How to water indoor flowers in winter – the SPECIALIST advises


How to water house flowers in winter

How to water house flowers in winter

With the onset of winter, many indoor plants enter a dormant period..

Garnet, ahimenes, gloxinia, tuberous begonia shedding leaves, as if hinting, that it's time for them to rest. Other plants show no signs of fatigue, though, but suffer from discomfort.

Lack of light prevents them from living fully, and excess heat, on the contrary, encourages growth, especially when we ignorantly continue to water them conscientiously. So what, forget about the watering can in winter?

Sure, not. But an individual approach and knowledge of the characteristics of each representative of the home flora is required.. There are general recommendations: most plants need to reduce watering for the period of autumn and winter, provide coolness and additional lighting.

Flower tubers, who dropped their leaves for the winter, put in a perforated bag (so as not to get locked and rotted), covered with slightly moistened peat or sawdust (add vermiculite well) and put away in the cool. It could be a cellar, refrigerator or a place near the balcony door.

How to water indoor flowers in winter?

How to water indoor flowers in winter?

Low temperature for successful overwintering is also needed for such plants., like agapanthus, fuchsia, oleander, laurel, hydrangea, conifers. Watering is also necessary, but rare, no more than once a month.

Cactus originally from the desert (these are classic "thorns") water is needed in winter, but in extremely small quantities. They also need to provide a cool and bright winter..

Indoor flowers in winter. How to water.

Those plants, which bloom in winter (jasmine sambak, Saintpaulia, euharis, crinum), watering is necessary moderate. Try the soil layer with your finger to a depth 2 cm. Dried up? Then water.

The soil in pots with flowering species of cacti and other succulents is kept moist, avoiding drying out.

Hippeastrum without leaves, transferred to a cool cellar or any room and stored at a low temperature. Minimum watering, just so the earth does not dry out completely. When a peduncle appears and grows about 8-10 cm, the flower pot is moved closer to the light and watering is slightly increased.

Some indoor plants do not stop growing even in winter.. These are, eg, monstery, scindapsus, philodendrons. They keep watered, but still not excessive, but moderately and regularly.

Tsiperus and azaleas belong to plants, requiring constant and good soil moisture.

Waterlogged, and cold too, earth can destroy houseplants. We control the temperature of the irrigation water as follows: we put our hand in it, and if neither warmth is felt, no cold, water of the right temperature. And it's better to water in the morning, because during the day, hypothermia will definitely not be, and plants will be able to fully absorb water.

And in conclusion, a few words about air humidity. Because roasting batteries make the soil dry out quickly, and plants – suffer from changes in humidity in the root zone and from dry air. Besides, in such conditions diseases and pests often appear (eg, spider mite). Can be hung on batteries with wet towels or pieces of cloth, put water bottles, on the windowsill – trays or bowls filled with water. A layer of expanded clay is sometimes poured into them and pots are placed on top, so as not to take up extra space. Useful to turn on a humidifier. Plants are preferably often sprayed from a spray bottle.



Constantly wet soil love Cyperus, scirpus (reed), selaginella.

Moderate watering after the top layer dries: abutilon, bromine-lium, eschinantus, aroid, afelandra, ardisia, aucuba japanese, brunfelsia, bell-shaped bell, chlorophytum, citrus, dracaena, cordilines, cleroden-drums, clivia, code, column.

Only soft water: azalea, Erika, heathers.

Limited watering: allama, asparagus, aspidistra, beloperone.

Minimum (the soil should be almost dry, in the optimal wintering place) : bougainvillea nude, hibiscus syrian, brugmansia.

No watering: cacti and most other succulent plants.

© Author: Ludmila ULEISKAYA. Cand. biol. Science, r. Yalta


How to properly water indoor flowers in winter? / Houseplant care

© Author: M. KULIKOVA, agronomist

3 thoughts on “How to water indoor flowers in winter – the SPECIALIST advises”

  1. Растет моя любимица в субстрате из листового перегноя, торфа и садовой земли (2:2:1) с добавлением небольшого количества перегноя. Весной кустик обрезаю наполовину, чтобы улучшить ветвистость. По мере отрастания побегов прищипываю их верхушки. Сначала подкармливаю растение удобрением с преобладанием азота. Когда куст полностью сформирован, меняю на питание, где больше калия и фосфора. В начале мая белопероне зацветает. Цветочки невзрачные и держатся 2-3 days, а вот прицветники похожи на креветки.
    Чем ярче освещение, тем интенсивнее их окрас. Прямое солнце нежелательно — краснеет лист. Стоит моя красавица на западном окне. Цветет несколько месяцев. Зимой тоже старается, но от недостатка света прицветники блеклые. В период роста поливаю обильно после подсыхания верхнего слоя грунта, avoiding waterlogging. Reduce watering by fall, а зимой лишь не даю субстрату пересыхать. Подкармливаю только весной и летом — каждые 10 days.

    Lyudmila SEMILETOVA, Penza region.

  2. Наталья ГАРИКОВА, r. Volgograd

    Проточная вода содержит соли тяжелых металлов, which, попадая в грунт, задерживают поступление питательных веществ в растение. Причем ее отстаивание не решает проблему полностью. Я задумалась над этим вопросом года 2 back, когда моя коллекция выросла и хотелось сберечь каждый экземпляр. Тогда мне и попался на глаза совет подкислять водичку уксусом. С тех пор добавляю 1 ч.л.. (9 %) on 3 л при каждом третьем поливе. Из поддона излишки сразу сливаю.

      Полностью согласна. Именно по этой причине добавляю уксус в такой же дозировке при каждом поливе круглогодично всем своим растениям, от любителей кислых почв до предпочитающих нейтральные (щелочная среда нравится немногим, eg,бересклету, rosemary). Ведь соли накапливаются быстро. Тем более осенью и зимой поливаю коллекцию редко. А уксусная кислота помогает включить в клетках растений специальные гены, которые организуют обмен веществ, чтобы пережить нехватку влаги и высокие температуры.

      BTW, с помощью уксуса можно запустить цветение гортензии, вереска, азалии и других почитателей «кислинки».

      Lilia MALTSEVA, agrochemist, collector

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