Why does zamioculcas turn yellow? Complete list of reasons


Zamioculcas at home

Zamioculcas at home

Zamioculcas turns yellow, leaves are stained, fall off…
What's with the plant? Let's analyze the possible reasons and, sure, find solutions.

1 Frequent and abundant watering Leaves turn yellow and wet dark spots appear on them, since the immune system spends energy on restoring the tuberous rhizome after waterlogging
2 Insufficient watering Leaves turn yellow, there is not enough water for growth and development – the plant in extreme conditions triggers the saving process
3 Natural aging Flower feature – formation no more 17 leaf blades on one handle. He grows, lengthens, replacing old leaves with new ones. Signs of aging – formation of new petioles and single yellowing of the lower leaves


4 Pests 0 their presence on the succulent can be judged by the yellow dots, stains, holes, cobweb
5 Excess nitrogen fertilizers A yellow border appears on the surface of the sheet and its density changes
6 Fungal disease Growth slows down or stops, brown spots appear on the tuber, foliage withers, its structure and color change
7 Burn or frostbite Irregular yellow spots are formed, which are gradually increasing
8 Bacterial diseases High humidity, watering with cold water, dark gray, black, brown spots on the leaves
9 Rhizome damage during transplantation The plant does not develop, foliage turns yellow, shoots dry
10 Large number of leaves on a small tuber As a result, excess ones turn yellow and dry.. This problem occurs after dividing a bush


  1. Let the soil dry completely, and then water until the water comes out into the pan. Surplus later 15-30 minutes delete. If the rhizome is affected by rot, cut out wet spots on the tuber, with the capture of healthy tissue, and remove the "bad" roots. Treat the wounds with a fungicide (Fundazol, "Raw") and dry for 2 days in the open air. Plant the plant in fresh soil, adding sand, in a pot according to the size of the root system. Don't water for a week.
  2. In spring and summer, the substrate dries out faster. In autumn and winter, with a lack of light, the plant rests, drinks little water, and the soil dries longer. To check soil moisture, stick into the ground (to the bottom) a thin wooden stick on the edge of the pot. If minutes after 20 you get it dry - it's time to water the flower.
  3. The bush is easy to renew with sections of underground stem-rhizome, having kidneys, which are able to wake up and give side shoots - new plants. Or you can cut a sheet, to dry, treat with a rooting stimulator and plant in the ground.
  4. The shield can be confused in appearance with corking, characteristic of this plant. But the pest is easy to completely remove. "Aktara" will help to fight him: shed soil and spray the plant 3-4 times at weekly intervals. "Neoron" will cope with spider mites, Omayt, Aktellik, "Apollo": process the plant at least 3 once every week with different drugs.
  5. It is necessary to replace chemical fertilizing with organic.
  6. For rhizome treatment, use the fungicides "Fundazol" or "Hom". Coal is useless in this case, it only prevents infection from entering the wounds.
  7. Spray the plant (affected leaves too, without interrupting) solution of any adaptogen - "Epin", "Zircon", aloe juice.
  8. The preparation "Maxim" is suitable for watering and processing. (acts 2,5 months); for spraying stems and roots - "Fundazol" (0,1 % solution); effective "Hom" - 20 d on 5 l of water.
  9. It is necessary to transplant "dry" - before the procedure, let the soil dry out, so that moisture does not get into the wounds and does not cause rotting. If, after transplantation, the zamio-bag began to turn yellow rapidly, need reanimation of the root system: remove rot, treat with fungicide, dry for at least a week, watching slices, plant and do not water the plant until the soil is completely dry.
  10. The condition will stabilize when the root system gets stronger.
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© Author: Lilia MALTSEVA, agrochemist, plant collector, r. Novy Oskol, Belgorod Region.


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1 thought on “Why does zamioculcas turn yellow? Complete list of reasons”

  1. Вот самые распространенные причины желтизны листьев (in my experience).
    Такое может произойти из-за неправильного полива цветов. Я поливаю отстоянной водой только после проверки состояния грунта. Если на глубине в 1 см почва влажнаяполив не нужен. Если сухая, то нужно увлажнить.
    Листья могут пожелтеть, если плотно прижаты к холодному стеклу или цветок стоит на подоконнике под форточкой. Нужно просто переставить горшок в другое благоприятное место.
    Но чаще всего, especially in winter, листья желтеют от нехватки солнечного света. В пасмурную погоду я досвечиваю цветы от 6 to 12 ч в сутки. В погожие дни достаточно включать лампу на пару часов утром и вечером.

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