How to care for home flowers and houseplants in the heat? Florist tips


caring for home flowers in the heat

caring for home flowers in the heat

In the plant organism, all metabolic processes are associated with water.. Roots, like pumps, get moisture from the soil. Leaves extract it from air vapor. If there is enough moisture, the flower looks vigorous, blooms profusely and grows shoots. And if the water balance is disturbed? How to keep your green pets in the heat? Let's talk about this further..


Most indoor plants like moderate watering.. Everything is simple with them: from spring to autumn we moisturize more abundantly. But we let the top layer of the soil dry out at any time of the year.

Flowering species require constantly moist soil, but not waterlogged.

They want to live in a "swamp" ciperus and air. Cacti and succulents watered moderately from spring to autumn, letting the earthy coma dry. When wintering in the cool, do not moisturize.


Lack of moisture. Leaves droop (the lower ones turn yellow), plant development slows down, flowers fall off or wither quickly.

Excess water. Leaves droop, spots appear on them (rot sign), young and old records fall off at the same time, the tips turn brown, there may be mold on the flowers, roots darken.

© Author: Raisa SADOVSKAYA. landscaping interior


Caring for flowers in a hot or hot room

Caring for flowers in a hot or hot room

No need to wait for a signal, when the leaves of the plant drop. Better to touch the potting soil. I do it every day in the summer.

Azalea, episode, balsam, koleus, geliotrope, hydrangea large-leaved and hibiscus in summer watering, if the surface of the earth is even visually dry.

Ficus, ivy, dracena, dieffenbachia, lemon, chlorophytum - when the soil dries to the depth of the nail.

Gloxinia, Saintpaulia and Cyclamen love to drink, however, they do not tolerate when drops fall on the leaves. I immerse the pots with them in the water, so that the lump is saturated with moisture. Then I let the excess drain.


I water the plants now only with warm water (+27-28 city.). To the soil around the specimens, planted in low bowls, laid a thick layer of moist sphagnum moss. Actively growing young plants (asparagus, croton, aglaia) I pass 2-3 times per season in larger pots, otherwise the lump dries quickly. My north practically do not react to lack of moisture. But fuchsia, muraya and fern do not tolerate soil drying.


During the heat wick irrigation sometimes did not cope with the task. Then Saintpaulia, gloxinia and streptocarpusam had to devote more time, adding water from above. But one day I solved this problem once and for all. I wrap the rope wick with sphagnum moss - this one supplies water to the 3-5 times more.

Svetlana RUDENKO

Sunburn on the leaves of home flowers – signs and symptoms

With sunburn, the leaves turn red or brown. Then the burnt spots turn brown or even black. Alas, leaf blades cannot be saved, delete them. I put the pot with the plant in a shaded place.

If the flower is overheated (leaves lose turgor, turn yellow), keep it cooler, bright place. Normal shoots will soon begin to grow.

The maximum temperature for most crops under normal conditions is +20-23 city. At high air humidity, the critical mark is +28 city. Good, if the night temperature is on 2-4 city, below daytime. Sharp changes can destroy indoor plants..

© Author: Valentin GOROKHOVSKY. Collector

HEAT for indoor plants. Saving plants from the summer heat!


Overheating is the greatest danger to indoor plants.. Photosynthesis slows down in the heat, growth stops, leaves wither. Flowers know how to defend, intensively evaporating moisture, but in pots its supply is limited… What other measures, except watering, we can take, to make life easier for favorites?


Plants will not suffer even in direct sunlight on the balcony, if the ground is well moistened and a gentle breeze blows. Instances, standing on the windowsill near the glass, more risk of burns. If you leave home for the day and have to close the windows, move the flowerpots to the floor or shade the plants with a curtain.


Yes, but careful. You can start bringing flowers to the loggia or to the balcony in cloudy weather, accustoming them to the sun.

Phalaenopsis, ferns, ivy place in the back of the balcony at eye level.

Ceropegia, a fat woman, sansevieria from a shaded corner, gradually expose to the sun.

But the olive and bokarnea are not afraid of change, adapt quickly.

Ideal for open balconies asparagus, gravel, conifers, caries, wind resistant.

Galina POPOVA, cap, biol. Science. r. Moscow


Troubled occupation: every morning, first remove the flowerpots from the windowsill, then spray the plants with water (to relieve stress in the heat), and then - put the pots in their places. You won't have time to get ready for work! And not all flowers love, so that the water gets on the leaves or buds. A humidifier will relieve such worries in an instant.


I pour cold water into a basin. For beauty, I send shells to it, decorative pebbles, coins.

I put the container on the floor, and around - flowerpots with flowers.

To increase the humidity on the windowsill, I resort to another method.. I pour water into a small round aquarium or glass vase. I pour hydrogel balls of different colors into it. When they start to decrease in size, adding water.

For many years I have been doing without any humidifiers and pallets with pebbles or expanded clay. My hibiscus, abutilon, orchids, ficuses, monsters and syngoniums feel great in summer!

© Author: Galina POLADIEVA


Protect plants from the scorching sun, especially if they are on the windowsill: Sun rays, refracting through glass, can cause severe burns.

If the soil is wet in the heat, and the plant has lost its turgor, urgently move it to a cooler place.

Spray the space around flowers often, since it is easier for them to withstand high temperatures at high humidity. But be sure to provide ventilation, this will help to reduce the temperature and avoid fungal diseases in high humidity conditions.

On the street (in the garden, on the balcony, terrace) flowers become more accessible to pests, so treat them with broad spectrum systemic insecticides: "Aktara", "Confidor", Apache, "Mospilan" (they protect for a long time regardless of rain).


Caring for indoor plants in the heat.


1 thought on “How to care for home flowers and houseplants in the heat? Florist tips”

  1. Natalia KOSMINA, Altai region

    Этим летом во многих регионах стояла сильная жара, higher +30 city., причем длительное время. В таких условиях пришлось нелегко как цветоводам, так и их питомцам. Однако мне удалось сохранить всю свою коллекцию и встретить осень без потерь. how?
    На южных окнах оставила только любителей жаркого солнца — бу-генвиллеи, кактусы и такие суккуленты, как адениумы, крестовник Роули. Остальные растения убрала на другие подоконники, притеняла от прямых лучей жалюзи, paper, film, тканью. Следила, чтобы листья не касались стекла, иначе получат ожог.
    Снижала температуру в комнате кондиционером, не направляя поток воздуха на цветы.
    Опрыскивала растения и пространство вокруг них. Увлажнитель работал на максимальную мощность. Дополнительно ставила емкости с водой. Размещала питомцев группами — так дольше не просыхает грунт. Устраивала слегка прохладный душ.
    Поливала чаще, но обязательно следила за состоянием грунта. При высоких температурах цветы способны впадать в стагнацию и процессы замедляются — есть опасность залива.
    В сильную жару растения не подкармливала.

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