Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: December - January


Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: December - January

Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: December - January

  1. It is important to constantly monitor plants for pests.. On these short winter days and long nights with a lack of light, indoor flowers are most vulnerable.. Inspect the top and bottom of the leaves regularly, trunks and stems, as well as the surface of the substrate, to timely detect parasites and get rid of them.
  2. Regular spraying of plants has a beneficial effect on them, however, increases air humidity only near and for a short time.

Yes, and dust on the leaves with such a procedure sticks even more and interferes with normal breathing..

Therefore, it is good to have a shower once a week with moderately warm water.. This is especially important for decorative leaf vines. (monstery, philodendrons, epipremnums, ivy).

So that the substrate is not washed out, a circle of the appropriate diameter is cut out of a strong plastic film and an incision is made to pass the stem. Fix on the pot with an elastic band.

December for plants. What houseplants need in December?


In winter, it is better to irrigate plants in the morning..

The water should be warm - a few degrees above room temperature.

The procedure cannot be carried out in the bright sun and in the cool.

To avoid stains on the leaves, it is better to use a softened, salt-free water.

Especially need to spray the plants after transplanting, until, until they take root (about 1-2 weeks).

With cacti, brush away the spiny milkweed with a brush.

Use leaf shine only after washing or wiping them off., otherwise the dust will stick even more.

Rowley's landworm does not stop growing throughout the year., therefore it can be propagated in winter. Break off the leaf or the top of the shoot and dry. Plant in cactus growing medium. Put in a bright place. Water in moderation. Cuttings take root in the seventh week.

Houseplants – seasonal work in January!

Don't Forget Foliage Hygiene, especially large, like ficus rubbery, lyre-shaped. They accumulate a lot of dust in winter.. As a result, plants suffer from a lack of light.. Besides, among the polluting particles, pests can hide. Wipe the leaf blades once a month with a damp sponge. small-leaved species, like asparagus, better take a shower.

At this time, Saintpaulias can be propagated. Cut off a few leaves with petioles. Cover the top of the water container with foil., securing with an elastic band. Make a few holes and drop one sheet at a time. The petiole will be in the water, and the plate stays dry. Keep in light, without direct rays spot at room temperature. Add water. When through 3-4 weeks, many roots are formed, plant the cutting in the substrate: leaf land, turf, peat, humus, sand (2:1:3:1:1). Drainage is required.

Root the ivy. Put the cuttings in water first, after the roots appear, land in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1). Grown up pass into the substrate: sod land, humus, sand (1:1:1) or slightly acid soils "Saintpaulia", "Begonia" - a few pieces in small pots. Spray frequently and water sparingly.

Give your orchids a bath once a week., dropping the pot for a while in a bucket of water. In this case, the leaves must be dry.. Do not allow stagnation of moisture in the substrate, otherwise, air exchange worsens and rotting and death of the roots occurs. Regularly check the condition of the soil and, if it is strongly decomposed, transplant the plant into a new one., without waiting for spring.

During the dormant period, reduce the watering of bare bougainvillea: moisturize occasionally, until new leaves appear in April. Otherwise moisture will stagnate., and the roots will rot.

Ripsalis with a large above-ground mass and a weak root system often just fall out of the pot, and long stems can break under their own weight. Therefore, pots with large specimens must be fixed, tie up shoots. The temperature of the content during the dormant period - +15-17 city. Water Carefully (afraid of waterlogging), better replace with sprays. The plant is comfortable on the eastern windowsill, but can grow, without losing the decorative, and in the back of the room.


feed flowering plants (camellias, eternal, cyclamens, senpolii, zygocactus, kalanhoé et al.) Fertilizers should be high in potassium. It is better to use mixtures in half the dose
Sow seeds Adenium, passionflower, cyclamen, calceolaria, begonias, pelargonium, Waller's balsam, gloxinia, фук­сии, citrus crops, grenade, инжи­ра, cacti and other succulents Seedlings need to be illuminated and kept warm, remove cover for ventilation, without completely removing it, until the sprouts grow strong
To water Taking into account periods of growth and dormancy If the content (warmly, lighting) does not change - the mode is the same: after the top layer of soil has dried. Plants resting in the cool (fuchsias, pelargonium, citrus fruits, etc.) reduce watering, but do not let the earthy one dry out
Increase air humidity For the column, brunfelsia, akalifs, alocasia, asplenium, vriezii, etc. Does not tolerate dry air. Humidifiers help, fountains and other
Insulate window sills To avoid damage to the root system To control the temperature, it is better to put a thermometer next to the pots.. Use stands if necessary: foam or polycarbonate sheet, sponge rubber mat, etc..



In December, I provide my plants with the most comfortable content, so that they not only live until spring, but retained the decorative.


Acquired 5 LED lamps by 120 cm long. Hung them on the ropes of the roll-curtains. Tubes do not get hot, Plants don't burn. Not much energy is wasted, quite budget. I turn on with 17 to 23 hours (You can set a timer if you wish.). The effect is good, I recommend.


Great help from a humidifier. In just a few hours, the device increases the humidity by 30-40%.

BY THE WAY, I haven’t run around flowers with a sprayer for a long time - benefits for a couple of minutes, but then you are tormented to remove salt stains from the leaves.


pots, especially ceramic, they get very cold. I lay on plastic a couple of layers of non-woven wallpaper or thick cardboard, or a strip of foam.


If it is not possible to remove flowers from the windowsill, do not open window for ventilation. Can, sure, keep them out of the cold air (eg, piece of cardboard), but i wouldn't risk it.


If the plant is actively developing, blooms, sprouts, I feed him, despite the season. No dormant period, means, need help.

© Author: Natalia KOSMINA. Altai region

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Cand. biol. Science, r. Yalta

1 thought on “Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: December - January”

  1. In winter, когда работы на приусадебном участке завершены, я переключаю свое внимание на комнатные растения. Поэтому в моем доме зимой настоящий оазис лета.
    В зимнюю пору здоровье комнатных растений зависит от правильной поливки. Воду лучше брать речную или дождевую, а если водопроводную, то нужно не меньше суток ее отстоять. Температура воды должна быть комнатной или на 3-4 degrees above.
    Зимой растения поливаю умеренно, исключительно по утрам. Земляной ком в горшке должен быть смочен до основания. Лучше всего использовать лейку с мелким ситечкомструя воды не должна размывать землю.
    Воду из поддона через полчаса я аккуратно сливаю, а дно горшка и поддон протираю насухо, чтобы не появилась плесень. Маленький секрет: потребность в поливе определяю следующим образом: щелкаю о край горшкасухой звучит громко, влажныйглухо.
    Поливка необходима, когда земля просохла на глубину 1-1,5 cm.
    Между поливками землю обязательно осторожно рыхлю. Раз в месяц обмываю листья от пыли теплой водой, кроме тех, которые покрыты волосками.
    Когда вовсю жарит центральное отопление, растение опрыскиваю из пульверизатора теплой водой утром и вечером. В качестве удобрения использую «Цветочные смеси», чередуя их с органическими в виде слабых водных растворов.
    Также я веду специальный дневник, в который заношу наблюдения за ростом и цветением растений, делаю записи о работе по уходу за ними.

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