Care for the calandiva (Kalanchoe in Blossfeld) at home – growing tips


Kalandiva - care

Kalandiva – care

Kalanchoe Blossfeld variety Kalandiva (Calandiva) I love for being small, many double flowers in the inflorescence and for a long, up to six months, bloom. I will share the main points of care.

Tight pots, low-nutrient soil with the addition of sand, mandatory drainage.

Moderate temperature in summer - +20-25 city, and the coolness in winter - +12-15 city. Daily temperature fluctuations are useful, therefore I keep in the loggia all year round (heated).

The lighting is bright, with a share of direct sunlight, shade at noon. Daylight hours in spring and summer - about 12-14 hours, in autumn and winter - 8-10.

Watering plentiful in summer, top dressing - once a week with fertilizer for cacti. In autumn and winter I moisturize scarcely, depending on temperature, with complete drying of the soil between waterings.

After the end of flowering, I cut shortly and remove from bright light.. I reduce watering, I do not feed. After a month or two, I return to its original place and resume leaving.

Propagated by apical and lateral cuttings, rooting in water.

I form young plants by pinching.

Phytoenergetics consider, that Blossfeld's Kalanchoe ennobles the energy of thoughts and words, eases the state of mind, helps to resolve difficult situations, promotes the disclosure of creativity.


© Author: Valentina SHABETYA



Terry flowers of this Kalanchoe delight from December almost to mid-summer. But for flowering to come, during the summer holidays, I reduce the daylight hours for the plant to 10 hours: I put on the western windowsill, shading blinds from the sun and cover the pot with a dark cap for a few hours before sunset (until the first flower stalks appear).

From October to April I turn on the phytolamp for several hours.

If there is not enough light in winter, shoots are strongly stretched. Succulent overwinters in the cool (+12-16 city.), otherwise it starts to lose leaves. I follow, so that the soil does not dry out and there is no stagnation of moisture. I do not spray the leaves, just remove the dust with a damp sponge.

I feed the plant with mineral fertilizers for cacti and succulents in late summer and autumn, when flower buds form, and a versatile blend (1/2 doses) during flowering - 1 -2 once a month.


Kalanchoe blooms on young shoots, therefore after the first wave of flowering I cut (better in the morning) wilted flower stalks and a few leaves. New buds appear soon. If side shoots begin to grow, I delete most, and I pinch the strongest over the second or third sheet, so that the bush grows compactly.

After flowering, Kalandiva needs a break. I cut watering, lowering the temperature, I am covering the sunny window with a thick curtain, I put the pot at a distance. In a month I cut off 2-3 extreme leaflets on each stem.

© Author: Irina ROSSIYSKAYA


Photo by Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Photo by Kalanchoe Blossfeld

Always thought, that Kalanchoe is only medicinal and not always flowering. How wrong was I


The plant is not afraid of drafts and direct sunlight, but still I protect him from such extreme.

Doesn't like heat. Optimal mode - +15-25 city.

I water my pet about once every 10 days with water at room temperature (can't stand cold), adhering to the principle: better to underfill, what to pour.

Until the bush bloomed, sprinkle it with warm water from time to time. During flowering, this is not recommended..

I feed Kalanchoe with fertilizer for succulents: once every two weeks in summer and once a month in winter.

Recently subtracted, that the plant does not like permutations, therefore, it is advised to mark on the pot when moving, which side of the bush stood to the light. Out of ignorance, I often moved my flower, to take a better picture. Hopefully, he is not mad at me for this.

Kalanchoe need to be transplanted annually, as the root system grows rapidly. But our baby has a transplant yet to come..

The plant can be easily propagated: twigs quickly form roots in water.


Mom received a novice’s stalk as a gift from a neighbor - the beauty on his window was painfully attractive. The sprout stood in the water for a week, then planted with a spine in a bowl, into the sand mix, peat and garden soil (1:1:1). And somehow I couldn't believe, which blooms quickly. But tiny buds poured, despite the snow outside the window. Then I found out, what is a plant of short daylight hours. But what kind of Kalanchoe we grow, so far a mystery to me. By the type of flowering, it is more similar to the Rosalina variety., which is also considered long-flowering. Our bush has been pleasing with delicate miniature "roses" for three months already..


According to the beliefs of many peoples, if the "plant of life" (also called this succulent) comfortable in your home, then luck will always accompany all members of the family.

© Author: Инна СУХОРУКОВА, Voronezh region. Photo by the author


Yes, really, in bloom, your plant looks like a terry variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld Rosalina. When growing it, the southern window sills will be the best exposure., but from spring with shading from direct sunlight. Can be kept outdoors in summer (take out to the loggia, on the balcony). Transplanted bush, only when the roots completely braid the earthen ball and occupy the entire container. Rearranging different sides to the light does not affect the flowering plant.

COUNTS, that Kalanchoe flowers help to lift the mood, especially in people, who are in the "minor" in the morning.

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Cand. biol. Science

How to make KALANHOE Blossfeld and KALANHOE Kalandiva bloom at home


1 thought on “Care for the calandiva (Kalanchoe in Blossfeld) at home – growing tips”

  1. Valentina FEDOTOVA

    It is a small plant tall 30-35 cm pleases with double flowers in winter, when most green pets rest. Grows on the southeast windowsill. Cannot stand the scorching rays of the sun and drafts.

    I water once a week, preventing the soil from completely drying out (in the summer - once in 3 day and periodically in the evenings (after the Sunset) arrange a warm shower). When the bush fades, I shorten the twigs on 1/3 and put the pot in a darker place, I water less often.
    Succulent plant begins to actively grow. Escapes, which are very elongated, pinching. When buds appear, I begin to feed with complex mineral fertilizer for cacti and succulents (according to instructions). I transplant it into a soil special for these plants (be sure to fill the drainage): under the age of three - annually, then - once in 3 of the year.
    In summer Kalanchoe blooms continuously!

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