Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: MAY JUNE


Caring for indoor flowers in summer

Indoor flower care in May-June

When the threat of return frost passes, take pot and tub specimens outside (oleander, laurel, myrtle, Japanese medlar, etc.). Those pets, that you spent the winter with +10-15 city., better to send to fresh air, when at least +8-10 city. If the wintering temperature was higher +18 city., exhibit in the 2nd decade of June. Accustom to the sun gradually.

To strengthen the immunity of green pets, spray them once every 2 weeks of onion broth. Dip a handful of husks in a liter of boiling water, let it boil, unplug and leave overnight. Strain the next day and use.

When buying a synningia hybrid (gloxinia) choose specimens with a large number of buds. Place houses on the east or light north window. When watering, gently lift the leaves or moisten in a pan. Leaves must remain dry. Cut off stems with faded flowers at the base - only then the plant will give new buds. Feed once a 2 weeks of liquid complex fertilizer, using 1/2 recommended dose.

For greater bushiness and abundant flowering of indoor plants (chicken, plectrantus, pelargonium ivy, jasmine, bell-shaped bell, ragwort) trim or pinch off the ends of the shoots, grabbing with your fingertips, - one or two pairs of leaves. Repeat the procedure again 1-2 times with an interval 2-3 weeks. Pinching (pinching) need, to induce, instead of apical growth, increased development of lateral branches, as well as for crown formation.

Sow fresh hippeastrum seeds in early June (quickly lose germination). Arrange them according to scheme 2×3 or 3×3 cm on the surface of the substrate from the sheet, turf land, peat and sand (1:1:1:1). At a temperature +22 city, and high humidity, seedlings will appear after 14-18 days. At the stage of 2-leaf seedlings, dive. Keep in a bright place.


It's already warm and sunny in your region? Or cool, windy and there are return frosts? These weather conditions must be taken into account, sending tub plants outside, planting seedlings of annuals on the balcony, and even when the rooms are ventilated, watering collection. Tips from our flower growers will help you adjust the care of your pets.

Shade Newly transplanted plants; views standing on a sunny windowsill, who need diffused lighting (senpolii, begonias, па­поротники, selaginella, etc.); rooted cuttings; newcomers If light-loving plants were transplanted, protection from direct rays they need about a couple of weeks. Shade acquired plants for the first time, regardless of their relationship to the degree of illumination., then provide a sunny place for the light-loving
Подкармли­вать actively growing plants If the bushes were not transplanted this year, start fertilizing after the appearance of new shoots, leaves. For the first time, take mineral fertilizers in half the dose, then - 3/4, and only after that - the full norm (according to instructions). Transplanted specimens must also be fed after, How did the signs of growth appear?, and it is better to start with small dosages
Take out to the balcony Hibiscus, myrtle, cicas, bougainvillea, pelargonium and others. Make it necessary, when danger of frost has passed. Plants gradually accustom to the sun's rays and wind. To avoid root overheating, put pots in boxes with sand or earth, peat. Watering is best in the morning (if necessary - and in the evening). Wash plants periodically with water from a watering can or spray from a spray bottle to prevent the appearance of pests.
Send to rest Cyclamens Pots with started shedding leaves, put faded tubers in a cool shaded place, water occasionally until new growth begins
Keep clean Whole collection Check plants regularly, shower if necessary, adding green soap, remove damaged leaves, withered inflorescences. After water procedures, return the bushes to the windowsill, only after they are completely dry.
To water blooming, actively growing and dormant specimens After a rest period, start watering gradually., gradually increasing the amount of water. It is better to moisten the soil in the morning. Cacti do not need to be touched in cloudy weather
Cutting Aroid (epipremne- We, scindapsus, мон­стеры), ficuses, hibiscus and others. Most species take root better in greenhouse conditions., however, some fleshy cuttings (pelargonium, kalanchoe, April- sula, Decembrist, epiphyllum) she is not needed, can only be sprayed regularly


© Author: Polina SAYKO. collector. Minsk region.

10 golden rules for caring for indoor plants. Every florist should know this.

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Cand. biol. Science, r. Yalta

1 thought on “Houseplants and indoor flowers care calendar: MAY JUNE”

  1. Natalia SEMENOVA


    При выносе с наступлением устойчивого тепла растений на улицу приучайте их к прямым лучам и ветру постепенно, даже если в доме они стояли на южном подоконнике без притенения. Сухие белые точки и пятна на листьях (иногда с черной каймой) — необратимый солнечный ожог.

    На открытом воздухе цветы становятся доступны вредителям, so treat them with broad spectrum systemic insecticides ("Aktara", "Confidor", Apache, "Mospilan"), которые длительно защищают независимо от дождей.
    Поливайте растения утром. Обильный полив вечером и похолодание ночью могут вызвать водянку: у антуриума и фаленопсиса — небольшие водянистые пузыри на листьях, у крассулы и каланхоэ — коричневые бородавочки на нижней стороне пластинки.
    Кактусы увлажняйте обильно после полной просушки грунта. В пасмурную погоду лучше отложить полив.

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