How to properly clean and wash indoor plants and house flowers


How to wash flowers properly

How to wash flowers properly

Dust on indoor plants not only slows down their development, but also increases the risk of parasite infestation. Take care of the cleanliness of green pets - and you will avoid many problems.

Spraying Is a good way to keep the colors clean at all times. So that after this procedure, lime stains do not remain on the leaves, I use only boiled or settled water for a day.

Damp sponge or cloth - a favorite tool of some growers when cleaning specimens with large leaves. Personally, I am not a supporter of this method.: dust is only smeared. But if you're more used to it, try dipping one by one if you put a violet with wet leaves near an open window, brown spots will appear on them, which will not get rid of. Therefore, I always gently blot water drops with a paper towel and forget about airing the room for a couple of hours..

Household tips. Cleanliness of indoor plants. GuberniaTV


Consider plant requirements. Each species has its own dormant period.. When more scanty watering is needed, it is better to limit yourself to dry cleaning.. An example is cacti, which are not watered from November to March, showers will also harm them.

After washing, plants are more sensitive to drafts. So, plant leaves under water and there wipe them with a sponge.

The shower removes dust quickly and efficiently. I arrange a “bath day” every two weeks for all my green pets - wash them in the bathroom. I tilt the pot a little and direct the rain from the shower to the crown. At the same time, I do not close the ground with a package: not scary, if a little water gets on it.

Dry cleaning is an alternative option for those colors, which cannot be washed. I brush fluffy or embossed leaves with a soft toothbrush.

Cleaning and washing indoor plants

Cleaning and washing indoor plants



With the beginning of the heating season, it is often necessary to spray the plants and it is not always possible to use soft water.. I bought special shine products - they help for a while.

Tamara KROT

Agree with you, store products hide stains only for a short time. Therefore, I will offer assistants (personal experiment), in ascending order of effect. Everyone has it, undoubtedly, there are pluses, as well as cons.

egg whites, yolk. Perfectly polished, dust does not sit on the plates for a long time, but some time weak is possible, not a very pleasant smell. A film forms on the surface of the sheet., which shrinks as it dries., causing microtrauma to the plant. The substance clogs the pores for breathing. It's also a great environment for pathogens..

banana peel. How the polish does its job, but the smell will flock and run all the insects, even which you did not suspect. Great environment for fungus, bacteria. limescale, hidden under cover, resurface very soon.

Mayonnaise. The effect is short, but there is, as the product contains citric acid. However, the oil and egg in the composition form a film, which will clog the stomata.

Milk. Leaves are polished well, thanks to lactic acid, casein, but these substances also form a film. In addition, the effect is short-lived..

Beer. Quickly bring the plant to its proper form. Contains vitamins, which are involved in the synthesis of hydrocarbons, stimulate the root system, enhance photosynthesis. One minus: the smell can last for several days.

Vinegar. Very effective, if the foliage is strongly "hardened". But acid is aggressive, so on 2 st.l.. 9% funds to be added 6 st.l.. water. Handle plates on both sides.

Lemon. Contains caustic substances, which quickly volatilize in contact with air., without harming the plant, perform their task quickly and efficiently. Wipe the sheet on both sides with a slice.

Vitamin C (spiky). Helps clear leaves quickly. Good for plants, contains ascorbic acid, antioxidants. natural fungicide, anti-stress. Working solution: 1 tab, a little more than half a glass of water.


  1. Removing dry yellowed leaves, cut off faded flower stalks (in winter flowering species). These plant residues reduce the attractiveness of green pets and serve as a potential source of infections., shelter for pests.
  1. Arranging a warm shower, considering some nuances.
  2. So that the soil in the pot is not washed out, cover it with a bag, tied around the trunk. If it is a bush with many shoots, then after wetting the soil (dry will sleep) put the pot on the barrel, putting any fabric under it (for sustainability), and in this position we wash the crown.
  3. Water for all procedures should be at a comfortable temperature., moderately warm. Too cold, as well as too hot - stress for plants.
  4. It is advisable to lightly rub each leaf under running water., since dust has the property of "sticking". If you just wet the plates and let dry, then often (eg, at the same ficus Benjamin) plaque remains.
  5. Improve cleaning quality, and at the same time serve as prevention against pests, using dishwashing detergent (choose relatively harmless, eg, Synergetic). Lather it on a sponge and apply to the foliage. Wash off after half an hour.
  6. If for some reason the shower is not suitable, clean the leaves with a damp sponge, soft rags. Add a few drops of vinegar or a couple of lemon crystals to the water. This will help remove salt stains from the leaves.. For pubescent species (saintpaulia, etc.) it is convenient to use a brush of the right size.
  7. I state purity in a complex way: wipe all trays, window sills, other collection locations.

© Author: Natalia GUBANOVA, plant collector


Indoor plants should be washed correctly!

© Author: Elena SHUSTIKOVA, florist


1 thought on “How to properly clean and wash indoor plants and house flowers”

  1. Anna GRIDINA, head of the community "Room floriculture", Krasnodar region.

    Soap spa treatments for plants
    Plants benefit greatly from bathing in the shower. This is pest prevention., and boosting immunity. Leaves become clean, turgor is restored. And if they are quite dusty or there is a suspicion of the appearance of parasites, then washing with soap will be more effective (take regular toilet).
    Ficuses with a large leaf respond well to this procedure., spathiphyllum, hibiscus and even violets. I don't do soapy "spa" callam, epipremnum, ferns, Tradescantia. small leaves (like ficus benjamin) it is better to wash just under the shower.
    If you are afraid, that the foam will fall into the ground, cover it with a bag or wrap the pot with cling film.
    Before washing, I spill the soil with clean water.. Then I lather with a soft sponge or cloth and wipe the leaves from all sides in the direction of the veins, be sure to keep the second hand under the plate, not to hurt her. I wash off the foam with a light pressure from a warm shower. I let the plant stand in the bathroom, while excess water drains and the foliage dries.
    After bathing, I exclude direct sunlight and drafts on the crown..

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