chrysanthemums, you can put them on the windowsill, on the edge of which, from the side of the room, install a glass or polycarbonate screen above the crowns of plants. It will also be good for blooming azaleas and cyclamens..

For small plants, eg, cactus, can be attached tightly to the glass aquarium, laying it on its side open side.

Dry air sensitive calatheas, saline, some ferns,selagi-nella, put fittonias in tall transparent containers and cover with a foil or transparent lid on top.

Screen, lowered from the windowsill, protects large batteries from hot air, hibiscus standing on the floor, ficus, philodendron, spathiphyllum.


  1. You can lower the temperature, without going beyond the permissible limits for each species. This will slow down the metabolism and put the plants to sleep.. However, many plants (citrus, myrtle, oleander, laurel) along with coolness, bright lighting is required. Cool Anthurium, philodendron, monstera, codiaum also need additional light. The problem can be solved with fluorescent and LED lamps (Ra - not less 80). The lower the lamp is above the plants, the more effective it is.. The lower level will depend on the angle of light scattering and lamp heating (control by hand; usually enough, so that the leaves do not touch the lamp and socket). The top level should not exceed 40 cm.
  2. Aroid, ficuses, ferns, begonias can grow under artificial light all year round, violets, abutilon, colum-nei will bloom. It is convenient to place them on shelves or shelves. The duration of the light period for short-day plants – 8-10 hours, for others - 10-14 hours with the obligatory alternation of day and night.



In the spring I bought two lemon trees in tubs. Stood all summer in the garden under the apple tree, and in the fall, leaves began to drop in the house. How to help plants?


Leaf fall in citrus is possible with a sharp change in conditions and a lack of light. Loss of foliage will severely weaken the plants. You need to bring them into the room in advance and additionally illuminate (daylight hours - 12 hours) fluorescent or LED lamps.

To restore, spray the crown with "Epinom" (according to instructions). Prepare a place for the trees for a cool (+12-16 city.) wintering. It can also be equipped on a windowsill, fencing off the room with a glass or polycarbonate screen. Protect plants from radiator heat and frosty drafts,

On an insulated unheated balcony (loggias) put wooden coasters under the pots and watch the thermometer readings. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, this provokes leaf fall. Keep the soil slightly damp when cool, avoiding drying out. Do not feed the plant or water it with warm water, so as not to cause an early exit from the dormant state.

At room temperature, care normally, only by reducing the frequency of fertilizing and the dose of fertilizers (once a month - 1 /2 from the recommended amount). Lack of light in a warm room leads to depletion of the plant and loss of leaves. If the thermometer reads above +18 city., spray the trees several times a day, humidify the air with a special device, hang a wet cloth on the battery or place trays of water on them.

In order to prevent the appearance of a spider mite, irrigate the crown of the plant with cold water, especially the underside of the leaves


Fruit Plants Content temperature (city.) and lighting
Fig, Garnet + 1-5, can be in the dark. Deciduous plants
Citrus crops + 14-16, preferably backlit. They do not live long without a cool wintering
Olive +5-15, preferably backlit. For flowering, you must endure at least 2 months at temperatures below +10
Laurel, myrtle, rosemary +8-15, not less +5, backlighting is desirable. Winter rest is mandatory

© Author: H. SEMENOVA, biologist. collector


Почему ОПАДАЮТ ЛИСТЬЯ у комнатных растений | What to do? | Причины опадения

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