Coleus cultivation, planting and care at home


Somehow at the end of February, neighbors shared the Coleus cuttings (since autumn they kept the mother liquor in the basement). Decided to root them, without even knowing, that such beauty will grow.


Put the twigs (10-12 cm), breaking off the lower leaves, into a container with warm water and river sand, adding a little "Epin". Covered with a package.

Kept in the shade at a temperature +18-20 city. Once a day ventilated. When a couple of new leaves appeared and roots formed, planted in peat soil, leaf land, humus and coarse river sand (3:1:1:1), adding 1 Art. spruce bark, which he pre-boiled and chopped. A layer of sand was poured at the bottom of the box.

From above the soil was mulched with semi-rotten birch leaves and spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Now my "flowerbed" adorns the insulated loggia of the south-west orientation, where the average temperature in winter is + 17 degrees.


Coleus loves warmth and bright light. I shade it only in the summer from the midday sun.

In winter and early spring, I put a pallet with wet expanded clay next to the box, constantly pouring warm water into it. I spray the bushes once a week, summer – twice a day. I water the plant after the top layer of soil has dried.

I feed in early spring 2 once a month with fertilizer (1 /2 doses) high in nitrogen - for lush foliage. Then (until autumn) once a week I give Kemir chlorine-free mixture, where potassium and phosphorus predominate.

To maintain compactness, I regularly pinch the bushes. In May, I carry out anti-aging pruning - I leave shoots along 5-8 cm with 2-3 kidneys.

Noticed, that coleus sheds leaves, when he is cold. After November, I shorten the stems, and the plant recovers quickly.

COLLEUS – Reproduction by cuttings. VIDEO

Coleus – propagation by cuttings is easy

© Author: Victor ROSSIYSKY, r. Moscow. Photo by Lydia NOVIKOVA

Coleus cuttings: question – answer

When and how to cut varietal coleus without loss?

Larisa NOSOVA, r. Samara

They can be cut by the end of August.. Cuttings are placed in water with an activated carbon tablet. The rate of root formation directly depends on the state of the mother liquor: if he is strong and healthy, the process will go quickly. If the stalk with a peduncle, it will inhibit root growth. Cuttings from a diseased or overfed plant are poorly rooted.


When planting a cuttings with roots in the ground, use a small amount of substrate: only so that the roots are freely located and on their backfill. At this stage, excess loose soil is useless.. It is better to cross the plant several times as the root system develops. Add more perlite to the soil mixture, as "water" roots do not adapt well in heavy soil. Initially, a glass of volume is enough 200 r.


Seldom, but there are cases of damage to cuttings by viral diseases, when mosaic angular spots appear on the foliage and in the form of rings between the veins. This condition is accompanied by poor growth, dwarf plant, twisting and hammering leaves. It cannot be cured, such a flower is thrown away.


For branching, pinch not only the growing point of the main stem, but also the lower shoots.

© Author: Lilia MALTSEVA, agrochemist, plant collector

🍁КОЛЕУСЫ🍁размножение черенками🍁



  1. I maintain the temperature for the Coleus in the insulated loggia +15 city. Then the plants rest, gaining strength, being in a state of relative rest.
  1. I water as the soil dries up by about 2-3 cm. A couple of times during the winter I feed with a half dose of any complex liquid fertilizer.
  2. At the end of February, I rearrange the coleus to a warm place. (+19-20 city). I start to water and feed more often.

Valentina KAZANOVSKAYA. r. Vyhov


In February-March, I start grafting Coleus mother plants.

I cut the shoots with a pruner with 4-5 pairs of leaves. I leave the top two, I delete the rest. I cut the leaves of the lower remaining pair by half. Cut on the handle (doing on 3-4 mm below the knot. If there are buds or flowers on the branch, pinch them off.

I root strong thick shoots in the water, topping it up as needed. I don't use stimulants. I put no more in one glass 5 cuttings.

I root thin shoots immediately in loose, moist soil. I dip the lower cuts in Cor-Nevin powder. I put the cuttings in a mini-plaque and put them in a warm shade (but not dark) a place.

The roots in both cases appear on 10-14 day. Cuttings, rooted in water, planting in cups. They, what's in the mini greenhouse, it's time to gradually open up.

As soon as the coleus get stronger, pinching the tops of my head over 3-4 a couple of leaves.

As I grow, I transplant the plants into larger pots.. And with the arrival of heat, I plant them in balcony containers and in the garden.

I feed Coleus once a month with fertilizer for decorative foliage crops. First deposit - through 2 weeks after landing.

Elena GLUSHKOVA, collector, r. Izhevsk


I love Coleus: they grow fast, easily tolerate pruning and transplanting, suitable for growing at home and in the garden.


I sow seeds in late January-early February in a universal peat soil.

The first shoots appear on 3-4 day, if the bowl is in a warm, bright place.

After a couple of weeks, on the first true leaves of two-color varieties, you can see a darker center. And after a month and a half - to evaluate the color completely.

Since spring, I water the seedlings once in 1 – 2 of the day - they love water.

To form lush bushes, I pinch, when the plants reach a height of about 7 cm.

I don't use any fertilizers until summer.


The neighbor complained, that her coleus grow dull in winter. The reason is the increased need for variegated plants in good lighting.. When daylight hours are approaching minimum, the color of the leaves becomes inconspicuous. Internodes begin to lengthen, the bush loses its shape.

THIS IS WHY I supplement my coleus in December-January with a phytolamp. Under it, even dull leaves transform after a few days.!

© Author: Marina KOVALEVA. r. Ulyanovsk


Conditions Autumn winter Spring Summer
Temperature Not less +12 city. +20-25 city.
Lighting Bright Need shading from the sun
Watering Moderate Abundant
Spraying Does not need Frequent
Top dressing Does not need Mineral, 2 once a month
Transfer Transshipment possible Annually in spring


Coleus used to be just a nettle for me. Among other indoor plants, it did not stand out for its special beauty.. I didn't even think about landing in the garden in the summer. And so it was until then, until I saw a photo of varietal specimens on social networks (by this time she was growing a flower at least 13 years old).


Soon I had the first 20 varieties (ordered rooted cuttings). Raised newcomers in cups and planted them in open ground at the end of May, when the temperature outside stopped dropping below +15 city, and the wind died down. All summer and early autumn, Coleus delighted with their extraordinary beauty. To keep the varieties, cut the cuttings from adult bushes and put them in the water. After the formation of roots, I put them in cups (200 r), and then into the pots (1l). Since Coleus are very fond of the sun, put them on the south window. In January I cut off the bushes, and they quickly overgrown. In April, I cut cuttings from them and rooted them for planting young plants in a flower bed. Also in the spring I received another batch of new varieties.

Coleus photo and care

Coleus photo and care


In one of the social networks I found a page of a collector from Khabarovsk, German Novomodny. His coleus amazed, and I began to dream of buying the varieties of interest from him. But the distance from Khabarovsk to Volgograd was frightening. And also confused getting slices

plant, not rooted cuttings. But desire outweighed fear. And in 2018 r. I got unrooted twigs. The package was in transit 4 days. Coleus came in good condition. Following the instructions of German Vladimirovich, started rooting. Sure, there were losses. Fortunately, small. After that, I acquired other new items., and over time my collection expanded to 250 varieties, and the popularity of Coleus among florists has increased dramatically.


The best time for grafting Coleus is the second half of August and, depending on the region, until mid-September. Cuttings that have given root in water can be planted in cups for a start. (100 r), which will last for about two months. It all depends on the size of the rooted shoot: the smaller it is, the less manipulations with transplants. When the roots fill the whole glass, transplant the plant to a larger volume. Or take cuttings from it and root again. It all depends on the size of the area, which we are ready to provide to pets.

Important to remember, that this light-loving plant needs the sunniest place. Or you need to supplement. I prefer to alternate between windowsill and shelving (with a small collection, I managed with windows). I don’t feed Coleus until spring.


During my practice of growing Coleus, only once encountered a mealybug. The main thing here, do not panic and do not throw out the plants, and carry out systemic processing with "Aktara": first - 0,8-1 d on 1 l of water; second - 1,2-1,5 r; third - 1,5-2 r. Spill soil every 7-10 days.

© Author: Наталья ЧЕРНИЦОВА, Volgograd region. Photo by the author. @cvetok_ bez_ hlopot


Plant care. Coleus: cultivation, reproduction, transfer // FORUMHOUSE


5 thoughts on “Coleus cultivation, planting and care at home”

  1. Olga FOMICHEVA, agronomist, r. Ryazan.

    Coleus started growing a couple of years ago., when I saw, how impressive it looks on the flowerbed. The bright color of the serrated leaves can be variegated, with white, green, pink, red streaks, dots, streaked, stripes. They are similar in shape to nettle foliage., therefore, coleus is also called nettle. I sow seeds for seedlings with 20 January to 20 Martha.
    I put the purchased soil into cassettes, pour a small amount of vermiculite into each cell on top and moisten the soil with a weak (pale pink) potassium permanganate solution (1 st.l.. per cell).
    Sprinkle Coleus seeds over the surface of vermiculite and spray with water. I do not fall asleep with earth! I cover the crops with foil and put them in a warm place. Seedlings appear on the 4-7th day in the light. After that I water them as needed. (can be moistened by leaves). To prevent root rot, I dust the plants with ash. Remember: koleusteplolyubiv, does not tolerate shade and excessive moisture.
    Diving nettles in the phase of two to four true leaves. And when the plants stretch to
    8 cm, pinching the tops. I delete flower arrows as soon as they appear.
    I plant seedlings on a flower bed with 15 May on 5 june.

    TIP: In the fall, Coleus can be dug up and transplanted home in a pots.

  2. Lyudmila KALDINA, Penza region. Photo by the author

    Не могу представить теплый сезон без колеусов! Каждый год в сентябре собираю семена с кустиков, чтобы получить сеянцы с различными цветовыми комбинациями.
    Прямые лучи растение не любит, поэтому подбираю ему место, где солнечно до 12 hours, а затем — тенек от забора.

    Поливаю колеусы обильно, но застоя влаги быть не должно. Вечером иногда «прохожусь» лейкой по листве.
    Отрастающие кустики обрезаю, придавая форму, и получаю много посадочного материала на клумбу «в ноги» к розам.

    Сеять семена колеуса начинаю в конце января. Семечки сверху не присыпаю, лишь увлажняю из пульверизатора. Накрываю пакетом и ставлю под лампы на стеллаж. Всходы появляются дней через 10. Когда немного подрастут, начинаю пикировать в стаканы (100 r), в смесь покупного грунта, садовой земли и листового перегноя (1:1:1). Затем переваливаю в горшки (300 r), а позже рассаживаю в большие вазоны, которые поначалу стоят в теплице. Отправляю «крапивку» на свежий воздух, когда наступает стабильное тепло, ведь при температуре ниже +15 city, замедляется рост.

  3. Лшмила ВЕСЁЛКИНА, Voronezh region.

    На фото один и тот же сорт колеуса, но создается впечатление, что там посажены два разных растения.
    Сначала черенок развивался нормально. Прищипывала его для пышности куста. И вот в один прекрасный момент появилась ветка с «сюрпризом». Сталкивалась со спортом у фиалок, стрептокарпусов, а у колеусов такое впервые. Знакомые цветоводы посоветовали вырезать эти побеги, а черенки брать только с тех, где присутствует соответствующий сорту окрас.
    Can, еще специалисты что-то подскажут?

    1. У растений довольно часто происходят соматические мутации, в результате которых вырастают побеги, отличающиеся от материнского растения. Если эти изменения декоративны, интересны, то их берут на воспроизводство: черенкуют и размножают. Именно так получают многие новые сорта. Но любой из них тоже может дать такую мутацию или вернуться к материнским качествам.
      В вашем случае, если изменения представляют интерес, можно срезать и размножить побег с другими признаками. Для сохранения именно данного сорта все отличающиеся ветви следует вырезать и на черенки не пускать.

      Natalia SEMENOVA.

  4. Красочный «парнишка» любим многими цветоводами. Он неприхотливый (ухаживаю как за базеллой), его редко поражают болезни и вредители, отлично зимует. А главное, дарит хорошее настроение до начала зимы. Потом постепенно сбрасывает листву — это норма. Нужно дать растению отдохнуть пару месяцев. При этом полив не прекращать, а лишь сократить. Мне нравится колеус еще и за то, что легко черенкуется. Примерно в конце августа нарезаю с кустиков разных сортов, высаженных в сад, крепкие веточки и укореняю их в одной широкой плошке. К весне всегда есть готовые для дальнейшего размножения экземпляры.

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