Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: JANUARY FEBRUARY




Do not pick off withered and dried leaves and flowers from plants, and cut with scissors treated with alcohol.

Water green pets sparingly and only when the potted substrate is dry. It's not difficult to install: the ground on the surface becomes lighter, and the presence of moisture below the top layer is easy to determine with your finger or using a special moisture meter, which is buried on 20 cm. Inspect trays regularly and drain off excess water, so that the roots do not rot.

For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature., otherwise the root system, especially tropics, may suffer from thermal shock. For representatives of the Heather family (eternal, pieris) the water needs to be softened, get rid of calcium compounds. for example, a cloth or gauze bag with peat is dipped into it for a while.

It is important to humidify the air during the heating season. The easiest way is to put bowls of water on the heating radiator. (or on a warm floor). With pebbles, seashells and cut flowers, they can be turned into a spectacular decorative element of the interior.


Houseplants – seasonal work in January!

Plants can be sprayed with soft water (excluding cacti and soft-leafed species), trying not to hit the flowers. From large leaf blades (monstery, alocasia, ficuses) remove dust with a damp cloth. Give your pets a room temperature shower on weekends, covering the soil substrate with a film.

At high air temperatures and insufficient lighting in chlorophytum crested leaves turn pale and become soft, and in the cold and with excessive watering, brown spots appear on the leaves. Therefore, optimal conditions are important for him.: bright diffused light, temperature +15-18 city., moderate watering.

Ventilate the room, where are the flowers, intensely, but not for long. A cold draft can cause leaves in ficuses.

Don't move plants from place to place.


In subtropical species (oleander, laurel, myrtle), holidaymakers in winter, keep the soil slightly damp. Water temperature for irrigation should be the same, like indoors, where the plant hibernates, so as not to cause too early exit from sleep.

Tropical plants (code, aglaonema, monstera), hibernating at room temperature, illuminate to 12 daylight hours. The irrigation regime depends on the condition of the soil, about the same, like summer and autumn, top dressing - half as much.

When the flower arrow at the clivia reaches 10 cm, transfer the plant to a warmer room and resume watering. To stimulate the growth of a short stalk, water the plant warm (40 city.) water.

If shoots begin to grow on pelargonium, feed her (until April) universal complex fertilizers in 1/4 dosage incrementally. You can pinch the shoots.

Trim the oleander if necessary - before the start of active growth. Pruning later may delay flowering.

It's time to sow: years with a long growing season, which will bloom a few months after sowing (geliotrope, carnation shabo); tuberous plants, so that tubers suitable for storage are formed by winter (gloxinia, begonia); kinds, whose seeds have a dense shell and take a long time to sprout (palm trees, wisteria, medlar japanese) or stratification is needed (lavender, sarcococcus low, felicia amellus, primroses). Light up the seedlings.

© Author: Natalia SEMENOVA, biologist, collector, r. Moscow


Winter goes on, and with it comes questions: how to keep green pets with a lack of light, protect against "raids" of pests, prevent disease. Solve them in our power, you just have to listen to the advice of experienced flower growers.

Bring out the distillation tulips, hyacinths, etc.. At the end of the month, put pots with bulbs in a well-lit place, planted at the end of November and kept cool. Bloom for spring holidays
Getting ready for a transplant plants, who need this procedure. (small capacity, the roots are completely braided with an earthen ball, etc.) Pick up pots, make soil mixtures for each plant individually, according to their needs
cut shoots


Ivy, tradescantia, callisium, meshcreasium

Tropical species (code, aglao- there is none, monsters, etc.), hibernating at room temperature

If the stems are too long, shorten them. Cuttings can be put in water, to take root

daylight hours - approx. 12 hours. Water plants, focusing on the condition of the soil. Feed, doubling the dosage

Keep cool Citrus, bougainvillea, rose, оле­андр, laurel, myrtle Water in moderation, don't let the soil dry out. Use water at the same temperature, what's in the room, where plants hibernate, so as not to provoke them to wake up early
Sow seeds heliotrope, Shabo carnation, глокси­нии, tuberous begonia, palm trees, гли­цинии, loquat japanese, lavender, Sarcoccus low, felicia amello- conscientious, primroses, streptocarpus, bellflower is equal Seeds, who need stratification (lavender, month- cococcus, felicia), keep at low temperature before sowing. For solid (wisteria, palm trees, moss) it is necessary to partially damage the shell, eg, scissors, needle, - scarify.

Provide seedlings with illumination

Inspect tubers Begonias, gloxinia, calla lilies, Caladium- whether, amorphophallus, Arizems, glo- rioza etc., stored without soil To avoid sprouting (at least until the beginning of February), keep at +12-15 city, (for Arizema, kally - +5-7 city.). If the plant is still awake, no need to try to extend the rest, cutting off sprouts. Plant tubers in fresh substrate, put in non-hot (+16- 18 city.), well lit place, illuminated in the evenings. It won't let the shoots stretch


© Author: Маргарита КОРОБКО, collector, r. Moscow


How to care for ROOM PLANTS IN FEBRUARY | Care calendar

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA. Cand. biol. Science. r. Yalta

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