Which indoor plants to bury the root collar and which do not?

In books on floriculture, it is often advised not to deepen the root collar during transplantation.. Why is it so important? Are there any plants, for whom it is painless, and for which it is critical?


The root collar is called the transition zone of the aboveground part of the plant into the underground. This term is more common in gardening.. Moreover, the true root collar in plants, grown from seeds. In vegetatively propagated cuttings or layering, this is a conditional concept.. The importance of maintaining levels during transplants is due to several factors..

With deep planting, root growth is difficult due to lack of air, which is especially manifested in heavy mixtures and with waterlogging and leads to a decrease in survival rate.

Besides, the zone of the root collar plays an important regulatory role in metabolic processes, has increased metabolic activity and higher oxygen consumption.

What plants can be buried, and which ones are not? It is unlikely that a hand will rise to "bury" the caudex, rosette species and plants with a shortened stem.

For bulbous, corms, tuberous question is not relevant, they do not have a root collar as such and their planting depth is individual. From plants with a decorated trunk, which can be harmed by improper fit, it is not recommended to deepen the views, stem rot prone, and this is dracaena, in vain, pahira.

Do not like deep planting of palms and ferns.

About species, which is acceptable, and sometimes it is even useful to plant deeper, you can almost infallibly be guided by the following rule: if the plant is easy to cut, then a deep landing won't hurt him, it will quickly grow adventitious roots and rebuild the root system. These are almost all vines, ampel and ground cover crops.

It's safe to say, what's on the lungs, in breathable soils, the deepening of the root collar is not so critical even for plants, to whom it is not recommended.


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