Vallota (PHOTO) planting and care at home


Vallota photo

Vallota photo

A relative of the amaryllis, the vallotta, has beautiful scarlet flowers on long peduncles, each of which lives up to 5 days. Vallotta pleases me with bright colors twice a year: in May and September-October. To do this, I follow the main rules for caring for her..

1. In winter, to save foliage, I put the flowerpot in a cool place, where is the temperature +5-10 city. I water moderately. With a warmer winter, the leaves dry, and future flowering is getting worse.

2.In March, I transfer the plant to a warmer place..

Z. During the period of active growth, I water moderately. I keep the soil in a slightly damp state until autumn.

4.I use purchased soil for indoor plants, which I mix in equal parts with garden soil and black soil.

5. From spring to the end of summer I feed the wallot every week with any complex mineral fertilizer (according to instructions).



Many years ago, in the fall, when I was visiting my relatives in another city, for the first time I had a chance to see the flowering of this rare plant at that time – beautiful wallot (Vallota speciesa). I returned home with a small onion-baby the size of a quail's egg, which I was separated from the mother plant.

By planting the received Vallotta bulb, I soon found out, that I made two gross mistakes at once, which could lead to the death of the plant. Firstly, I buried the bulb in the ground, what absolutely must not be done. And secondly, the selected pot was too large for the plant.

The thing is, that the root system of the vallotta is rather weak and is not able to master a large volume of soil, there is a risk of root rot. But even if the walloth manages to survive in a spacious pot, then you will never see its flowering – the bulb will fatten and grow, forming numerous children to the detriment of the formation and development of peduncles.

I corrected my mistakes next spring, by transplanting the bulb into a tighter pot (the diameter of the planting container for a young plant should not exceed 10 cm, but for an adult – 12 cm) and deepening it by about 2/3. Two years later, the vallotta grew foliage and released the first peduncle.

Vallota beautiful belongs to the Amaryllis family and comes from the subtropical zone of South Africa. Like other plants of this family, it shines, windows fit her, facing south, east or west side. In the summer, I take out the pot with the shaft-lot on the balcony, in hot weather I spray the plant and shade it from direct sunlight. I water only when the topsoil dries up (usually 1-2 once a week). Since the plant is bulbous, then you should be very careful with watering – excess moisture can lead to root rot, but a slight drought is not terrible for Vallote.

Winter (from October to April) the conditions of keeping the beautiful vallot are almost the same, kaku klivii and gippeastruma: ambient temperature at the level of 10-12 °, since February – very rare watering or their complete absence. My vallotta rests in a flower pot during dormancy, I do not cut the foliage on the plant, I only get rid of a faded peduncle, although I know, that many growers completely remove all leaves.

Since about May, when the vallota starts to release new leaves, twice a month I feed her with a special fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. Frequent transplants are not required, I usually change the soil mixture every 3-4 of the year, for this I enrich the purchased universal substrate for flowering plants with charcoal powder. If I prepare the soil mixture myself, then I take garden soil in equal proportions, peat, sand, humus and also add coal powder.

The greatest danger to the vallot is fusarium, root-infecting. Young plants often die from this disease.. Older shaft lots are able to survive, but the bulbs slow down their growth, shrink, and the plant itself is losing foliage. At the first manifestations of fusarium, it is recommended to reduce watering and exclude fertilizing with fertilizers, containing phosphorus. Also with excessive watering, especially in winter, when kept in cool conditions, gray rot may develop on the vallot. From harmful insects to vallotu, like many other indoor plants, most often damage scabbards and spider mites. But if you take care of the plant correctly, comply with the conditions of detention, then diseases and pests do not threaten him.


When the vallotta first appeared in my house, I have not yet had much experience in floriculture, and special literature was not available, so I mistook her for a clivia for a long time. But now I can easily distinguish between these two plants.

Both plants belong to the amaryllis family, their homeland – South Africa. Perhaps, this is where their similarities end. Vallota – typical bulbous plant with elongated bulbs, covered with brownish scales. Clivia does not have a pronounced bulb, its underground part consists of thick rhizomes. On one peduncle, vallottes usually bloom no more 5 red flowers. Clivia has smaller flowers, they are orange with a yellow center and there are more of them – to 20 on the peduncle. Vallotta petals are pointed at the tips, in clivia, the shape of the petal is more rounded. Clivia leaves grow fan-shaped, and at the vallot they are located separately.

© Author: E. ORLOVA g. Lipetsk


How Vallotta Bloomed: stages of growth.

© Author: Svetlana KONONOVICH


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