Can Saintpaulia be washed?

Do I need to wash Saintpaulia?

Do I need to wash Saintpaulia?

Pubescent leaves of saintpaulia: wash or not wash?

I often hear and read, that the pubescent leaves of Saintpaulia cannot be washed. I would like to know the opinion of practitioners.

Anastasia ORLOVA

Can be washed, but neat. In the bathroom, dilute green soap in a basin of warm water. Wrap the pot in a bag, so that not a single drop of soap falls into the ground. Dip the socket "head" into the solution, shake off a little and set aside. After the procedure, rinse the plants under warm running water, shake off and leave to dry (better at night). Only then return to the window.


At all, Saintpaulias do not like spraying.

But sometimes you still have to treat babies from diseases and pests.. Large drops of water, that will remain on the leaves, in the sun through a window pane can be triggered, like lenses, and burn spots will appear. The same drops will cool the leaf in a draft and in a cool room.. Conclusion: treat the plant from diseases and pests, under stress it is better at night in a warm room.

Exception - drugs, which only act in the light (eg, "Zircon").


I would like to increase the humidity.

The water will hit the dust a little (leaves stains), and upon evaporation will cool the plates. It is better to increase air humidity with a humidifier, containers with water, wet cloth on batteries. 2The plant looks dusty.

If the apartment is not being renovated, subwindows no busy track, then, Most likely, your saintpaulia is not dusty, but getting sick. Find out the reasons urgently and start treating, than once again arrange a bath day. On the leaves is animal hair.

It is not washed off with water, so it's better not to waste time on it. In this case, I use scotch tape.. I cut off a small strip and, putting the sticky side out over your finger, I remove hairs with light touches on the leaves. the main thing, do not rub or press hard.

© Author: Natalia BULATOVA, collector Saintpaulia, r. Izhevsk. Photo by the author


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4 thoughts on “Can Saintpaulia be washed?”

  1. My violets delight with flowering almost all year round. There is enough light on the east and west windows. In winter, I move the pots of plants away from the glass. I pay special attention to watering in the cold season: carefully, under the root, without falling on the leaves and in the middle of the outlet, avoiding waterlogging. With a lack of moisture, small roots dry out, but from excess water, especially in winter, roots can rot. I feed a couple of times a month (I reduce the dosage in 2-3 times) their beauties with fertilizer for flowering plants.
    When most plants rest, bright saintpaulias cheer me up. I also learned, that they contribute to the creation of comfort and harmony in the house. Varieties with pink flowers, eg, tune in to friendliness and tenderness to each other.
    Anastasia POPOVA, r. Omsk

    1. Saintpaulias not only improve mood, but also have healing properties.
      Cold, flu: Zst.l.. pour fresh leaves 1,5 Art. boiling water, keep on low heat 10 minutes, insist half an hour, proceed. Take on 1/3 Art. opens 2-3 once a day half an hour before meals. Inflammatory kidney disease: 1 fill the shredded plant leaf 1 Art. boiling water, You are holding 5-6 hours, proceed. Drink the infusion in small sips throughout the day (daily dose). Angina: 1 st.l.. fill the flowers 1 Art. boiling water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Gargle with infusion 3-4 once a day.
      Attention! Be sure to follow the dosage. It is contraindicated to use infusions and decoctions during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children up to 12 years old.

      Dina BALYASOVA, Cand. him. Science, r. Moscow

  2. Оксана ПИМУРЗИНА, r. Tver

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