Asparagus from seed


I propagate adult asparagus by dividing the root during a spring transplant, and last year in early spring I decided to sow seeds. What is amazing; seedlings grew from one bag, slightly different from each other: some have wider needles, others have more. Generally, it turned out interesting and exciting.




Sowing seeds in a transparent container in early March, put it in a zip bag and placed it in the shade on the windowsill at a temperature of about +20 city. Opened only a month later, when there is not enough space for seedlings. Replaced the shelter with a plastic bag, and the seedlings continued to actively increase the green mass. A month and a half after sowing, she transplanted the plants into separate pots. Covered with bags for a few days. As I grew, I loaded asparagus into larger flowerpots..


For the summer I take asparagus outside. They are especially good in the gazebo - they are sheltered from the rain and protected from the scorching rays of the sun. A not too dense crown of a tree will suit them. It is better not to put plants on the ground in the garden, to protect from pests. I try to place them on shelves or hang them. If the flowers still stood below for a while, then I carefully examine them, up to that, that I take out of the pot and examine the soil and roots. the main thing, detect and recognize parasites in time.

I water in the summer according to the scheme: in the heat - once in 4 days abundantly (early morning or evening), on ordinary days - once a week. As it gets colder, I moisturize even less often (in the fall - once in 10 days).

I feed the plants mainly with universal fertilizers for indoor and flowering species (according to instructions) : during the period of active growth - once in 2 weeks, by autumn - once a month. I especially like the liquid food "Bona Forte for rooms", which I alternate with "Biohumus".


Asparagus from seed

Asparagus from seed. [Hope and Peace]

© Author: Elena BALYAVINA, Krasnodar region. Photo by the author


3 thoughts on “Asparagus from seed”

  1. Asparagus pinnate
    If necessary, you can transplant the plant. Optimal substrate: leafy and der new earth, humus, sand (1: 0,5:1:1). Water sparingly, without flooding. Spray well with soft water. Periodically replace watering with loosening.

  2. Оторвала с куста аспарагуса перистого несколько листьев-веточек. Можно ли их использовать для размножения растения? Как правильно укоренять побеги?

  3. Natalia SEMENOVA, biologist. collector

    Аспарагус щетинковидный (Asparagus setaceus) или щетинистый, перистый можно черенковать. Листья у растения редуцированы в чешуйки, а то, что похоже на листву или вайи папоротников, это — фотосинтезирующие побеги, именно их и берут для размножения. Посадите небольшие стеблевые черенки в смесь торфа и песка, желательно с применением «Корневина». Обязательно обеспечьте тепличку с высокой влажностью воздуха. Корни образуются примерно за 1 -1,5 months.
    Bright diffused, с небольшим количеством солнечных лучей (утром или вечером). При недостатке света могут отмирать боковые веточки — кладодии, плохо развиваются побеги
    Оптимальная — +20-25 city, (зимой при недостатке света нужна прохлада). В жару начинают желтеть и опадать ветви, поэтому необходимы хорошая вентиляция и частые опрыскивания Летом — регулярный и обильный, после просыхания верхнего слоя грунта. При снижении освещенности и температуры содержания полив сокращают
    Top dressing
    During active growth, from spring to autumn, комплексными универсальными удобрениями

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