Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: Aug. Sept




After flowering, plant the offspring of cinnabar clivia.

Cut back the oleander that has grown over the summer in August. This will allow him to give new shoots before the end of the season and lay buds on them for flowering in May-June next year.. Divide cut shoots into cuttings and put in water. When the roots appear, plant in pots with a loose fertile substrate.

After flowering, shorten the Kirkazon to the desired length. If nessesary, do a rejuvenating or stimulating side shoot pruning, leaving 3-4 kidneys above the site of last year's procedure.

In clerodendrum, with a haircut and pinching, maintain a cous-like shape..

Until mid-August, cut the cuttings into a length of 10-12 cm with ay-cuba japanese (try not to injure the leaves, which immediately turn black) and put in water. They will quickly take root. Plant in turf mix, humus and sand (2:2:1).

Begin to cut the ear-shaped pig, pelargonium, fuchsias, shrub chrysanthemum, brugmansia. Use apical cuttings with 2-3 pairs of leaves. Root in wet sand.

Stem apical (the length 6-7 cm) callisia cuttings, root-giving, plant several pieces in one pot.

Cut and rejuvenate old, lost their decorative tradescantia. Cuttings length 10-25 see quickly form roots in water. For a quick decorative effect in one pot with compost substrate, humus, sand (1:1:1) plant on 5-10 plants.

To hippeastrum bloom for the New Year, from the end of August, keep the bulbs in pots at a temperature + 16-18 city., limiting watering first, and then completely stopping. The rest period should be 45-55 days (until half of October).

Beautiful poinsettia does not like high temperatures, so find a cool one for her (+15-20 city.) shaded place.

So that the roots have constant access to air, try carefully, without damaging the roots located near the surface, destroy the soil crust in a pot.

Leaf zygocactus and Schlumberger start in August (continue in September) limit watering, providing them with a short rest period, so that in December-January succulents will please with lush flowering.

In the camellia, citrus crops, avoid yellowing of the leaves. These plants do not absorb some nutrients, eg, iron, if the substrate contains a lot of calcium, - resulting in chlorosis. Therefore, feed them with special fertilizers., increasing soil acidity.

Shade-tolerant weaving saxifrage water abundantly, without allowing the substrate to dry out, as well as souring. Feed a couple of times a month with a liquid ornamental fertilizer.. The plant blooms all summer. Copies that have lost their decorative effect over time can be replaced with young ones., grown from easily rooted daughter outlets.

On the open terrace, shade the tender young leaves of plants from the scorching sun on the balcony, eg, placing a beach umbrella over them.

Monitor potting soil moisture. Spill it until the water exits the pan, to "drunk" all the roots. The higher the temperature of the plant, the stronger its need for moisture, and should be watered more frequently.. However, in the heat (higher +28 city.) many species experience stunted growth and reduced need for water. Remember, that the loss of turgor leaves, brown spots on them - a sign of how the root system is drying out, and waterlogging, decay.

Pinch off or prune fading Cape mullet flowers regularly., because they don't fall off, and start to rot right on the plant, creating a favorable environment for the development of fungal diseases. At the same time, shorten too long shoots..

Do not forget to prune the oleander that has grown in height and width in mid-August. This haircut is also important because, that before the end of summer new shoots and flower buds will have time to form. Then next year the bush will bloom in May-June.


August is the month of "surprises"! Hot days are abruptly replaced by a cold snap, then dry wind blows, then a prolonged rain begins How to help indoor plants to survive an unfavorable period and meet autumn healthy, blooming, delighting with lush foliage?


for example, in the heat, ventilation is not very effective, but still keep your windows and doors open. Spraying and water containers next to the collection are required. Watering at this time is not fractional daily, but full and abundant. For a well-watered specimen, the sheet is fully expanded., the edges are not folded towards the top, nor to the underside, elastic plate, not sluggish and not wrinkled. The water should be warm, since the cold plant experiences physiological shock. Even more important, keep moisture in the substrate as long as possible: through 2 days after watering, loosen the layer of soil crust and mulch the surface. Temperature difference (day and night, change of weather) also a strong test for flowers. therefore, besides proper care, need to look for additional protection.


Chitosans come to the rescue, the peculiarity of the action of which is to activate the triggering of genes, responsible for defense reactions. Florists and gardeners have long known the preparations of this series - Ecogel, Narciss et al. Their combined use with "Immunocytofit" will provide a stronger "armor". I will note, that most immunomodulators also stimulate growth and development. Similar products are also suitable., but only a broad spectrum of action, eg, "Silk", "Fish". "Stimulus", "Zircon", "Energen" and various humates. These drugs will also come in handy in the house., and in the garden.


Simple and affordable

Support Plants, which are weakened, develop poorly, do not lay buds, succinic acid helps me: I breed first 2 g with a little water, and when the powder dissolves, add up 2 l. Spilling on slightly damp ground (it is convenient to bring under the root in the apartment; on the balcony and on the plot - I spray on the sheet). I remove the excess from the pallets later 2-3 o'clock.

After two such treatments with an interval of two weeks, to stimulate flowering, I sprinkle the surface of the substrate (can be mixed with top soil) a thin layer of wood ash. Its only drawback is that it alkalizes the soil., that's why I don't use it often. However, it helps plants under adverse conditions..


I add succinic acid and ash to phalaenopsis, violets, which bloom magnificently all summer, although after winter they looked weakened. I noticed a good effect on muraya and oxalis with burgundy leaves. In the garden, along with organo-mineral fertilizers (according to instructions) I bring these funds for petunias: at first, so that the seedlings take root, sprayed 2 times with succinic acid at intervals of two weeks, and then once every three weeks she began to sprinkle the soil with ashes. I will notice, that I do not use them for cacti, excluding forest: Decembrist and Epiphyllum, after mixing once a month the top layer of soil with a small amount of ash, went into intensive growth.

Succinic acid is also suitable for the prevention of the depressed state of green pets; double treatment with an interval of two weeks.

© Author: Veronika Borusevich


Summer flew by unnoticed, not only for us, but also for green pets. But there is no time to be sad! Setting up for autumn, because in the golden age there are still many important things to do. At the same time, we remember the great gift of summer "holidays" - in the sun and fresh air, the flowers got stronger and gained strength before the difficult cold season. And now is the time to prepare plants for "moving" into the house!


When in the spring we transported our favorite flowers to the garden or put them on the balcony, then treated them in advance from the appearance of possible pests and diseases. They did it with systemic drugs of a wide spectrum of action.. Now it is necessary to repeat, so as not to bring harmful "guests" into the house. What drugs to choose? Pay attention to effective tank mixes (table on p. 9), who work in an integrated manner.

Treat the bushes a few days before returning to the premises. If during this time they are still in the fresh air, add Liposam adhesive to the tank mixture for spraying (will not let the rain wash away the drug from the leaves).


When applied under the root, the protective effect of the drugs lasts up to two months.

For fruit crops, it is desirable to use biological agents (Fitoverm, "Fitosporin" and DR.)

When drawing up tank mixtures, it is better to dilute the preparations separately according to the instructions, and then mix in one container.


If already at the beginning of September there is a threat of frost, bring containers with plants from the open balcony into the room, from the garden - to the bright glazed veranda or to the greenhouse.

At the end of the season, it is undesirable to spray the flowers with anti-stress drugs - they can stimulate the growth of bushes, preparing for rest.


Warm wintering is suitable for people from the tropics (gibiskusu, dracene, ficus). the main thing, so that in these conditions there was enough light. Such types are usually provided with additional illumination with phytolamps up to 12 hours a day. Sure, a person living in a room with illumination of the red-blue spectrum of rays is uncomfortable, eyes get tired. Therefore, you can completely get by with a household fluorescent lamp., emitting white light. Plants will not bloom with this., however, they will survive the winter safely.

NECESSARILY! When will the heating be turned on, start to increase the humidity. Spray the bushes regularly.

Cool content is essential for subtropical evergreen species (oleander, myrtle, citrus, laurel, rosemary). Optimum temperature - +12-15 city. Prepare window sills and glazed balconies for them. VALUABLE ADVICE In the loggia, you can arrange crops according to their temperature needs. Need some coolness? Place flowerpots lower and closer to street walls. On the upper shelves there are up to +18-20 city. Such, slightly reduced, the temperature in good light is especially popular with bougainvillea.

  1. "Underground" conditions are required for deciduous and semi-deciduous plants. Large-leaved hydrangea, Garnet, figs, fuchsia, rose flower, chrysanthemum may well hibernate in a frost-free cellar. It is only important to wait for their complete leaf fall (it is just beginning now). If you keep these cultures in the loggia, then cover them with dense dark spunbond.


Provide ventilation for flowers, so as not to rot. Follow, so that the soil in the containers does not dry out.

AUGUST - how to care for indoor plants.

How to care for indoor plants in SEPTEMBER. Seasonal florist work.

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA. Cand. biol. Science, r. Yalta

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