Allocation – growing at home, planting and care


How best to propagate alocasia, to quickly get a beautiful bush?

Svetlana, question from email. mail

Reproduction of alocasia

Reproduction of alocasia

In my opinion, the easiest and most affordable method to get many beautiful, densely leafy specimens of alocasia - cuttings.

  1. Way for the sick, weakened and young plants.

Mark a spot on the stem, where do you want to get the roots (no cuts, otherwise the wounds can rot), dust with "Kornevin", wrap with a small layer of moist sphagnum moss. Wrap the top with plastic wrap and tighten tightly from the bottom (without hurting the stem), and on top, leave a small gap-pocket, to moisten sphagnum through it (must be constantly wet). Root growth can be observed through the transparent film. You will see the result later 2-4 weeks. Separate the finished stalk with roots and plant in the ground.

  1. For healthy plants.

Cut off a section of the stem with a leaf and hold 3 hours in Kornevin solution. Then put in a transparent glass with soil, to the depth 2-3 cm, water well, cover with a bag or bottle. Be sure to ventilate. Rooting time - 2-4 weeks. Transplant the cutting into the pot, when roots are formed. When the arrow of the second sheet appears, the greenhouse can be removed. Planted in a pot 3-4 cuttings and nodules, in a month you can get a gorgeous bush with an abundance of leaves and calmly wait for the germination of nodules.

Alocasia loves warmth, therefore, the optimum moisture temperature for rooting is +22-25 city., not less.

once, accidentally breaking off alocasia leaf with a stem, put it in a vase (there was no time to mess with the soil) and forgot for a while. What was my surprise, when a month later I saw a well-developed root system with a leaf bud.


Large specimens of alocasia can be divided during transplantation, but there is a more affordable way to propagate the plant.

If you carefully "dig" in the soil (I don't touch only in winter), where does the flower grow, then you can find nodules, which are easily detached from the rhizome. I put them in a plastic cup (0,5 l), in sphagnum moss, which I pre-moisten from a spray bottle (I do not water, there should be no water in the container!), I cover it with a film and put it on a sunny windowsill.

I check the greenhouse occasionally, in which the roots grow rapidly. Gradually I pick up those nodules, that are ready for an independent life. Many gardeners grow them in sphagnum., until the leaves start to appear. I think: if roots are formed, means, soil is already needed, so that the plant receives the necessary substances from it.

alocasia of nodules

alocasia of nodules


I tried to plant nodules in peat, coconut fiber, soil for aroid, but did not observe the rapid growth of young roots. Now found the perfect, in my opinion, mixture: coconut fiber (40%) and the special substrate LECHUZA-PON (60%), which contains minerals, represented by volcanic rock, zeolite and fertilizers. It is lechuza that makes the soil so loose, that the roots grow by leaps and bounds. I order it in online stores.


A good "harvest" can be obtained from one mother plant. First alocasia, who took part in the experiment, became Polly. Having gained experience in raising her children, having decided on the composition of the soil, I started working on other varieties. Not difficult, interesting, productively! true, it takes much longer to grow a large plant, than if you buy it in a store, but for those florists, who is in no hurry and enjoys the process itself, - recommend.

© Author: Zhanna Lapshina. Altai Republic. Photo by the author



I used to cheerfully report, that I water adult alocasia once a week, kids - a couple of times. But later I realized, that each grower has its own conditions: temperature, air humidity, moisture capacity of soil, pot volume, lighting.

All these factors together determine, what should be the irrigation regime. for example, I often see a recommendation to reduce watering in the winter.

Allocation - Photo

Allocation – Photo

Everything seems to be correct: daylight hours are shorter, it's colder outside, the plant slows down its needs. But if it grows on a shelf under the lamps, batteries are "scalded" like this, that it's dry at home, like in the sahara, and with all this add a reduction in watering? And summer? In our northern region, in summer it can be + 10-15 degrees outside for weeks., at home - + 18-20 degrees., and all this combined with moisture from precipitation and the sea. I continue to water, as in the period of active growth, and in a couple of weeks I will receive a bouquet of leaves from a rotten "stump". To correctly determine the watering regime, I propose to study, while the plant is small and sits in a glass. Ideally young, actively growing and healthy roots - light and pubescent with small villi. Our task is to keep them that way.. The villi are gone? The soil was overdried. The tips of the roots have darkened? Flooded. Thus, we are looking for balance by that time, when the plant is ready to "move" to the pot. But if you still doubt, plant in a transparent orchid pot. A good guide is the presence of condensation on the walls, which should be in some quantity, at the same time, the accumulation of water at the bottom of the container is highly undesirable.


There is an opinion in various sources, that alocasia are shade-tolerant. Unfortunately, often this concept is replaced by another - shade-loving, which is not the same. The plant will easily survive some shading., but with a systematic lack of light, the size of the leaves will also suffer, and their number, and the quality of the drawing. The best option is bright diffused light. Alocasia will definitely not appreciate the sun on the windowsill in the southern direction.

Yet again, the window in the northern regions is not equal to the same in the southern; shaded by trees on the first floor loses in terms of illumination on the tenth. And even on the scale of an apartment, the same window sill can fully satisfy the needs of a plant for light in the summer., and in winter become a real dungeon for him. The problem of lack of lighting can be solved, bought a lamp. This is especially true for the regions., where in winter the day lasts a couple of hours, or even eternal twilight. I AM, eg, I use lighting all year round. Children and "adapters" I grow only on the shelves in the back of the room. There is no sun there, but there is stability of conditions.

Allocation - home care

Allocation – home care


The opinions of flower growers agree on one thing - a dense substrate is absolutely not suitable for alocasia.. The rest of the room for experimentation is huge.. My alocasia grew in different mixtures - from "Terra Vita" to "Klassman", with bark, moss, perlite, expanded clay, "Barsikom", foam,coconut fiber…

Gradually understood: the main thing, successfully combine three factors - soil moisture content, the frequency and abundance of watering with the need for moisture of the alocasia itself. That is, "adjust" the watering to your version of the substrate. And if there is a tendency to gulf or dryness, can, on the contrary, choose the composition of the soil for the manner of watering. And then it doesn't matter, what are the components in the substrate, if only the roots are not damaged.

© Author: Nadezhda TYRLOVA. administrator-consultant of the Aroid VKontakte Library group. r. Arkhangelsk. Photo by the author


Hearing about that, that alocasia is now at the height of fashion, acquired (towards the end of summer) this amazing tropican in your winter garden.

Alocasia bambino

Alocasia bambino

I first put the small stalk in the water. When the roots appeared, planted in the ground for ornamental leaf species, mixing it partially with sphagnum moss (the substrate must be breathable).

I water the plant as needed.. With dry soil, it can lower its only leaf so far. When over-watering or spraying shows, that he has enough moisture, emitting water droplets

plate - exactly, like in the rainy season at home, in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. No wonder the people call alocasia "weatherman", and also "elephant ear", "shamrock". After rooting, until the end of autumn, the baby was fed once a month with fertilizer for indoor plants.

In winter, at night, I illuminate the plant - with 19 to 23 hours.

© Author: Ekaterina TULINOVA, r. St. Petersburg. Photo by the author


Alocasia lowii Bebe (Bambino) - compact variety 30-50 cm.

You are doing the right thing, that you pay great attention to the ground. It should be porous and slightly acidic (pH 5, 0-6, 0).

Comfortable temperature for alocasia in winter - +18-22 city, (not less +16).

If new leaves do not grow within 6 months, consider transplanting (without greatly increasing the pot) or top dressing (eg, ammonium nitrate solution -1 g / l).

In winter, watering is somewhat reduced., allowing the plant to stand for a day with a dried top layer of soil.

The milky juice of alocasia Vcoiu j is poisonous, may cause irritation of skin and mucous membranes, and if swallowed, vomiting. Wear gloves when handling the plant and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water., even after just rubbing the leaves.

© Author: Rita BRILLIANTOVA. biologist, r. Moscow


How to successfully propagate Alokazia at home! Reproduction methods of Alokazia!

© Author: Lilia MALTSEVA, agrochemist, plant collector, r. Novy Oskol, Belgorod Region. Photo by the author

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