Pentas (Photo) planting and care at home


I have always been attracted by the unusual tubular flowers of the pentas in publications about plants.. therefore, when in one of the online stores the seeds of this flower came across, bought without hesitation.

In January, sowed on a damp surface of a light substrate, since germination requires light and temperature +23-26 city.

The first shoots appeared later 2-3 weeks. After a month and a half, I spread the seedlings into disposable cups.

In April, she planted it in pots d = 9 cm and pinched the tops.

By the end of May, inflorescences appeared among the shiny green leaves. true, the first bloom was not caps, as in the pictures, but still my joy knew no bounds! Under favorable conditions, pentas blooms from early spring to mid-autumn..

PENTAS – alternative to geranium. Sowing.


After flowering, the inflorescences cut and pinched the tops of the plants for bushiness. So that the pentas grows no higher 45 cm, did not stretch from lack of lighting, provided him with bright sunlight with direct rays, which he tolerates well.

I think, that windows in any direction, except for the north, fit him, as long as the trees do not create shadow. In the summer, I take out the plants to the open balcony of the south-west side. Noticed, that the pentas reacts normally to drafts, opened bright "umbrellas" on the tops.

It turned out, that winter bloom does not prevent them from blooming again with the onset of the warm season.


Read, that in winter it is better to keep the pentas cool - no higher +16 city, (but not lower +10), since at a higher temperature the leaves will stretch and may dry out. And bright lighting is essential. Simultaneously and then, and I could not provide another condition.

I put the bushes on a shelf with fluorescent lamps. With enough light (12 hours a day) my pentas decided to bloom and again and fresh air he just needs.

During active growth, from spring to autumn, watering the plant, as soon as the topsoil dries up a little (avoiding waterlogging). Otherwise, it quickly "lowers its ears", and the leaves are hanging.

In the spring, I transplant pets into larger pots, into the turf mixture, leaf land, coarse sand (2:2:1). Then I cut it to 1/3 elongated shoots. Root the cuttings and plant them in new soil, to make the bushes more luxuriant. The main thing is to feed on time, water and provide bright light.


3 RULES for GROWING PENTAS at home and in the garden. Planting seedlings and CARE. see the result

© Author: Olga MALYAR, Photo by the author


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