Ripsalis (Photo) planting and care at home


Ripsalis - Photo

Ripsalis cacti – planting and care

Ripsalis differs from classic cactus not only in appearance (flat or cylindrical stems, lack of thorns).

These plants are epiphytes and grow on tree trunks.. And if the representatives of the group - Schlumberger and Ripsalidopsis - are well known to flower growers, then ripsalis are much less popular, if not rare. However, the plants are worth it, to pay attention to them.

Uncommon for the Cactaceae family (Cactaceae) the habitat also formed the special agricultural techniques of these "forest" inhabitants.


Ripsalis requires leafy soil with added fiber peat, chopped sphagnum moss and well-decomposed wood residues, which can be typed in the forest. It is useful to include charcoal in the mixture.. Any epiphytic substrate with the addition of leaf soil is suitable from ready-made soils..

The pot should be chosen wide and shallow, put drainage on the bottom. Young plants are transplanted annually, copies older 5 years - once in 2-3 of the year. Due to the fragility of the shoots, this procedure is not easy..


Ripsalis are kept warm most of the year, with regular and abundant watering. For the summer they can be taken out on a shaded balcony or in a loggia.. Once in 10-15 days, watering is combined with fertilizing with fertilizers for cacti and succulents. Only in the darkest months (November December) it is desirable to reduce the temperature to +15-18 city, and reduce watering to a minimum. This is also necessary for the bookmark of flower buds..

Ripsalis bloom is not very spectacular, but speaks of their good health. Bell-shaped flowers, light colors, medium-sized; flowering is abundant and usually occurs in November-January.

For full development and flowering, Ripsalis need a little sunlight., but no midday rays.


Although forest cacti live in the tropics, they adapt well to dry room air and can do without spraying. But the quality of the water, like most epiphytes, demanding. Water for irrigation needs soft, preferably rain. Plants can develop chlorosis from a tap with a high carbonate content.


The easiest way to propagate Ripsalis by cuttings. Stem pieces, slightly dry, planted in a light moisture-absorbing breathable substrate, eg, leaf earth mix, peat and sand (1:1:1). Cuttings take root quickly, easy, no shelter. Sometimes adventitious roots are formed at the base of the segments already on the mother plant.

Ripsalis in the interior (Rhipsalis) most often they are used as ampelous plants. They are also irreplaceable when drawing up tropical compositions with orchids and ferns..


Of the species Ripsalis in culture, the following are most often grown: hairy ripsalis (Rhipsalis capilliformis, ninth Rhipsalis teres) - with long, abundantly branching shoots, flowers are small, white;

Ripsalis Ulle (Rhipsalis houlettina, now Lepismium houlletianum) with flat, to 2 m shoots, bell-shaped flowers, cream;

Rhipsalis thick-winged (Rhipsalis pachyptera) - with long (to 1 m) shoots, large (to 20 cm), flat, leaf-shaped segments, flowers before 2 cm, fragrant, yellowish;

Rhipsalis paradoxical (Rhipsalis paradox) - segments 3-sided, flowers are white; Р. curly (R. crispata) - with leaf-shaped flat segments and yellowish flowers;

Rhipsalis mesembriantemy (Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides) - medium-sized view (to 40 cm), branches abundantly. In nature, it is on the verge of extinction, and in culture it is common.


Berry Ripsalis (Rhipsalis baccifera).

Under suitable conditions, it forms decorative openwork bushes with ampelous shoots.. Raspberry or white berries are tied on them., which decorate the plant for a long time.


Shallow bowls, since the root system of plants is superficial.

Loose, slightly acidic substrate from a mixture of peat and sand (1:1) with a small amount of leafy humus. Instead of peat, I sometimes use chopped sphagnum moss.. Store soil for cacti is also suitable. (or for violets mixed with coarse sand).

Drainage from expanded clay or charcoal. Moisture should not stagnate in the soil mixture, otherwise roots and stems can rot.

Top dressing with weak solutions (in a dose, in 2 times less, than in the instructions) organic mineral or mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content (times in 2 weeks from early spring to early autumn).

Watering with water at room temperature. But from late September to mid-November, Ripsalis need a rest period, therefore, reduce watering to a minimum, and lower the temperature to +12-15 city. I limit myself to occasional sprays, then the bushes can bloom by winter.

Shading, so that only morning rays fall on the shoots. Additional illumination in winter is needed only when located away from windows.

Wet air. Regular spraying is enough. Or put a mug of water next to it.

© Author: Andrey SHACHNEV. biologist, r. St. Petersburg

RIPSALIS - forest AMPEL cactus. Home care and breeding

© Author: Alexander CYMBAL. plant collector, r. Tolyatti

1 thought on “Ripsalis (Photo) planting and care at home”

  1. Ekaterina TULINOVA, r. St. Petersburg. Photo by the author

    Долго считала, что у меня растет другой вид «лесных» кактусов — шлюмбергера, а оказалось, это рипсалидопсис.
    Условия содержания растений схожи, а вот во внешнем виде отличия есть. Особенно заметно по цветкам — у этого красавца они симметричные. Да и раскрываются позже, чем у декабриста, — ранней весной, и радуют более двух месяцев.
    Для закладки цветочных почек обеспечиваю растению в ноябре-декабре период покоя: выношу в зимний сад, где+ 15-17 city., и сокращаю полив до минимума. Когда формируются бутоны, кустик не переставляю и не поворачиваю.
    В середине февраля возвращаю в комнату и ставлю на светлое, без прямых солнечных лучей окно.
    ПОЛИВАЮ после подсыхания верхнего слоя почвы хорошо отстоянной водой, которая чуть теплее комнатной температуры.
    После цветения при необходимости пересаживаю в рыхлый универсальный грунт. Опрыскиваю раз в день. Периодически формирую, обрезая лишние сегменты.

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