Scadoxus (PHOTO) planting and care at home, scadoxus transplant


Scadoxus bulb received in the summer by mail with large fleshy leaves. Means, she has already blossomed and began to grow powerful foliage. I understood: than the best growing season to provide the plant, and then a full rest period, the more beautiful it will bloom next time.

Scadoxus photo

Scadoxus photo


I planted a bulb in a wide, low pot, into the substrate from the sheet, turf land, river sand, peat and humus (1:2:1:1:1). Well fed, and by September, reduced watering and stopped feeding. The leaves gradually began to dry out. Didn't cut them off, since the nutrients must go into the bulb. Interesting, that without watering, the leaf blades "held on" for a couple of weeks, which indicates a large supply of nutrients and moisture in them. While relaxing in the cool (not less +12 city.) watered the flower rarely and poorly, so that the roots do not dry out.

I work with a plant with gloves, since all parts of it are poisonous. I do not allow contact with animals.


On the Internet they often write, that the flowering of scadoxus occurs in late summer-early autumn. However, my pet has been blooming for two years in late June and early July.. After all, it all depends on, when the plant has retired, when it came out of it, etc.. d. Also read about the long peduncle, sometimes up to a meter.

And my scadoxus has a height of about 25 cm, what i really like, otherwise, for a large spherical inflorescence, it would be necessary to put a support. The first year the plant bloomed without leaves, which began to appear after. On the second - foliage and peduncle appeared at the same time.

The plant pleases with beauty from 10 days before 2 weeks (depends on air temperature). Loves good lighting, especially when preparing to bloom. Yes, and during the growing season needs bright rays, except midday, so that there are no burns.


Scadoxus Hemantus, planting and care

GEMANTUS | Home care and breeding | DEER LANGUAGE

© Author: Olga MALYAR, Dnepropetrovsk region. Photo by the author


In the fall, I transfer healthy homemade specimens into a larger pot without any additional manipulations.. I transplant bulbs with suspected rot in a different way. Scadoxus as an example.

  1. I take an onion out of the pot and completely clean it from the ground. Examining the roots, donce. If there are signs of rot, cut with a sterile knife, grabbing living tissue on 1 -2 mm.
  2. I treat the onion with the preparation "Maxim" (according to instructions), which prevents the spread of diseases. Then 1-2 I dry it for a day in a warm dry place, but not in direct sun.
  1. I choose a pot by the size of the root system, adding 5 cm in diameter. There must be several large drainage holes. On 1/4 I pour expanded clay into the height of the container. On top of it I put a "pillow" of sphagnum moss (excellent antiseptic). Then I pour a layer of substrate. I take an onion and hold it over the center of the pot, gently spreading the roots. I add soil, leaving about 2 cm to the bottom of the bulb. I pour vermiculite under it (or perlite) with crushed charcoal (for the prevention of rot). Then I fill all the voids between the roots and the walls of the pot with the substrate so, so that only 1/3 bulbs.
  2. I water only after 3 days, along the edge of the pot.
Scadoxus - transfer

Scadoxus – transfer


Plant Dormant period Without leaves Storage conditions Transfer Flowering period
Amaryllis October-January Yes In the dark, +8-10 city. Annual Aug. Sept
Vallota October-January No In the world, +7-12 city. Once in 2-3 of the year Aug. Sept
Hemantus September-December No In the world, +10-15 city. Once in 3-4 of the year August
Hippeastrum You can choose Yes In the dark, +10-12 city. Annual 6-8 weeks shortly after disembarkation
Caladium Autumn winter Yes In the dark, +18-20 city. Every year Summer, but appreciated for the decorative foliage
Crinum October-January No In the world, +10-15 city. Once in 3-4 of the year Aug. Sept
Lachenalia October November Yes In the dark, +7-10 city. Every year January March
Шпрекелия September-January Yes In the dark, +5-10 city. Annual February-May
Euharis Under unfavorable conditions No In the world, +15-17 city. Once in 3-4 of the year 2-3 once a year
Bulbous transplant

Bulbous transplant


© Author: Inna KRAVCHENKO, r. Zaporizhzhia. Photo by the author


1 thought on “Scadoxus (PHOTO) planting and care at home, scadoxus transplant”

  1. My flower bloomed sometime in August. Leaves began to grow from below and I water the plant like a regular flower pot. It is the end of December. Will the plant bloom in the summer?? Can cut off the top? Please advise.

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