Room, home plants that purify the air best


Home flowers purify the air - names and photos

Home flowers purify the air – names and photos

Indoor plants are not only beautiful, they still protect their masters, neutralizing harmful substances in the air, "Fight" germs and viruses! In the autumn-winter season, such invisible work of green friends is priceless.. Let's, and we will learn to care for pets, to thank you for your help.


Perfectly absorbs harmful vapors, emitted by household chemicals. Beauty does not like drafts - put her away from the window. The plant will not refuse backlight.


Purifying the air, it moisturizes it at the same time. Moreover, he himself often suffers, drying the tips of the leaves. Spraying may not solve

Better during the heating season, put a flowerpot with a bush on a pallet with wet pebbles.


Leader in combating ammonia and trichlorethylene impurities. When transplanting, separate the daughter sockets and plant in pots. So get more air filters.


Effectively absorbs chloroform and carbon monoxide. The plant is hypoallergenic, therefore perfect for a bedroom or children's room.


Not only reduces the concentration of benzene and toluene, but also perfectly captures dust particles. That's why it's easier to breathe in a fern room.. Do not dry the soil in the pot with the plant, protect luxury fronds from the direct sun.

Plants for air purification. Flowers in the house. Release 1

Nephrolepis bright diffused summer – +18-22 city., in winter -+16-18 city. moderate, uniform throughout the year from spring to autumn – times in 2-3 Sun, alternation miner, and organ. fertilizers for deciduous can be daily, cold water times in 2-3 years as needed
Spathiphil- lum bright diffused summer – +22-24 city., in winter – +18-20 city. summer – abundant, without stagnant water, in winter – уме­ренный in the warm season – times in 10- 14 days fertilizer for deciduous useful, мяг­

which is not cold


times in 1 -2 years or as it grows
Hamedoreya bright diffused summer – +20-24 city., in winter -+16-18 city. moderate,uniform, without overflow during growth – times in 2 Sun. fertilizer for deciduous daily, warm water times in 2 of the year, without deepening
Diffenba- hiya bright diffused summer – +23-25 city., in winter – not less +17 city. in winter – moderate, the rest of the time – abundant from spring to autumn – times in 2-3 Sun, alternation miner, and organ. fertilizers for deciduous frequent, loves shower every spring
Chlorophytum bright diffused summer – +23-25 city., in winter – not less +8 city. in winter – moderate, the rest of the time – abundant during growth – times in 2 Sun. fertilizer for deciduous regular in spring as needed


Plant Benefit
Aglaonema Reduces the content of benzene and harmful substances, emitted by furniture materials, plastic and paintwork. Ionizes the air.
Dieffenbachia Neutralizes formaldehyde, xylene, trichlorethylene, benzene.
Dracena Cleans from benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other impurities. Possesses bactericidal properties.
Nephrolepis Cleans formaldehyde, as well as benzene and xylene.
Ivy Fights allergens, such as mold, as well as animal hair. Cleans from formaldehyde, etc.. connections.
Sansevieria Captures and neutralizes formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene, acetone. Suppresses pathogenic microorganisms.
Spathiphyllum Tops the list of plants (by NASA research) by the ability to purify the air from formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene, also handles toluene and xylene. Reduces the number of microorganisms in the air. Fights molds.
Ficus Neutralizes formaldehyde vapors, trichlorethylene, toluene, xylene and ammonia. Can be placed near the printer, photocopier, other office equipment.
Hamedoreya The acclaimed air filter. Neutralizes benzene, xylene, trichlorethylene and other contaminants. One of the best plants for formaldehyde removal.
Chlorophytum Champion in the speed and efficiency of air purification from formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and nitrogenous compounds. Possesses bactericidal action.
Hoya Neutralizes benzene, toluene, trichlorethylene, terpenes.
Chrysanthemum Neutralizes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene. Suppresses pathogenic microorganisms. Effective against all air pollutants, a NASA favorite. \

Dear friends! This is the list of plants, improving the air quality in the surrounding area, does not end. They also effectively neutralize harmful impurities and improve the premises of azalea, banana, guzmania, kalanchoe, kalateya, neoregelia, peperomia, rapeseed, syngonium, tradescantia, phalaenopsis, philodendron, date fruit, cissus, sheffler, эхмея…


Plants, which best clean the air in the apartment

2 thoughts on “Room, home plants that purify the air best”

  1. Margarita USOVA, r. Chelyabinsk

    Allergy and flowers
    My daughter is allergic to dust., Poplar fluff, wormwood blossom. Can houseplants pose a danger to her??

    1. Many flowering species, especially with a strong smell (if allergic to pollen and aromas), can be dangerous for allergy sufferers during the flowering period: azalea, allama, amaryllis, akalifa, anthurium, aucuba, beloperone, Pelargonium zonal and fragrant, gibiskus, ginura, diplomacy, jasmine officinalis, zamiokulkas, catharanthus, caries, kalanchoe in Blossfeld, camellia, crinum, mandevilla, oleander, date palm, rose flower, spathiphyllum, stapelia, Haworthia and Gasteria (safe outside of flowering), sansevieria, tuberose, schlumbergera, hoveya, хоя, cyclamen, eu-haris. Almost all indoor ferns are allergic due to their spores., and because of essential oils and phytoncides - fragrant callisia, plectranthus, eucalyptus, in vain.

      Dina BALYASOVA, plant biochemistry.

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