Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: February March

Indoor flower care in February-March

Indoor flower care in February-March

With dry air in apartments, plants may turn yellow and fall off leaves. Ivy is especially sensitive to such conditions., myrtle, rosemary. Subtropical plants located near batteries are severely affected: citrus, medlar japanese.

At the end of winter, most flowers are still relatively dormant., and they need a low temperature of content - +15-18 city. They are watered sparingly and not fed.. Zantedexia resting practically without watering (head) start moisturizing (gradually increasing) from the first half of March.

Poinsettias located closer to the light blooming at this time, zygocactus, epiphyllums, orchids, eternal, some bro-melium, senpolii, do not rearrange the hippeastrum and keep +16-18 city., water regularly, feed with special fertilizers.

Aged for two months in the cool (near +16 city.) Column with the appearance of the first buds, transfer to a warm, bright place, where it will bloom soon. When growing in a hanging basket, keep the plant away from heaters. Do not forget to humidify the air from the spray bottle near the capricious beauty.

Avoid drafts, which can be caused not only by open windows, but also air conditioners. The leaves falling under them lose their turgor, turn yellow, fall off. Ficus Benjamin is especially sensitive to cold air flow, diffenba-hii.

There is still not enough light in the back of the rooms, even for the most shade-tolerant monsters., ivy, spathiphyllum. Try not to leave them for more than 2-3 days without additional lighting or put closer to the windows and periodically turn in different directions to the light.

Do not rearrange the flowering camellia and keep it at a temperature + 10-12 city. Due to the higher (+18-20 city.) it blooms ahead of schedule, the quality of flowers is worse, buds may fall.

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Cand. biol. Science, r. Yalta

1 thought on “Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: February March”

  1. Natalia SEMENOVA, biologist, houseplant collector, r. Moscow

    In plants, spring comes earlier than the calendar spring - they react to a noticeable increase in the length of the day from the beginning to mid-February..

    Increase watering as growth intensifies, focusing on the condition of the soil.
    Start feeding with low doses of high nitrogen fertilizers: 2 weeks - 1/4 dosages, still 2 — 1/2.
    Provide good ventilation for flowers on windowsills on sunny days., to avoid overheating through window panes.
    Inspect sleeping specimens, to change conditions in time: expose, increase watering, increase the temperature of the content. Accustom to the sun gradually, to avoid burns.
    Get started with spring pruning. It is preferred for many species., especially those wintering in warm conditions. If flower buds are laid on last year's growth(azalea, large-leaved hydrangea, camellia), plants cannot be pruned in spring before flowering. Form them immediately after, how will they bloom. Prune spawning citrus crops to maintain a compact crown, and with the beginning of growth, start feeding with half doses of fertilizers.

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