Plaque on the soil surface in flower pots



Plaque appears on the ground in pots with plants. Prompt, what is it and how to deal with it.

Tamara SENCHINA, r. Volgograd

There are two main types of plaque on the ground surface: salt and mushroom. In the first case, plaque is formed by protruding and settling on the soil surface, the walls of the dishes, lower parts of plants with salts of white, yellowish or brown. Mushroom bloom looks like white or grayish mold, growing in colonies or covering the entire surface of the soil in a pot.


Any plaque arises from errors in plant maintenance. Firstly, violation of the irrigation regime: frequent and excessive watering without drying out the topsoil, lack of drainage and drainage of excess water and, Consequently, - soil acidification. Secondly, watering with hard water contributes to the formation of salt deposits. Thirdly, improper selection and high doses of mineral fertilizers. Fourth, it can be a large pot for a small plant, as a result, the soil that has not been reclaimed by the roots sours and becomes moldy. Finally, fifthly, the reason may be poor quality soil, containing calcareous soils, spores of various fungi, and also too heavy in its mechanical composition.


The appearance of plaque indicates unfavorable conditions for the root system., which can lead to stunted growth and development, diseases and even plant death. Therefore, it is important to determine the cause and correct the situation..

First of all, you should replace the topsoil with fresh, high-quality loose soil., and if the earth is very acidic, transshipment - if possible, replace as much soil as possible, trying not to disturb the root ball too much. At the same time, select the required volume of the pot and do not forget about the drainage.

Then it is important to adjust the watering: be sure to let the topsoil dry out, loosen it up. Water infrequently, but abundantly. Remove excess water from the pallet.

Tough - to defend and acidify: succinic acid (1 tab./l), lemon (0,5-1 g / l), 9% vinegar (5 ml / l), a few drops of lemon juice or use filtered water. As for mineral fertilizers - do not give the maximum values ​​of the recommended dosage, and it is generally not recommended to feed newly transplanted and dormant plants.



In the future, a good result is given by the use of preparations based on humic and fulvic acids (eg, "FlorGumata") or the microbiological preparation "Azofit". These preparations restore soil structure, balance and availability of nutrients, improve the microbiological parameters of the soil, stimulates the growth of the root system and the whole plant, inhibit the development of soil pathogenic microorganisms. A solution of any of these drugs ("Azophyte" - 2 ml of 1 l of water, "FlorGumat" - 20 ml of 1 l) regularly used for watering every 7-10 days until a stable improvement in soil condition.

Another group of drugs, biological fungicides, fights well against fungi in the soil and on its surface. Trichodermin works best in this case. (1 d on 1 l of soil) and its analogue "Glyokladin" (1 tab, on 1 plant pot).

The topsoil in some flower pots is covered with a whitish coating. I am afraid, that because of him my plants may die. Prompt, what is necessary to cultivate the soil?

L. Shulgina Moscow Region

Indoor flower lovers often encounter a similar problem.. Outwardly, white bloom resembles small whitish granules, which can be easily removed from the pot, and instead pour clean earth. Usually, flower growers do this.. This plaque does not harm plants., but the reasons for its appearance may be dangerous.

Usually, whitish coating – these are salts, protruding on the soil surface. And the point here is often in the predominance of water evaporation from the ground over transpiration. (the movement of moisture through the plant and its evaporation through the leaves and stems). The reasons for this phenomenon may be as follows.

maybe, the soil in the pot is too heavy or too sandy in texture – poor in organic matter and good at collecting dissolved salts. Such soil is characterized by high capillarity, moisture in it easily passes to the surface and, evaporating from her, leaves traces of salt. The same phenomenon is observed when a large amount of sphagnum is added to the soil..

Excessive fertilization of the soil can also be the cause of the appearance of white bloom.. Usually ready-made soil mixtures sin this., especially those of them, which are intended for growing vegetables. You should also not be zealous with feeding.: it is not recommended to add solutions with a concentration of more than 1 g / l.

Besides, plaque occurs when, if the plant is planted in too large a pot and cannot absorb all the moisture. Usually, planting containers are selected for indoor plants, which only slightly exceed the volume of their root system. If the pot is much more spacious, then moisture begins to evaporate from the soil, pulling salts to its surface.

A very common cause of plaque – use for watering hard water. It can be softened by boiling and subsequent settling.. I want to pay attention, that it is necessary to defend exactly boiled water, not taken from the tap. There are also special filters for hard water. Using them not only makes the water softer, but also freed from chlorine. Oxalic acid can be added to soften. This allows you to get rid of the common (carbonate) rigidity, calcium and magnesium salts precipitate.

In winter, the air in houses and apartments is very dry, which promotes intensive evaporation of moisture from the soil surface and the accumulation of salts on its surface. Therefore, in the premises, where flowers grow, it is important to constantly monitor and maintain the required level of ambient humidity. If necessary, it is advisable to use humidifiers, close radiators, ventilate rooms more often.

Sometimes mold can be mistaken for salt deposits.. But it is soft to the touch and does not leave smearing marks when rubbed with your fingers.. For mature plants, mold is usually not dangerous.. But her appearance serves as a signal of excessive watering., which just can lead to sad consequences. If mold is detected, it will be necessary to improve the ventilation of the room., reduce watering. It is advisable to remove the moldy soil layer and replace it with a new one.. Some growers sprinkle ground in pots with ground cinnamon, which has good antiseptic properties.

N. VERSHININA, florist


WHITE PLAQUE in a flower pot. What it is? How to get rid of white bloom

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