Houseplants & House Flowers Care Calendar – September October


Houseplant care in September and October

Houseplant care in September and October

If the second half of September is sunny, warm, then some tub plants, standing on the balcony, keep growing and blooming (brugmansia, hibiscus syrian, lantana).

Water them regularly after the topsoil dries out..

At the end of flowering with optimal wintering (+10-12 city.) they need minimal watering (the soil should be almost dry).

The soil in a pot of curly beauties must be constantly moist. (without stagnation), as it begins to grow new shoots.

Moderate watering after the top layer of the substrate dries up at this time is necessary for most indoor plants: abutilon, bromeliads, eschinantusu, aroid, afelandre, ardizii, aucuba japanese, eternal (soft water), brunfelsia, bell-shaped bell, chlorophytum, citrus, dracene, cordyline, clerodendrum, clips, croton, columns, Erica and Heather (soft water) etc.

Limit watering allamanda, asparagus, aspidistra, beloperone.

Leave the cacti without watering.

Carefully removing from the supports, bring perennial vines into the house (passionflower, bugenvillei). Remove broken shoots, they won't recover.

When returning indoor plants from the open air, inspect them for diseases. The easiest way to bring powdery mildew into your home. Treatment with "Fundazol" is necessary even on the street.

For wintering bougainvillea, find a cool (+5-10 city.) bright place.

After partial leaf fall, reduce watering, but do not allow the substrate to dry completely. Remove fallen leaves regularly. The plant should not stand on a cold floor, as roots can rot. Small pruning of elongated and weak shoots is allowed.

When a scale insect and a worm appear, wipe the shoots and leaves with ear sticks with a gruel of finely chopped garlic, laundry soap and water (3:1:1). After a day, rinse with clean water. Processing can be repeated later 10 days.

10 golden rules for caring for indoor plants. Every florist should know this.

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Cand. biol. Science, r. Yalta


2 thoughts on “Houseplants & House Flowers Care Calendar – September October”

    1. There may be several reasons: dry indoor air, direct sunlight on leaves, excess watering, decaying roots, or, on the contrary, insufficient hydration and, Consequently, - drying out of the earthy coma. Having adjusted watering, air humidity, lighting, you can stop the drying of foliage. Spray cordilina during the heating season. Feed with nitroammophos once a week (1/2 ч.л.. on 1 l of water). Do not remove dried leaves completely, cut only the dry area with sharp, clean scissors, stepping back a little from healthy tissue.

      Nikolay KHROMOV, candidate of agricultural sciences, r. Michurinsk

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