Plumeria – trimming and shaping


Plumeria - Photo

Plumeria – Photo

Grew plumeria from seeds.

The first couple of years, it was not possible to limit its growth by pinching. The barrel lengthened, and big leaves grew. In winter, many of them fell, and the lower bare part of the plant was striking. In the third year of life "palm" (this is how she looked) did not touch in the hope of seeing the buds.

But summer and autumn passed, and plumeria pleased only with new foliage. I decided at the beginning of winter to cut the stem in half, leaving a stump 15 cm.

I put it in the loggia at + 14 degrees., rarely watered. By the spring, the upper sleeping bud awoke and the leaves appeared. And two cuttings, obtained from the cut part, rooted in perlite on wick irrigation.


See, that the seedling does not branch so willingly, as we would like, planted all three plants in one pot, to heal. Connected them, removing a layer of bark at the points of contact, tied.

There is a "trio" in the western loggia: in the summer - on the windowsill, in winter - a meter from the window. Since autumn, when leaves fall, I decrease watering.

I keep the temperature around +10 city. Recently removed the harness, since she started bumping into the trunks. After inspection, the trunks were again fastened with a wider tape. I think, that the formation period is over.

© Author: Elena KHOMICH. Moscow region.


Plumeria. Autumn pruning

Transplanting and pruning Plumeria

3 thoughts on “Plumeria – trimming and shaping”

    1. When additional illumination, in warmth and high humidity, the plant can winter without a dormant period. However, I, eg, let the plant rest: in autumn I put it on a bright windowsill, where it's cool, but not lower + 10-15 city., I reduce watering, I do not feed. The lower leaves may begin to turn yellow and fall off - this is a natural process.. With the onset of heat and an increase in daylight hours, the crown is quickly restored.

      When the heating is on and the air is dry, plumeria can be attacked by spider mites. For prevention, I often inspect all my plants and treat them once a month with insectoacaricides. ("Vertimek", "Agravertine"). If the pest appears, treatment with acaricides will help ("Apollo", "Neoron") - according to the instructions.

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