Fuchsia (PHOTO) at home – planting and care


We are waiting for an enchanting flowering from fuchsia, but it is weak or absent at all? There may be several reasons:

  1. The bush has not reached that age, when it begins to bloom profusely. When buying a young plant, you see only the first wave, wait for the second.
  2. Adult fuchsia does not bloom most often due to irregular feeding. She needs food, according to instructions, 1 – 2 once a week (depends on fertilizer).
  3. If a mixture of prolonged action is laid, but there is no expected flowering, you need to look for a suitable place for the plant. Since not all varieties like shade (northern, northeastern, northwest side), some require sunlight to set buds (morning or evening).
Fuchsia at home

Fuchsia at home


During the heat (higher +25 city.) fuchsia is stressed, so can shed all buds and flowers, and if the high temperature lasts for a long time, - then the leaves. Follow, so that the soil does not dry out. The plant responds well to spraying with water (periodically add fertilizers to it). At a temperature +30 city, irrigate the bushes to 3 time: in the morning after watering, afternoon and evening. Helps to cope with stressful situations "Zircon" (I apply according to the instructions). When there is no way to be near fuchsia in hot weather, it is necessary to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil - mulch the top layer with sphagnum moss, bark. I use expanded clay. Can be added to the substrate hydrogel.

Planting in light pots will make life easier for fuchsia - the root system will heat up less. If there is no such possibility, put a flowerpot with a plant in another - larger one and pour it between the walls, eg, expanded clay.

If the soil is still dry, correctly "start" the work of the root system will help immersion of the pot on 1/3-1/2 in water, so that the earth lump is completely saturated. Be sure to let the excess drain then.


If the fuchsia got under return frosts and "grabbed" the foliage, no need to cut her off. Remove damaged leaves, when they dry up. Better spray the plant with Epin, it will help him recover faster. The bush developed well, bloomed and suddenly stopped growing, and the buds were crushed - check, possibly, he has a small pot volume and needs a transplant. I transplant some specimens twice during the summer..

© Author: Наталья СКОПИНЦЕВА, r. Ryazan. Photo by the author. @lublu tsvet natali


Winter fuchsia

Winter fuchsia

Fuchsias delight with abundant flowering, lasting from April to October, variety of varieties and easy reproduction. But plants need a cool winter., which is not always easy to provide.


If you leave fuchsias in the room for the winter, then even on the coolest windowsill, the plants stretch out and grow overgrown with pale weak shoots. At first I tried to pinch bushes, but all the same, by spring they were growing strongly and they no longer had enough strength for lush flowering.

I tried to send plants for the winter in a glazed loggia. But there fuchsias often froze, then strong pruning was required, which postponed the beginning of flowering…

Winter fuchsia

Winter fuchsia

Quite unexpectedly, the thought came to me to water fuchsias, wintering on the windowsill, retardant. Such a drug is one of the varieties of growth regulators, but not a stimulant, and, on the contrary, inhibits the growth of stems and shoots. Means from this group are often used by gardeners when growing seedlings.. Such preparations prevent stretching of plants and help the formation of a strong root system..

They are usually used in the spring., but I decided to treat my fuchsias with a retardant in late autumn – in mid-November. After watering, the plants hardly stretched, internodes were shorter, foliage retained its juicy color. In general, fuchsias did not seem to notice winter.. But the drug needs to be used several times, if there are many plants, then it won't come cheap.

How is fuchsia wintering in the cellar (Overwintering fuchsias in the basement or root cellar)


Now the most acceptable and reliable way of preserving fuchsias in winter looks like this: I cut cuttings from plants and send them to the refrigerator until February.

Before repeating my experience, I advise you to define, on which shelf of your refrigerator the temperature is kept at the level of 5-10 °. This is the optimal temperature range for wintering fuchsias.. It is most convenient to use high 300-gram or half-liter glass jars with screw caps as containers for storing cuttings.. It is advisable to sterilize them first.. You will also need sphagnum moss.

I cut the cuttings at the end of autumn. The most promising of them are escapes, which did not bloom this year, with preserved crown. I cut them this length, as the height of the can allows, leaving on each 5-7 internodal. Each such handle should have no more 3 pairs of leaves. At all, for wintering, you can also poison green, and semi-lignified shoots.

Winter fuchsia

Winter fuchsia

Sphagnum moss, in which the cuttings will stand, should be slightly damp. Therefore, after thorough rinsing, I squeeze it out several times., and then leave it for a few hours to dry.

I put slightly damp moss on the bottom of the cans, and then I stick the cuttings into it, having previously powdered their cuts with crushed coal. I close the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. Here they will stay until early February.

It is important to follow, so that condensation does not form in the cans and the glass does not fog up. To remove excess moisture, the lids need to be opened for a while. Leaves showing signs of mildew and rot must be removed immediately.

Winter fuchsia

Winter fuchsia

At the end of winter, cuttings can already be taken out of the refrigerator.. Instances, on which the roots have grown, I plant in pots, and rooting the rest in peat. Plants should be kept in a cool place, but in good light. I usually keep them on the windowsill, closer to the window glass.

By early March, fuchsias can already be planted in permanent containers and pots., and in April to take out to the garden or balcony. By the end of April – in early May, many plants bloom.

Fuchsias grow very quickly, therefore they need regular feeding. For these purposes, you can use any complex universal fertilizer..

© Author: E. MORGUN, amateur florist

Read more about fuchsias here and here





Нарезать побеги для размножения фуксии начинаю в феврале, так как весна — лучшее время для их укоренения (осенние в тепличке на светлом окне тоже неплохо приживаются).

  1. Черенки беру молодые или полу-одревесневшие (дольше образуют корни), с 3-4узлами. Растение заранее обильно поливаю. Тургор листьев должен быть хорошим, иначе веточкам не хватит сил укорениться.
  2. Отрезаю побеги чистым и острым ножом над самым междоузлием, чтобы на маточнике не оставались длинные «шпоры». Убрав на черенке нижние листья, подрезаю его до первого междоузлия, из которого будут расти корни. Крупные пластинки укорачиваю наполовину. Можно использовать стимулятор корнеобразования, но совсем немного.
  1. Субстрат для посадки готовлю из равных частей хорошего компоста на основе торфа и перлита (мелкого вермикулита). the main thing, чтобы почва была легкой, питательной, хорошо пропускала влагу и воздух.
  2. В одноразовые пластиковые стаканчики насыпаю дренаж, priming, карандашом посередине делаю неглубокое отверстие, высаживаю черенок и аккуратно уплотняю вокруг. Поливаю водой комнатной температуры по краю емкости, накрываю сверху таким же стаканчиком либо пакетом, немного надув его и зафиксировав на стенках.
  3. Посадки ставлю в притененное прохладное (+15-20 city.) a place, не допуская попадания солнца.
  4. Когда вижу молодые корни или зеленый прирост на черенке, начинаю его закалять, постепенно снимая укрытие. Если растение стало крепким и выглядит здоровым, тепличку убираю.
  5. Молодые фуксии пересаживаю в горшки d=7-9 см, into the turf mixture, leaf land, humus and sand (1:1:1:1). Зацветают они в тот же год. Для лучшего кущения верхушки черенков прищипываю.

© Author: Anna GRIDINA, руководитель сообщества ВК Комнатное цветоводство», Krasnodar region. Photo by the author


Warm wintering fuchsias


2 thoughts on “Fuchsia (PHOTO) at home – planting and care”

  1. Полина ТЕН. r. Nizhny Novgorod

    Очень хочу завести фуксии, but I'm afraid, что не смогу сохранить зимой. Ведь растению нужна прохлада, а у меня в лоджии около +18 city. Как организовать оптимальную зимовку?

    1. Если температура в помещении около+18 град, (not higher, а лучше — если ниже), то для сохранения растения обязательно нужно дополнительное освещение. Иначе от недостатка света вытягиваются побеги, бледнеют листья, кустики поражают вредители.
      На подоконнике. Поставить растения в самом прохладном месте, максимально близко к свету, на пенопластовую «подушку». От батареи отгораживать, eg, шторой, а от стекла в сильные холода — слоем пенополистерола.
      В подвале. Content temperature - +3-10 city. Good, если есть досветка (by 12 часов вдень).
      Вне горшка. Уложить растение (без листвы) одним слоем в ящики, плотно завернув ком земли в газету. Поставить в помещение, где температура не выше +8 city, (погреб, basement, веранда). Следить, чтобы субстрат оставался умеренно влажным.

      Независимо от условий зимовки полезно 1-2 раза в месяц опрыскивать растения регулятором роста (Epin, "Zircon").

      Тамара ЕВМЕНЬКОВА. collector,

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