Houseplants and house flowers are dangerous for cats


We are going to have a kitten, but there are many plants in the house. Surely many of them are not safe for cats.. Tell, you are welcome, what indoor flowers should you get rid of.

N. Klonitskaya Moscow Region

In order not to endanger the domestic cat, better to give up Kalanchoe, oleander, mandevillas, eternal. Even a tiny piece of a leaf or flower eaten can negatively affect the pet's heart..

Don't bring cut lilies home – when eating any part of the plant, the animal may have kidney failure. The same disruption in the work of the body is threatened by the "tasting" of ficus, ciperusa.

Eating aloe, primroses, scindapsusa, shefflers, ivy, hoya and euphorbia can result in indigestion. Dieffenbachia juice, hitting the mucous membrane of the eye, can cause inflammation (conjunctivitis), and getting a part of a plant inside the body – disrupt lung function.

Dracaena leaves can lead to impaired coordination of movements and difficulty breathing of the animal. Croton, pelargonium, philodendron, spathiphyllum can cause skin irritation and slimy.

Monster villi, hitting the mouth, contribute to the development of swelling of the tongue, vomiting and impaired swallowing reflex. Hydrangea is very dangerous for pets.: all its parts, and especially the petals of the buds, contain cyanide.

That being said, greens are important for cats., it stimulates intestinal motility, helps to remove parasites and hard-to-digest hairballs.

To pamper your cat, and at the same time reduce her desire to eat decorative home flora, I advise you to buy a special mixture of herbs for germination or cereal seeds at the pet store (wheat, rye, barley, oat), which sprout together and actively increase the green mass, rich in vitamins. It is advisable to cut cereal shoots, leaving greens no more high 30 cm, as the stems accumulate toxins over time.

Cats respect lemongrass very much, possessing not only a soothing, but also an antiseptic effect. Rich in vitamins and fiber, parsley, and its seeds are inexpensive and available at any time of the year.


Топ-9 Опасных Комнатных Растений Для Кошек & Какие Растения Опасные Для Кошек. Ветклиника Био-Вет

© Author: AND. LIGHTS, veterinarian


1 thought on “Houseplants and house flowers are dangerous for cats”

  1. Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Cand. biol. Science

    epipremnum (scindapsus)
    Пока работает центральное отопление, при нерегулярных поливах у лианы образуются так называемые пробковые пятна. Это происходит, когда субстрат сначала пересушивают, а затем поливают так, что корни оказываются длительное время в воде. Клетки листовых пластинок лопаются, сок вытекает, и образуются бурые пятна. Они не опасны, но при большом количестве декоративность снижается. Такие листья лучше удалите. Поливайте растение умеренно и регулярно. Переставьте его в более светлое место, чтобы побеги окрепли.

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