Cutting and pruning indoor plants in spring after hibernation – how and what?


Want to tidy up your green friends as soon as possible after hibernation? Start with a haircut! Thus, balance the large, stimulate the growth of most plants, save the silhouette of those instances, whose compactness needs to be maintained.

Stridka and pruning indoor flowers

Stridka and pruning indoor flowers

  1. The active growth of most plants occurs in mid-March-late September. The end of the dormant period will be a good moment for serious pruning. (the beginning of spring). The rest of the time, if necessary, remove only young shoots.. Prune flowering specimens after flowering.
  2. Do not cut: achimenez, alocasia, aspidistra, bromeliads (эхмею, gusmania, tillandsia, etc.), calceolaria, clivia, gloxinia, peperomia, primrose, Saintpaulia, sansevieria, streptocarpus. Only dried leaves or wilted flowers are removed on them.. Don't touch cacti and ferns (they disturb the aerial part only for rejuvenation), carnivorous plants, orchids (except for dendrobium and wanda), palm trees (they grow only due to the apical bud).
  3. Sanitary pruning perform at any time of the year, removing damaged or twisted plant parts. Do not overdo it! In flowering specimens, it is sometimes enough to remove wilted buds, to bring back a neat look. And for decorative-deciduous - slightly limit the length of individual branches.
  4. Complete removal of the aerial part is a rare procedure. It stimulates the emergence of new stems at the base of the trunk or from the root. nThis is usually done with very large specimens or vines, whose stems are "bald". This operation can be compared to the removal of the aerial part of the bulbous at the end of the season. (amaryllis, kaladium). When it comes to woody plants, then they shorten the trunk to a height 10-20 cm from the base.
  1. Pinching - an effective technique for stimulating flowering in herbaceous plants (beloperone, fuchsias, balsam, sent, petunias, calibrachoa et al.). Remove the tops of the young, still flexible shoots above the leaf.
  2. It is more convenient to do this with small scissors.. During the growth period, the procedure can be carried out several times.. Pinching also slows down flower development in plants with decorative leaves. (eg, at the coleus) and helps to reduce the size of creeping or drooping stems (have ceropegia, columns).


Pruning, Pinching, Rejuvenation of indoor plants! How to prune plants correctly!

1 thought on “Cutting and pruning indoor plants in spring after hibernation – how and what?”

  1. I have a joyful event - aspidistra bloomed. I couldn't even imagine, that it is possible in winter, with a lack of sun. And how was it to be understood, Is it a flower - as if something just lies on the ground.
    When the plant came to me three years ago (the pot was in the cold before), he only had three stunted leaves. In the spring of last year, more 11! Then she transplanted the aspidistra into a new pot. At the same time, part of the shoots died, since the plant does not like transplants. Otherwise, it is unpretentious.

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