Bugenville (Photo) planting and care at home (+ video)


Bugenville - Photo

Bugenville – Photo


Bougainvillea blooms quickly, being a small plant, but subject to the following rules:

  1. The volume of the pot should be small. In a spacious flowerpot, she will build up green mass., and flowering will have to wait a long time.
  2. It takes a long day. Grow a plant on a south window, where there is a lot of sun.


Flowering lasts 1-2 months, however, bougainvillea can delight much longer, it all depends on care and age.

Every year the southern beauty blooms more magnificently and brighter. Feed the plant with fertilizer for flowering species, high in potassium. If you want to enjoy colorful fireworks even in autumn and winter, I recommend using phytolamps during this period.


Is it possible to grow bougainvillea in a compact bush? Sure! Due to frequent pruning and shaping. For the plant to branch, you need to start the haircut, when it's still small. Pinch (in any season) tip first to awaken the kidneys, and then - grown up to 6-7 see new shoots. Then follow this procedure with the newly emerging stems.

Bugenville - Photo

Bugenville – Photo


In summer, the beauty is comfortable in the fresh air. Take the flowerpots with her to the terrace, to the garden, and in the fall, take it home, pretreated against pests. In the open ground of the middle zone and to the north, the southerner will not be able to winter - she will freeze.

The bright summer sun dries out the soil faster, however, stick to the main rule - do not overfill. Before picking up the watering can, make sure, that the substrate has dried on 1, 5-2 cm. Overflow sign - black spots on the leaves. Moisturize a little in winter.

Tropicana does not need frequent transplants. Small enough for a young plant (to 2 l) pot. Subsequent transshipment will be required in one and a half to two years. Use light soil. A nutritious flower soil with the addition of vermiculite is suitable.

Bougainvillea pest resistant, however, in winter, due to dry air, spider mites can appear. Therefore, examine your pet more often., to treat with acaricides on time, if necessary.

© Author: Angelina STANITSKAYA. collector, r. Tolyatti. Photo by the author. ©Bouganvilleaea _ world

Bugenville. Выращивание и уход.



Bougainvillea appeared in our house as a rooted cuttings ten years ago, took root on the not very spacious southern windowsill (in the summer I take it outside). With age, it began to bloom for a long time and profusely. She does not suffer from root rot, pathogens and pests bypass the plant.


When liana was young, then dropped the leaves for the winter and bloomed once a year: in the second half of summer on young growths. Now she's woody, the foliage drops only a little in the fall, blooms twice: in spring and in the second half of summer-autumn. Backlit, possibly, bougainvillea would bloom in winter, but without her in December-February, flowering stops. During this period, the color of the leaves fades., and then I water the plant with water with a stimulator "HB-101" (according to instructions), to help get through the dark.

Bugenville - Photo

Bugenville – Photo


With the beginning of active growth, I cut the liana, but not much, as it reduces blooming (occurs at the ends of the increments). Escapes, remaining after trimming, I put it in a glass of water, adding to it on the tip of the knife "Kornevin". Days through 10 white callus bumps appear, and then I plant the cuttings in a peat substrate for rooting.

Thanks to this technique, survival rate - 50-100%, although bougainvillea is considered a hard-to-root crop.


Bougainvillea needs nutritious soil and a container for the size of the root system, which increases rapidly at first.

The young plant was transplanted annually, adult - once in 2-3 of the year. And in the eighth year, so as not to increase the size of the pot, when transplanting, shortened the roots. Bougainvillea endured the procedure calmly - she did not get sick, only temporarily suspended growth. Since then I have been transplanting it into the same flowerpot. (with soil replacement), cutting the root ball.


Bougainvillea is moisture-loving (in summer, the soil must be constantly moist, so on the street I water twice a week). However, in winter it is important to avoid waterlogging.. Another plant is responsive to feeding. Leaves turn pale without additional nutrition.. But it is worth feeding the flower with complex fertilizer, how the foliage turns green before our eyes. Loves bougainvillea, when I add vermicompost to her: leaf blades become thicker, and bloom is brighter.

© Author: Alsia ATANOVA, plant protection agronomist, r. Lipetsk


My bougainvillea blooms regularly (including autumn and winter), later 1-2 months after pruning, which I spend, regardless of the season, right after the blooming beauty, forming a bush.

Bougainvillea does not like transplants and large pots, so I'm overloading it (between blooms), when roots already appear from the drainage hole. I add a little soil for orchids to the substrate.

After summer break on bougainvillea street hibernates on the south windowsill in the bathroom, where it is humid and warm.

When it blooms, I feed once every two weeks with complex fertilizers for flowering species. I water after the topsoil dries out, sometimes replacing clean water with that, where eggs were boiled, or infusion of onion peel.

© Author: Оксана БЫРЫКИНА, r. Balakovo Saratov region. Photo by the author


Cuttings – popular and easy breeding method

Summer is the best time to cut bougainvillea, the main thing, choose the right trimming time. At the stage of active development, the plant releases long liana-like shoots, which can be divided into multiple cuttings with 3-4 internodes each. If you cut them, without waiting for flowering, the tops of the heads will be immature.

Such apical cuttings usually do not take root.. But the growing season gives way to flowering, which lasts several weeks.

During this time, the branches have time to ripen along the entire length., and apical cuttings give roots well too.

Combining pruning of branches after the end of their flowering with cuttings, we get the best cuttings, we form a compact crown and stimulate the growth of new lateral branches, which will be able to bloom already this season.


Before planting the cutting, remove the leaf from the lower node, under it, make an oblique cut with a new blade. Powder the lower part of the shoot with "Kornevin" and immerse it in the substrate until the next bud. It is most convenient to use coconut or peat tablets with a diameter of about 3 cm.

Pre-soak them in water and after planting the cuttings put them in disposable transparent cups.

Instead of pills, especially with mass plantings, you can use a mixture of coir or peat with perlite in approximately equal proportions, pouring into disposable cups (100 ml). Spray planted cuttings abundantly and place in a greenhouse with high air humidity.. Inspect regularly, ventilate and spray. Rooting temperature - +25-28 city., preferably with bottom heating.


Often during rooting, bougainvillea cuttings completely lose their leaves, but they remain alive and later give roots and new leaves.

The first roots appear already after 2 weeks, but rooting can last from a month to six months.

If the cutting was planted in a pill, after the roots appear, sprinkle it with fresh soil in the same glass.

When rooting in a glass with soil, it is enough to wait for good development of this volume by the roots and carefully transfer the young plant into a small pot.

BUGENVILLIA ! Reproduction by cuttings in the home !

Summer, when there is a lot of light and warmth, it's a good time for most plants to root. But there are also limitations., which is desirable to avoid.

Possible heat. High temperatures are bad for most plants, therefore cut cuttings will be weakened, and when overheated in a greenhouse, they can be exposed to fungal diseases. Be sure to wait for the heat to subside. Control the temperature on shelves with long fluorescent lamps, their throttles generate a lot of heat and can cause the cuttings to overheat.

Unripe cuttings. If the plants are actively growing, young shoots reach large sizes, but turn out to be immature and rot when trying to root them. Pre-stop the growth with pinches or wait for the shoots to ripen naturally. Green cuttings require increased attention and frequent spraying.

Flowering time. Buds are usually laid at the top of the shoots, so wait until the end of flowering of this branch and only then cut it.

Influence on flowering next year. for example, azalea buds shortly after young shoots start to grow in spring or early summer. Cuttings from it can be taken only immediately after flowering..

© Author: Natalia SEMENOVA, biologist, plant collector, r. Moscow


Do not rush to part with the beauty, if she started shedding leaves. First you need to analyze, why did it happen.

  1. The soil is overdried. Leaves wither, become lifeless and fall off. If overdrying was short, let's fix it all. Water a little substrate, add more water after a while. Spray the stem and branches with "Zircon" or "HB-101". In the bright light, new buds will soon appear and leaves will grow. Try to keep track of the watering regime.
  1. Overflow. Black spots on the leaves. Water the plant on the southern windowsill regularly., but avoiding stagnation of moisture and drying out, and focusing on the condition of the soil: in sunny weather - daily, cloudy - when the top layer dries out on 2-3 cm. During the rest period (no new leaves grow, no flowering) cut watering.
  1. Overfeeding. Brown spots appeared on the leaf blades, and they fell. Do not disrupt the feeding schedule and fertilizer concentration: about once in 10 days - according to the instructions.
  1. Cold or draft. The foliage has turned black.
Bugenville - Photo

Bugenville – Photo

Do not open a window in extreme cold, where is the plant. Or remove the flower from the windowsill while airing. If the beauty is slightly frozen, dormant buds will grow.


To check, is it a living plant, cut some twigs: if the slice is green, everything is fine, dry and gray - severe damage is possible and the flower will not recover, however, it is worth a little wait. Bougainvillea rarely dies right away. Follow, so that she has enough light and warmth. Spray with stimulants. Usually, when the conditions of maintenance and care are established, the plant overgrows with foliage and again pleases with flowering.

© Author: Natalia KOSMINA, collector. Altai region. Photo by the author


Reproduction of bougainvillea by cuttings. How bougainvillea wintered

1 thought on “Bugenville (Photo) planting and care at home (+ video)”

  1. Черенкую бугенвиллею в августе

    Зеленые черенки с бугенвиллеи, розы нарезаю, как только отцветут побеги. Чтобы улучшить приживаемость, высаживаю их сразу после срезки. Черенки у мирта, гибискуса беру этого года прироста, но уже вызревшие, полуодревесневшие. В августе еще достаточно света и тепла для укоренения, но бывают и неудачи.
    При высоких температурах растения будут ослабленными, which means, и срезанные черенки тоже. При перегреве в тепличке они подвержены грибным болезням. Обязательно дожидаюсь спада жары.
    В стадии активного роста молодые побеги оказываются невызревшими и сгнивают при попытке их укоренить. Предварительно прищипываю веточки или жду их вызревания естественным путем.

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