Why do dendrobium leaves fall off?


All the leaves of the dendrobium have fallen. What is the reason, and is there a chance, that the plant will recover?


Dendrobium noble after flowering may lose part of the leaves, but usually, normally, leaf fall is not abundant. Probably, the plant during active growth did not receive enough moisture or stood in a too dark place. It was necessary to water the flower regularly, as soon as the soil dries out, and abundantly enough from a watering can from above or briefly immersing the pot in water.

A dry dormant period to stimulate the next flowering is arranged only after the end of the growth of young shoots, simultaneously lowering the temperature. The orchid needs very bright lighting all year round.. It should be placed only on south-facing windows. (southeast, south, southwest). On the east or west, additional lighting will be needed. Northern dendrobium are generally not suitable.

Dendrobium - Photo

Dendrobium – Photo


Now, when the stems are completely without leaves, it is better not to try to stimulate flowering, the plant may die.

Keep the pot in a greenhouse with high humidity - cover with a spacious transparent bag, close tightly, regularly ventilate and spray the flower.

Be sure to place it under a bright light. In such conditions, buds can hatch on old stems and children grow.. From good green stems, young shoots can grow from below. If the roots are bad, part of the old shoots can be cut into fragments with several internodes and put in a greenhouse on wet sphagnum. In bright light and at temperature +20-25 city, after a few weeks, daughter shoots are formed in the nodes.

WHEN young shoots are reached 3-5 cm and several roots will appear, they are deposited one or more in the bark of the fine fraction.


The stems that have begun to turn yellow may not recover even in good conditions., they will gradually die away. But while they are still at least a little green and without signs of rot, do not touch, the nutrients from there will pass through the rhizomes to neighboring stems.


Why do dendrobium leaves curl at home? | toNature.Info

© Author: Natalia SEMENOVA, biologist, plant collector, r. Moscow

1 thought on “Why do dendrobium leaves fall off?”

  1. Небольшая деленка дендробиума Rainbow Dance появилась у меня в конце лета 2021 r. Эта орхидея оказалась неприхотливой в уходе и щедрой на цветение. К тому же она компактная и не занимает много места на подоконнике.
    Посадила свое приобретение в смесь сосновой коры и керамзита, положила сверху на субстрат слой сфагнума. Поставила на южный подоконник и поливала по мере просыхания грунта. За осень дендробиум нарастил новый тубер (туберидии — утолщенная надземная часть стебля, выполняющая функцию хранения воды и питательных веществ) и хорошие корни. Зимой поставила растение поближе к стеклу, сократила полив. Малыш стойко перенес просушки и понижение температуры, а в феврале появились бутоны. Ароматные цветки распустились в начале марта и держались примерно месяц.

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