Monstera gourmet variegated variety 'Alba’ (Photo) planting and care

Among the contenders for the title of queen of my flower garden, I chose monstera gourmet variegated, grade Alba. She earned this title with beauty, unpretentiousness and originality. Lives with me more 15 years old. Unlike its green cousin, it has a more modest size and is better suited for apartments.

Monstera variegated Alba - photoMonstera variegated Alba - Photo

Monstera variegated Alba – Photo

I grow monstera in universal soil with the addition of perlite and cocoa soil (for looseness). When planting a cutting, you should not take a pot "for growth", since the vine has a relatively small root system. But it is advisable to put the support right away. I direct air roots into the ground. They give the plant resistance and additionally nourish. For splendor in one pot, you can plant up to three cuttings.

MONSTERA doesn't like drafts!


I water as the soil dries, following the golden rule - it is better to dry a little, what to pour. In the latter case, ugly brown spots appear on the leaves.. A warm bidet shower helps keep the plant clean. I feed fertilizers for flowering species or universal, with a low proportion of nitrogen, otherwise variegation is lost.


Lighting affects the color of the leaves.. With a lack of light (for example, in winter) they grow greener. My monstera is on the east side and often spoils me with domino leaves (bicolor, with the border exactly in the middle).

Noticed, if the monstera does not change its orientation towards the light (do not turn), then the leaves grow large. And if you regularly "twist" the pot with the plant - there will be much less. With this in mind, the desired size of the leaf blades can be achieved..


The Queen is fast growing, so every 2-3 years rejuvenating her, re-growing from cuttings. The best is apical with 3-4 leaves. No problem with rooting: I put the top of my head in the water, adding activated carbon. You don't need to make a greenhouse.

Suitable for propagation and cutting with only one knot, it is from there that the roots and escape will appear. In this case, juvenile, solid leaves and only the fifth or seventh pleases with cuts.


The monstera has a peculiarity, because of which she was nicknamed "crybaby": after abundant watering or in cloudy weather, drops of water fall from the tips of its leaves. At home in the rainforest, the air is so saturated with moisture, that evaporation is almost impossible, and the plant absorbs a huge amount of water from the soil along with salts dissolved in it, essential for nutrition.

Surplus needs to be dumped somehow, therefore, the monstera near the ends of the leaf veins have special aquatic stomata, through which moisture is removed. Drops roll down the edges of the sheet to the pointed curved tips and fall from them.

Monstera improves the indoor climate and oxygenates it, ozone. Humidifies the air well. Besides, absorbs formaldehyde - a colorless gas, contained in chipboard, foam, etc.. Beneficial for people with nervous system disorders, relieves headaches and heart rhythm disturbances. Monster is good to grow there, where the environment is extremely chaotic. It absorbs the vibrations of disorder.

© Author: Elena BESPALOVA Photo by the author



Monstera - Photo

Monstera – Photo

My monster collection is constantly growing, and with it, the experience of caring for these plants deepens. I will share the nuances of their content in the winter.

Comfort temperature - +20-30 city, (not long monsters can withstand +10 city.). Necessarily the absence of cold drafts. This is especially true after watering the plants.. Wet root ball combination + a cold draft will lead to root rot. On the windowsill, I put a thick piece of foam under the pots, to smooth out temperature fluctuations: there is no hypothermia of the root system, if the pot is closer to the glass, and overheating - if located at the edge of the window sill, and underneath the battery heats.

I water the plants as the topsoil dries up by about 2 cm (checking with my finger) small portions of water and monitor the temperature in the room: the lower it is, the more poor watering and longer drying time.

Lighting is necessary bright and diffused. However, in early spring, in late autumn and winter, direct sun is acceptable. Green-leaved specimens are shade-tolerant and less demanding on bright light, than variegated. But don't abuse it. Large carved leaves grow in good light, which you will never wait with insufficient. My pets also winter in natural light on the southeast window., and under supplementary lighting in a room with north-west orientation.

Monsters love high humidity (70-80%), so next to them I always turn on the humidifier. If he is not, spraying will be useful 1-2 once a day.

To prevent spider mites, once a week my plants under a warm shower, closing the pot with a tight bag, so that the earth does not get wet. It is problematic to carry large specimens to the bathroom, so I wipe the leaves on both sides with a damp microfiber, supporting by hand.

© Author: Inna KRAVCHENKO, r. Zaporizhzhia. Photo by the author


Monstera Variegate (Alba) seedling, transplant and home care.


2 thoughts on “Monstera gourmet variegated variety 'Alba’ (Photo) planting and care”

  1. Monstera's favorite substrate

    Monsters and philodendrons prefer light, loose and breathable soil, in which there will be no stagnant water. I tried many recipes for substrates and empirically came to the most, in my opinion, the best: pine bark, moss – sphagnum and charcoal (3:1:1).

    I take bark with a fraction of at least 1 cm.
    I cut large pieces with pruning shears. Small ones compact the mixture and do not fulfill their role - creating air pockets for air access to the roots. I grind charcoal to size 0,5-1 cm. It has antiseptic properties and prevents rot. Sphagnum moss, which helps to retain moisture in the soil and acts as an antiseptic, I cut it into pieces with scissors 1 cm.

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