Preparation of the substrate for aroid – three options


Carried away by aroid, made up, seemingly, optimal substrate for growing them. But with time, changing composition and proportions, I came to conclusion, that there is no universal recipe. The root systems of the representatives of this family differ from each other., therefore preferences are different: half-epiphytes good, when there are large inclusions in the substrate and more air permeability; species with many adventitious roots feel better in mixtures that are smaller in structure - moisture-consuming, but not less light. So it worked out for me 3 main substrate options.

DIY substrate for aroids

DIY substrate for aroids

  1. SMALL

Composition: peat, coniferous litter, pine bark of the finest fraction, sphagnum moss (1:1:1:1), fine fraction zeolite and charcoal for barbecues - 1/3 of the total.

Aroids with a large number of small adventitious roots develop well in such a substrate.: spathiphyllum, alocasia, syngoniums, homalogens, aglaonema, diffenbachia.

Instead of shallow bark, you can use coconut peat, but then you need to consider, that the moisture capacity of the substrate will increase.

  1. LARGE

Composition: coconut chips, medium-sized pine bark and sphagnum (1:1:1), expanded clay of medium fraction and coal for barbecues - 1/3 of the total volume.

It is a substrate for aroid semi-epiphytes.: anthuriums and philodendrons. For adults and strong plants, you can add coniferous litter to the mixture..

This composition is also suitable for the adaptation of Thai plants., development and growth of roots in alocasia and epipremnum.


Composition: coconut peat and fine expanded clay (1:1).

It is a neutral substrate, in which aglao-nema roots adapt perfectly and grow, spathiphyllum, diffenbachia. However, semi-epiphytes and syngoniums "don't like" him.

ON A NOTE. Instead of coconut peat, I prefer to use the finest fraction of pine bark. Why? It, like sphagnum, - a powerful natural antiseptic. Besides, keeps its shape perfectly, does not stick together, contributing to better aeration of the substrate.



I buy a faction - 0-10 mm, acidity - pH 5,5-6,5.

CONIFEROUS OPAD (how relatively fresh, and partially rotted). When making a mixture, I remove large debris: twigs and cones, as they grow moldy. In the future, I periodically weed the seedlings of conifers.

The only drawback of this component is mushroom gnats.. They are not pests, any insecticide will help get rid of them.

Coniferous litter can be replaced with a universal soil, the main thing, make no mistake in choosing. First of all, take an interest in the reviews of other florists about the manufacturer. Squeeze the soil straight with the package with two fingers - if stuck together, not worth taking. If you have white threads of mold, do not use, as experience shows, it is impossible to remove the mushroom. From mushroom mosquitoes, emerging from the sod land in the composition of the soil, spring insecticide.

Pine bark.

Small (the same fraction and flowability, like peat) - I use dry. Larger - pour boiling water the day before, then I drain the water (watering plants). I grind large pieces.

SPHAGNUM MOH. I dry and grind to dust (more convenient to mix) or you can finely chop and fluff.

COCONUT CHIPS, COCONUT PEAT. I soak in boiling water the day before, then I wring out (I water the plants with water).

CERAMZITE. Small and medium fraction (I choose large and use as drainage), pre-wash with water.

ZEOLITE. If it is difficult to find on sale, can be replaced with "Barsik-standard" cat litter (water washout) or small (to 5 mm) expanded clay.

COAL FOR MANGALS (buy birch). Grind directly in the bag before mixing, so as not to get dusty.

ALCASIA TRANSPLANTATION. My flowers. My experience.

© Author: Elena GALUZINA, plant collector, r. Krasnoyarsk Photo by the author


1 thought on “Preparation of the substrate for aroid – three options”

  1. I'll tell you a family story. I once dreamed of my own home and shared with my uncle:
    “Here will be my apartment, I will divorce about a hundred indoor flowers there ". Over time I forgot about it. And when my uncle came to my housewarming, began to count plants… Sure, one hundred pieces were not collected, but there were many. The syngonium also contributed.
    I have two species growing - syngonium leg-leaved (Syngonium podophyllum) and C. eared, or auricular (S. auritum). They are similar in care. Prefer bright, diffused light, without direct sunlight. Excessive lighting leads to faded leaves and loss of color, and the disadvantage is in the elongation of internodes and petioles. Temperature - normal room temperature throughout the year. For bushiness I regularly pinch.
    I water abundantly in summer, in winter - moderately, separated water at room temperature, 2-3 once a week. I follow, so that water does not stagnate in the pan. During the active growth season, every 2-3 I feed for weeks with liquid mineral fertilizer for decorative leaf species.

    Propagated by apical cuttings or any part of the shoot with at least one node. I treat it with a growth stimulant
    and plant in a wet mixture of peat and sand. Cover with foil and keep the temperature at least +20-22 city. I ventilate daily. After a couple of weeks, the stalk takes root, and soon I transplant it into more nutritious soil.
    Sometimes I divide an overgrown bush: loosening the roots and slightly shaking off the ground, I cut it into several pieces with a sharp knife. I plant delenki, without deepening the root collar.
    Just a little care, attention - and handsome syngoniums delight with greenery all year round!
    Alena SHKUNOVA, d. Fence of the Tyumen region.

    unnamed file - Приготовление субстрата для ароидных - три варианта

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