Flowers for a cozy kitchen


The kitchen is the right place for plants, whose energy is aimed at strengthening the family and the health of all its inhabitants. And on New Year's celebrations, the leaves and flowers of plants can be used in the preparation of festive dishes..

Laurel noble

Blooms in spring with small white or cream flowers. Blooming - signal, that everything is in order in your house with the microclimate and energy.

Mulled wine recipe: 2 bottles of dry red wine, 200 g sugar, 2 tangerine, 1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 cinnamon stick, 6 carnation buds, 3 bay leaves, 1/2 ч.л.. ground nutmeg, a packet of vanillin. Pour tangerine juice over lemon and lime without zest in a deep saucepan, add sugar and over low heat, stirring, dissolve crystals. Add all the spices, stir and heat. Pour 1,5 Art. guilt, boil 5 minutes, before boiling. Pour in the rest of the wine, warm up, pour into containers and go outside to celebrate the New Year - you will not freeze!

How to choose flowers for the kitchen

Jasmine sambak

A flowering plant fills the space with the energy of love, harmony and friendship, reduces aggression.

Jasmine Ice Cream Recipe: 50 g jasmine flowers, 150 g sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 a glass of rum, 4 squirrel.

Fill the flowers with cold water (500 ml) on 3 o'clock. Strain, add sugar, cinnamon and bring to a boil. Strain again, cool down. Whisk the whites into a strong foam., mix gently with infusion and rum. Put in the freezer. When the mixture is half solid, remove and whisk - back into the freezer. Repeat procedure 2-3 times.

Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

The plant has a calming effect on the atmosphere and brings comfort to the house..

Sugar Violet Recipe: Brush the flowers with whipped whites, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top and dry. You can decorate a cake with candied flowers, pastries, desserts for the New Year's table. Happy holidays!

© Author: Svetlana RYZHKINA, florist


Ideal indoor plants for the kitchen.


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