Euharis (Photo) planting and care at home


Euharis - Photo

Euharis – Photo


At the time of my childhood, this plant was called the room lily.. My grandmother was proud of her flower, care, dust particles blown away, even talked to him. Now I understand why! Blooming eucharis is a delightful sight: every peduncle decorates 3-6 large, white flowers with a greenish calyx with the finest delicate aroma. Matched and glossy dark green leaves. With good care, a handsome man blooms up to three times a year (mine is usually in May, August and mid-January).


This tropical plant likes diffused bright lighting and moderately warm temperatures.. Grows and develops well, if it stands near the west or east window, where it is light enough and not very hot. During active growth, I water the indoor lily abundantly, but only after the topsoil dries out, pouring warm settled water into the pan. In spring and summer every 10 days I feed with liquid fertilizer for amaryllis (according to instructions). I regularly wipe the leaves from dust with a clean and dry cloth, I spray periodically.

Euharis - Photo

Euharis – Photo


Eating each flowering eucharis begins a dormant period. I move the flower pot to a cool shaded place for a month, or even one and a half. At this time I do not feed, I reduce watering to a minimum, if only the leaves do not fade. During rest, the plant has time to gain strength and lay new buds. I expose it to the light when new shoots appear.


I transplant eucharis once in 3-4 of the year, when I understand, that the pot is too full of daughter bulbs. I replace the soil completely. I add charcoal to the purchased neutral or slightly acidic substrate, to avoid rot, I put pieces of foam on the bottom. I plant in a new pot at least 5 bulbs: the more there are, the more abundant flowering. When landing I try, so that the top of each bulb is above the soil surface.

© Author: Natalia KARKACHEVA. Krasnodar region



Eucharis large-flowered retains its decorative effect even during dormancy., and with proper care and favorable conditions, it makes me happy twice a year 1-1,5 months of fragrant flowers. Their contemplation charges with cheerfulness and optimism., helps fight depression and bad mood.




When a friend shared with me the amazon lily bulbs, put all three in a small pot (you will have to wait several years from one flowering, until she is overgrown with children), into a ready-made universal primer for flowering species. The plant prefers nutritious, fertile soil. In the poor, the flowers will be small, and flowering scarce.

Drainage from expanded clay helps to avoid stagnant water and rotting of bulbs. After planting, she rarely watered the plant, since the soil was well moistened, when the green mass began to grow - moderately.

I try not to overmoisten, I take up the watering can after the topsoil has dried. And each time then I gently loosen the soil with a wooden stick., so that air flows better to the root system. In winter, at a temperature +15-18 city, I water less often, than summer. Periodically wash the leaves with a soft sponge.

Eucharis does not like direct sunlight, therefore I provide him with diffused light or partial shade. Shore from drafts and strong temperature changes. During the period of active growth and flowering, I feed it with liquid universal fertilizer for flowering - 2 once a month.


Amazonian lily pleased with flowering for the second year after planting, true, at first it was not so abundant. I advise you not to place a blooming specimen in the bedroom because of the rich aroma.

The plant is poisonous, therefore, after working with him, I always wash my hands with soap and water..

After flowering eucharis, I definitely give you a rest for about a month and a half.: I reduce watering, I do not feed.

I propagate a handsome man with baby bulbs, moreover, their number in the soil increases every year. But the plant does not like frequent transplants, otherwise flowering weakens and growth slows down. Therefore, I transplant eucharis, only when there are a lot of bulbs: usually once in 3-4 of the year in spring.


With proper care, the "Amazon" is rarely affected by pests and diseases. But once a scabbard settled on my eucharis. Fortunately, managed to get rid of her in time. First, I carefully cleaned the plant from the parasite using a sharpened wooden stick.. Then I washed it with soapy water and carefully processed the leaves., stalks and a pot of garlic infusion.


2 the heads of chopped garlic were poured with warm water (1:5), covered and left in a dark place on 3 o'clock.

Replaced potting soil. A week later, the treatment was repeated, and two weeks later performed the procedure again.

© Author: Svetlana MARTYNOVA, r. Eagle Photo by the author


A neighbor gave a blooming eucharis, which, because of the snow-white exquisite flowers in the shape of a crown, is also called the Amazonian lily. After flowering, I planted the eu-charis bulbs in different large pots in anticipation of, that I will get a lot of greenery and flowers. Yes, it wasn’t there: the leaves of new plants began to shrink and did not give a single flower in two years (although the neighbor's flowers bloom twice a year). I consulted an experienced florist: what am I doing wrong? And it turned out that.

Eucharis does not like space. One bulb requires a slightly larger pot, than herself. And it is better to plant several lilies in a medium-sized container at once. For a reference point: for one onion you need 5-10 cm of the volume of the flowerpot.

Euharis - Photo

Euharis – Photo

Second moment: moderate watering, no more than once a week and only after the soil has completely dried out. I watered the plants generously. I didn't understand, why did the leaves turn yellow and die off.

When transplanting bulbs, I found many rotten roots on them. Cut them off, and cleaned the bulbs themselves of wet brown scales, dried in the shade, then planted in new small elongated pots on 5-6 pieces at once. Pre-poured expanded clay on the bottom of the containers with a layer of at least 4 cm and filled with a mixture of light peat-based soil with wood ash (3:1).

The result was not long in coming: eucharis released many healthy large leaves and began to bloom regularly - in mid-summer and December-January.

So that there is no temptation to water the flower often, I pour expanded clay into a pot on top of the soil. Or I plant a delicate groundcover grass Saltrolia on the surface.

In the spring and autumn, once a 2 for weeks I add liquid fertilizer for flowering plants to the soil with irrigation. And after flowering, I choose the top layer of soil (1,5-2 cm), then gently, so as not to damage the roots, loosen the ground, gradually adding ash (near 200 r). I pour fresh soil on top and at the end I put expanded clay again.

© Author: Anastasia FROLOV, Belgorod region. Photo by the author


Eucharis has been growing with me for the sixth year, but pleases only with chic leaves. I haven't seen blooms yet., although I have replanted the plant several times (grows very fast) and do not forget about regular top dressing.

AND. Zubkov. Nizhny Novgorod

Usually, when propagated by daughter bulbs, eucharis begins to bloom in the second year., and when sowing seeds – on the fourth or fifth. That is, your pet should have already pleased you with beautiful flowers., whose fragrance resembles the halls of lilies, why flower growers call this South American plant "Amazon lily". If the eucharis is healthy, conditions and care suit him, then you can admire the flowering in autumn and winter, as well as in May and August, that is 2-3 times a year.

In your case, you can assume, that you are too carried away with transplants. Eucharis always reacts painfully to them, even if not – sheds leaves, it takes a long time to come to his senses after each "housewarming", investing in recovery. Transplantation should be carried out no more than once a day. 4-5 years old, when a lot of babies are formed and the plant will already be cramped in a pot. By the way, "cramped" conditions usually do not harm eucharis, but vice versa, encourage more blooms, in which several flower stalks are formed at once. Therefore, sometimes the Amazonian lily is transplanted into a fresh substrate., without completely separating all the children, and leaving their part on the mother bulb.

When transplanting, you need to take a shallow container and plant several bulbs in it at once.. The substrate can be bought ready – for flowering plants, just look, to indicate on the packaging, that it is also suitable for eucharis. If you are mixing your own soil, then it is best to take a sheet, compost, loamy soil and sand (4:2:1:2). Do not forget about drainage. Do not deepen bulbs without leaves, the neck should protrude above the ground.

Eucharis is photophilous, but can't stand direct sunlight, so the best place for it –

east or northwest window sills. On a northern plant, there may not be enough light to form flower buds., it will grow well. On the southern windowsill, the Amazon lily can suffer from sunburn., but if this is the only possible placement of the plant, then try to shade it or put it at some distance from the window. Eucharis also does not like strong temperature changes., prefers moderate coolness in winter (15-1 7°). If in the warm season the air warms up above 20-22 °, then the flowers may shrink.

Another reason for the lack of flowering – overfeeding plants with fertilizers. Feed only with special fertilizers for flowering plants – spring and summer twice a month.

To encourage flowering, try to organize a short period of relative rest for the eucharis. Now is just the right time, to about 4-6 limit watering for weeks. And from the end of October, when there is little natural light and vegetation processes begin to proceed more slowly, move the plant pot to a cooler place.

D. ARTEMOVA, florist


I really like euharis, but at our house it does not grow well. Brought to work, where is the draft, chilly. I do not feed the flower with anything, I water randomly and rarely transplant.

And he woke up and grows well! I took home a few bulbs, planted, developed normally, but still weaker. It's warm at home, no drafts, in winter I put the plant away from the battery. watering it, I feed (infrequently), I spray the leaves.

Recently transplanted eucharis: at work - large bulbs, strong, and the houses are skinny, though not rotten, clean. At all, transplant rarely, only when it seems, that the plant is cramped. However, I take out the bulbs, and they are the same number, as planted, no kids. Still ran into a problem: one or two bulbs with leaves are easy to transplant, and when in a big bowl of their pieces 10, and I want to trim the foliage for the convenience of the procedure.

Anna BORODINA, r. Voronezh


Eucharis does not require special conditions and most often suffers from… caring care. That is why in the offices the flower is more comfortable, than at home.

The plant does not like drying, but you don't need to water it too much.. It is better to take a moisture-absorbing and at the same time porous substrate, eg, a mixture of acidified high-moor peat and perlite (2:1). Such soil is not nutritious enough? Then fertilize regularly, in small doses and only during active growth. A clear sign of waterlogging is brown spots on the leaves.. Sometimes the plant is given a little stress to stimulate flowering., reducing watering until the foliage droops slightly.

A common care mistake is removing green foliage., which leads to the depletion of the bulb. And the loss of all leaves most often ends in her death.. You can only cut completely yellowed old records.. Plant and transplant the plant along with the leaves.

Eucharis prefers tight quarters and is sensitive to root damage.. Rarely transplanted (times in 4-5 years old), carefully transferring to a slightly larger pot. For a daughter plant, it is better to plant several carefully separated bulbs together in a small amount.. If, after transplantation, the leaves have lost turgor, then spray frequently, put the plant in a greenhouse for a few days, do not over-moisten the soil.

Eucharis has no apparent dormant period, and forced winter rest is associated with a lack of light. If the room is warm, there must be good lighting: turn on 12-14 hours per day LED or fluorescent lamp. When there is little light, need a chill + 16-18 city. Only when airing is it important to protect the plant from frosty air. In winter, on the windowsill, monitor the temperature: +12 city, and below - critical for eucharis.

Natalia SEMENOVA, biologist, collector


EUCHARIS (amazon lily). Successful care experience 30 years old.

How to transplant eucharis?


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