The most unpretentious HOME plants to care for




Sometimes I had to leave my houseplants unattended for extended periods., therefore, over time, I determined, which of them are the most hardy and unpretentious.

In the forefront aloe - plant, which can surprise. Feels great in a wide variety of conditions: in the hot sun outdoors, in half-shadows, in the shadow. Not afraid of drought, will survive with excessive watering (without moisture stagnation).

The same "ascetic" can be called kalanchoe. Long without water - it doesn't matter, tolerates abundant watering. Not afraid of hot weather, no low positive temperatures. Doesn't like bathing.

Bamboo (dracena Sandera) - just "Spartan". Turns green, surviving, in pots with water, which can only be changed once a month. Lives beautifully as in the shade, and in bright light.

Самые неприхотливые растения для дома//ТОП15

Tolstyanka, or money tree, - a real "fighter" for life. Its small dense leaves are capable of retaining moisture for a long time., and prolonged drought, dry air is not terrible for the plant. And to multiply, only one piece of paper is needed. I plant it in the ground or put it in water - and after a few days the roots appear.

Temporary drought and lack of light are not scary ficuses. They perfectly tolerate various "hardships" and grow, revealing as if by magic sheet by sheet.

Echeveria (stone rose) I water once a week, in winter - once a month. "Hot" succulent feels good at low positive temperatures.

Chlorophytum many "settle" in the kitchen, claiming, that he cleans the atmosphere of negative energy (but most of the time we spend in the kitchen). Cascading green leaves with a white border decorate the house, while also humidifying the air around. I water the plant on hot days every other day, and in winter - once a week.

Dracaena bordered, seemingly, tender, defenseless plant, very hardy. Can withstand a not bright corner for a long time.

Well, and how without sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue, pike tail)? She is not afraid of any heat, no cold, no drafts. I rarely water succulent. Today it is fashionable to plant this plant in narrow long containers - a continuous "living fence". Such compositions adorn the foyer, halls and look incredibly beautiful.


Самые полезные и неприхотливые комнатные растения

© Author: Ludmila STASOVA, r. Odessa

1 thought on “The most unpretentious HOME plants to care for”

  1. Надежда ЛИСЮТИНА. Брянская обл.

    Сансевиерия трехполосая Лоурен-са (с яркой желтой каймой по краям листьев) долго стояла в комнате с окнами северо-западного направления, где ей было недостаточно света. Besides, apparently, я перестаралась с поливом, так как листья начали загнивать. Срочно вынула растение из горшка, убрав всю землю, которая оказалась сырой, обрезала поврежденные части, а здоровые розетки посадила в свежий, более легкий грунт. Переставила в светлое место. Но когда суккулент опять заполнил весь объем емкости, произошла новая неприятность: под тяжестью листьев (длина — 1,40 m) вазон опрокинулся.

    Пришлось снова пересадить горемыку. В этот раз выбрала высокий горшок и на дно к дренажу добавила несколько камней. Поставила щучий хвост на стол рядом с большим окном юго-восточной ориентации, придвинув к стене и подвязав листья. Наконец-то он зацвел!

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