MYRT (Photo) cultivation, planting and care at home





For a long time I dreamed of having some kind of healthy plant at home.. once, visiting, I saw a myrtle tree and understood, what exactly is that, what i was looking for: evergreen plant with unique healing properties.

I was allowed to cut some lignified cuttings of myrtle, and at home I immediately decided to plant them. Removed the lower leaves from the shoots, left only a couple of leaves at the top and shortened them by half. Bottom updated slices with a sharp knife, dipped them in a root stimulant solution and stuck them in moist soil (leaf land, peat and sand in equal parts). I covered the cuttings with a glass jar and placed it on the east window..

A month later from 5 cuttings rooted 3, and I planted them in small pots with the same soil mixture. I've been warned, that myrtle requires constantly moistened soil and irrigation of foliage with warm settled water. Drying of the top layer of soil is unacceptable. But it's important not to overdo it.: the ground must be moist, but not wet, without stagnant water.

Despite, that the plant is native to the Mediterranean, it does not tolerate high temperatures and scorching sun. On the southern windowsill, it will be too hot for him and there will not be enough time for a good rest during the rest period., and it's cold in the north, the dormant period will be delayed and growth will slow down.

Therefore, windows facing west or east – optimal location for indoor myrtle, but taking into account the creation of scattered light. Optimum summer temperature – 18-20° with regular airing of the room or content in the fresh air. In winter, the plant is more comfortable at 5-10 °, without spraying, with minimal watering, not allowing the earthen coma to dry out.



For active and healthy growth, weekly top dressing is required from April to October.. It is very convenient to use a water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer for evergreen shrubs..

home plant – Myrtle. Care Secrets | How to grow a myrtle tree at home without much hassle

When I started growing my tree, decided, that I will definitely give it the perfect look, like on a picture. However, with frequent pruning, myrtle will not be able to bloom.. When my plants are 3 years old, began to actively cut their lower and side branches, forming a spherical crown. I did this from spring to late autumn.. Left the cut leaves in the pot, with such a mulch, moisture from the topsoil began to evaporate less.

Indoor myrtle should be transplanted annually only the first 3 of the year, and then – as needed. Because the plant has fragile roots, it should be handled carefully.

In my experience I have convinced, how painful the evergreen shrub endures a sudden change in position. After giving the tree a perfect shape, I moved it from the windowsill to the table in the center of the living room., so that everyone can admire my handsome man and inhale his fresh scent. The plant literally the next day began to actively shed foliage, and i almost lost it. Therefore, I strongly recommend stretching the process of moving to a new place by at least 10 days, gradually, moving the pot a few centimeters in the right direction.

MYRTH ROOM - a tree of peace and joy. Maintenance and care at home


MYRT: UNpretentious and USEFUL

In winter, my myrtle tree rests on a frost-free glazed balcony., where is the temperature +5-10 city, (allowable downgrade to +1 city.). Tolerates drafts without problems, even cold, but I protect the plant from frosty air, not to freeze. I cut watering, focusing on the condition of the soil, - I take the watering can after lightly drying the top layer. Excess moisture can rot the roots.


Window, near which stands the myrtle, leave it constantly ventilated. We are on the south side, and on sunny days it's hot on the balcony. But with good ventilation, the plant tolerates heat very well., I don't even shade it in the midday hours. But in the morning and in the evening I spray the branches with water at room temperature.

I replant the tree as needed., when I see, that the substrate begins to dry out quickly during the day. I mix peat soil with turf, sand, leaf humus (2:1:1:1) and add a little perlite for looseness.

I form a crown, cutting long branches, in early spring.

Then during the summer I pinch a little, not to interfere with flowering.

PLANT releases phytoncides, cleaning the air of germs.


During the cold season, I always keep dried myrtle berries on hand.. Once a day I carefully chew a few pieces. (one by one, not rushing to swallow) to boost immunity.

With angina 10 chopped fresh or dried leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and through 30 filtering minutes. I gargle my throat with warm infusion 3 once a day.

© Author: Nadezhda POTAPOVA


Green friends reciprocate my care and warmth, delight in stunning beauty, 1aroma of leaves and flowers. Divine effect on my health. They are living therapists.,

Here is myrtle. An evergreen tree with shiny fragrant leaves is mesmerizing. It's a pity, it is impossible to capture the aroma of white flowers in the photo. They're like fireworks in the night!

Myrtle I grew from a stiff young cuttings, bought in autumn. Planted obliquely in sphagnum moss (to give better roots), in a transparent glass, sprinkled with soft warm water – and in a warm and bright place under the film. I have been patiently waiting for over a month., until white thick roots appeared, permeating the moss. Then she took out all the contents from the glass, carefully moved into a slightly larger vessel with high drainage, sprinkled with earth around: coniferous, turf, peat, humus, sand – in equal parts.

I chose a sunny place on the window, without removing the package. occasionally opened, accustoming to the room atmosphere, sprinkled with snow melt water.

When the myrtle grew up and got used to new conditions, cut off the top of the head 12 centimeters. All new shoots were pinched twice over the second pair of leaves.. By spring, the myrtle has become a fluffy bush. Warmly carried him to the balcony, cutting the tops, forming a crown with a ball. Watered and bathed with rain and spring water, fertilized with slurry and "Baikal-EM 1". And unexpectedly for me, a wonderful bush released 168 tiny buds-balls on short legs!

Summer, going to the cottage, took your pet with you. I was worried about everything, will he keep so many buds? But my green friend endured the move to the country window well.. Took it out into the morning sun for a month, to enjoy the fresh breeze, even the buds turned pink, growing up. He bathed in the morning dew and mists.

And blossomed! Gradually covered with white fragrant flowers. They settled one by one on long peduncles in the axils of the leaves.. They have five petals and a lot of golden stamens., which makes them special. Like a cloud in the form of a golden ball. Out of curiosity, I wanted to count them, armed with a magnifying glass. And it turned out, how do you think, How many? Never guess! 150-170 and more in each flower!

The first flower bloomed exactly one month after the move. Small forest wasps immediately took a liking to him. Then the top of the head bloomed with a wreath of white flowers, like a bride. It was a wonderful transformation.! Flowers covered all the branches, closing the leaves.

My tree bloomed for almost a month, surprising home, neighbors with an abundance of flowers and a delicate aroma. Flowers two centimeters in diameter last two days, and crumbled petals cover the earth with a white veil.

In order not to weaken the plant, I didn't let fruit set. But one berry survived, reminiscent of blueberries.

The next spring cut off all the basal shoots. I left four branches on the main stem at the top with four branches on each. formed, thus, basic skeleton. The result is a beautiful ornamental tree., which pleases the eye all year round.

Myrtle – health and wellness assistant, as they say now, window pharmacy. In our family, myrtle leaves have been used for sore throats., inflammation of the gums – worth a bite 5-6 leaflets 3-4 once a day, everything will be removed by hand.

Features of caring for myrtle:

Myrtle loves a constant supply of fresh air and a well-ventilated area.. Summer – balcony, the brightest place without midday rays, abundant and frequent watering with soft or boiled water, avoiding stagnant water, no drying up coma.

Myrtle hibernates on a windowsill or glazed loggia at a temperature 8-10 degrees, watering is moderate. Plants more flower buds in cool weather. And the myrtle is pinched or trimmed.

This stimulates branching and side shoot growth., promotes lush flowering.

Myrtle is transplanted annually (young trees), preserving fragile roots. adult plants – through 3-4 of the year, but every year replace the top layer in the pot. And Myrtle is propagated by cuttings, which promotes rapid flowering. Seeds bloom in the 3-4th year.

© Author: Nina Alekseevna Evtina. Tambov


Myrtle. Landing and care.

© Author: L. KOROBEINKOVA Belgorod Region


3 thoughts on “MYRT (Photo) cultivation, planting and care at home”

  1. Myrtle and croton with the onset of autumn began to fall leaves. What is the reason and what measures to take (can feed, transplant)?
    Vera POPOVA

    1. In evergreens, as in your case, strong leaf fall - a signal of adverse conditions, without improvement, which is inevitable death. После потери большой части пластинок восстановление проходит с трудом, поэтому исправлять ситуацию нужно срочно.
      У мирта листва может осыпаться от недостатка света, высокой температуры, improperly organized irrigation regime. Give your plant light, regular shower and maintenance temperature – +10-14 city. For codiaum, the causes of leaf fall can be: sudden changes in temperature, drafts, lack of light, irrigation mistakes. The plant needs light. Remove from heaters, increase air humidity, bathe regularly with warm showers, содержать при температуре около +18 city., no drafts and no cooling of the earthy clod.

      Не пересаживайте «лысеющие» экземпляры — это лишний для них стресс.
      Не надо подкармливать растения в этот период, так как причина здесь не в голодании и е в малом объеме грунта.

  2. Dina BALYASOVA, plant biochemistry

    Мирт — незаменимый помощник для лечения и профилактики простудных заболеваний, укрепления иммунитета.
    При ОРВИ, influenza and for prophylactic purposes in an epidemically dangerous period: chew on 1 a leaf 2-3 times a day between meals.
    When coughing, the bronchi, chronic tonsillitis: 1 st.l.. pour fresh leaves 1 Art. boiling water, insist in a thermos for an hour, proceed. Take on 1 st.l.. 2 times a day before meals and use a warm infusion to gargle - 4-5 once a day.
    With herpes: 1 st.l.. pour fresh leaves 1,5 Art. boiling water, keep on low heat 3-5 minutes, insist hour, strain and squeeze the raw material. Apply a cotton pad to rashes, soaked in decoction.
    To strengthen immunity: Grind dry myrtle leaves in a coffee grinder and season your food with about a pinch each (near 1/5 c.l.) in a day.
    Противопоказано для приема внутрь: при беременности, breastfeeding, в пожилом возрасте.
    МИРТ прекрасно очищает воздух в доме от болезнетворных микробов, especially effective against staphylococci and streptococci.

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