Why Gloxinia and Saintpaulia do not bloom


Summer is an amazing time, when most indoor plants show themselves in all their glory. But how annoying, if you expect a bright and lush bloom from your pet, but he is not. Today we will analyze the reasons, which can affect flower formation in popular plants.


  1. Watering with cold water and "swamp" in a pot.

I water the plant with settled warm (on 1 degree above room) water, allowing the soil to dry.

  1. Little lighting.

Daylight hours should be about 14 hours. Noticed, the more bright diffused light, the more actively buds are formed (true, there are copies, which it is under the lamps that many "gramophones" are tied). My gloxinias in the summer stand on the south window, but the crown of the apple tree covers them from the bright sun.

  1. Dense soil.

I plant plants in a light, loose, water – and an air-permeable substrate - I add agroperlite to the Klasmann soil.

  1. Air is too dry. As they say in books, air humidity for gloxinia should be 60-70%. In the room, where my beauties grow, — 55%, and they feel great.
  2. Drafts.
  3. High and low temperatures.

In the first case, the plant forms few buds., in the second - it can get sick. Comfort temperature - +22-26 city.

  1. Overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers.
Why indoor gloxinia do not bloom . How to grow gloxinia


  1. Short daylight hours.

Optimal for a plant - 12 hours.

  1. Not enough power.

I start to feed fertilizers for violets from mid-February - once in 10 days (according to instructions).

  1. Irregular watering: it's dry, it's too wet.

I put my beauties on the wick, giving periodic rest from it. I determine the condition of the soil with my finger: if dry, I return it to the wick and spill it from above, to make it work.

  1. Pests.

for example, pliers, which prevent Saintpaulias from showing their beauty. Fittoverm helps to fight them, "Kleschevit". I alternate drugs every 5-6 days, following strictly instructions and using protective equipment (glasses, gloves, respirator).

  1. Bright sunny place.

Leaves get burned in direct light, become dull. It is imperative to shade on the south window. My violets are on the shelves.

  1. Old soil.

I transplant sockets in spring and autumn. At the same time I deepen the barrel, as the lower leaves age.

  1. It's hot in the room.

The best temperature for Saintpaulias is +20-22 city.

  1. Big pot.

For an adult violet, the container should be no more than 9 cm. Then you can water into the pallet. For the wick I use pots d = 5-6 cm and loose soil.

  1. Lots of stepsons.

The plant thickens, does not bloom and becomes nondescript.

🌱 WHY THE VIOLET DOES NOT BLOOM !!! How to make a violet bloom bouquet? 🌱

© Author: Irina AKULOVA, r. Orenburg. Photo by @ gloksinii56

On a note: the secret of the lush bloom of other flowers

Bugenville Long daylight hours, low illumination Need a daylight around 12 hours with intense light. Or use a light drying technique, giving the plant a little stress
Pelargonium Late pruning, lack of light Must pass 16-20 weeks after the last pinch, bright diffused light is required
Hibiscus, oleander, abutilon Late pruning or pinching, lack of light Should pass about 2-3 months after trimming or pinching, need a sunny place
the Rose Lack of lighting Provide the plant with sunlight
Fuchsia Late pruning Flowering comes through 6-10 weeks after the last pinch


  • Geophytes - plants, in which buds of renewal and termination of shoots endure an unfavorable period in the soil, and in underground organs (bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, corms) have a supply of nutrients. Examples of: hippeastrum, gloxinia, cyclamen.
  • Xerophytes - plants, able to withstand prolonged drought and exposure to high temperatures ("Drought tolerant"). for example, succulents.
  • Anabiosis is a condition of a living organism, in which the processes of life (metabolism, etc.) so slowed down, that all visible manifestations of life are missing.
Violet does not bloom, and only the leaves grow. We find out the reasons and solve the problem.





So that Saintpaulias will regularly delight with flowers, studied their preferences and determined the reasons for the lack of flowering.

Incorrectly selected soil

The plant prefers light, breathable, loose soil. Therefore, I use a special soil for violets., in which the proportions of essential vitamins and minerals are calculated.

Big pot

Saintpaulia blooms well only in a small container.. In the spacious room she will grow roots, and flowering can not be seen until then, until the roots have absorbed the entire substrate.

Lack of lighting

Saintpaulia needs a bright, diffused light. On the southern windowsill I shade it from the scorching rays using blinds and in winter, and in summer, since delicate leaves can get burned at any time of the year.

Plant density

Don't leave many outlets around the main, delete them. Since the violet will not have enough strength, to raise so many babies. No need to think, if there are many outlets, then there will be many flowers. On the contrary!

Dry air

I remove the plant for the winter from the windowsill to the shelf. On the window I put it away from the battery and place containers with water next to it.

Small drainage holes

There should be a lot of holes in the bottom and large enough. If you do them with an awl, they will quickly become clogged with soil and stop letting in excess water.. As a result, the roots of the violets will rot., and not only will there be no flowering, but the leaves will also wither.


I feed the plant once a week with liquid fertilizer for flowering species - total 1 /4 part of the recommended dose. There is a lot of phosphorus in this mixture., which stimulates the formation of flowers. If leaves grow, but no flowering, then, possibly, you eat a diet rich in nitrogen, contributing to the growth of green mass.

Old age

Over time, the lower old leaves begin to take moisture and power from the outlet., so I cut them off carefully. Soon the violet still blooms beautifully.

© Author: Oksana FEDOTOVA, Nizhny Novgorod. Photo by the author

🌱 WHY THE VIOLET DOES NOT BLOOM !!! How to make a violet bloom bouquet? 🌱

2 thoughts on “Why Gloxinia and Saintpaulia do not bloom”

  1. She transplanted a young violet and put it on the wick. In two weeks, when all the water from the jar has been absorbed, withered (or rotted) the center of the rosette is the growth point. What is the reason?

    1. maybe, the growth point with mechanical microdamages was buried in waterlogged heavy soil. As a result, she died. In this case, urgently cut off the center of the outlet with a clean blade., and 2 leaves, rotting, and expect a new stepson at the cut site (or several). When he grows up, separate and root it in a light substrate, or better - in vermiculite.

      Elena KANKOVA. collector Saintpaulia.

  2. Ekaterina TULINOVA. r. St. Petersburg.

    Saintpaulia in the winter garden

    After several failures with violets, I bought the Deep Reef variety and, reviewing errors in content, found the optimal conditions for the plant. The reward for caring was the beautiful flowering of the beauty.
    Comfortable temperature for violets - +23-25 city.
    Noticed, that when there is a draft, the socket twists the leaves. She also suffers from the heat of the batteries.. Therefore, in the cold season, I keep the plant in the winter garden on a shelf.. There, with lower heating from the floor, it feels better.
    I feed with special fertilizers for violets, observing the dosage.
    I water Saintpaulia with settled water, not hitting the leaves.

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